President Mike Folk called the meeting to order for the first time as the president of the ENCSC. Mike asked for a motion from the floor to approve tonight’s agenda as posted on the website. The motion was made, seconded and approved.


Mike asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting as posted on the website. The motion was made, seconded and approved.


Treasurer Edna Denton gave the following report: Beginning balance $7008.03

Deposits $3191.00

Expenses $1434.27

Ending Balance $8764.76

A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the report.

VICE PRESIDENT (Addie Lou Leggett)

No report



Edna requested everyone to provide and update their email addresses.


Mike announced that we need a volunteer to chair the Social Committee. Addie Lou stated that she will agree to chair one function. There are four yearly functions that will be planned as stated in the by-laws of the club.


Mary Waters reported that a card was sent to Walt Davis after eye surgery.


Jana Haislip stated there are 133 members. There are 8 new applications. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the new members. Jana also asked that no one give her money for their membership dues without an updated application. She also has membership cards and asked that members see her for their new cards.


Edna reported the website is current.


Cynthia Cox stated she will announce when the next newsletter will go out at the next meeting.


Jackie Haislip reported that Chuck will be playing at Memories this week-end. We no longer have a DJ every Wednesday night at the Bistro but we will have a DJ on our meeting nights the first Wednesday of each month.

Sue Francis stated she needs a DJ for Music in the Streets in Washington on Friday, July 16.


Deborah Linton reported she has “Shag” tags for $5.00 each. John has 6 shirts left at $35.00 each.


Discussion was held concerning Shag-O-Ween as to the decision to have our own party or join with other clubs. A motion was made to have our own party, seconded and was approved. Mike stated he had contacted Doug Banks at the American Legion and reserved the building for October 30, 2010 for Shag-O-Ween and December 10, 2010 for the Christmas Party. He made a $100.00 deposit to reserve the building for those occasions. Included in the discussion was the idea to invite other clubs to our functions. Addie Lou will contact Sugarfoot and Johnston County Shag Clubs.

A financial audit of the books was completed by volunteers, Deborah Linton, Mary Jo Guthrie and Brenda Brooks. All documents are in order.


Mike asked for discussion about events in which to participate for the remainder of 2010. The club agreed by motion and second on each of the following events: Labor Day Layover; Shag-O-Ween on October 30, 2010 and a Christmas Party on December 10th.

Long range planning included discussion on S.O.S parties. A motion was made, seconded and approved to participate in 3 parties with sister clubs during the Fall, Winter and Spring S.O.S.

Other discussion included proposals for New Year’s, Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s Day.

Addie Lou mentioned that Robbie will again be playing at the New Year’s Party at the Robersonville Country Club and stated they would be delighted to have the Shag Club in attendance. A motion was made to have a Valentine’s Party on February 13, 2011. The motion was seconded and approved. There was no commitment as to the St. Patrick’s Day Party.

Discussion was then held about Fund Raising projects. Alonza Gray volunteered to Chair the fundraiser on Fun Monday at S.O.S. Mike will send in the paperwork and check for the Vendor spot. Other ideas for fundraisers included a reverse raffle and silent auction. Those ideas were tabled for later discussion by motion, second and a vote.

The next item for discussion was sponsorship of club members in SPA Shag contests. Wayne Pittman will be participating in “Dancing with the Pros” at TJ’s in Raleigh on August 14, 2010. It was stated that we could show our support for Wayne by attending the event. Half of the score is based on audience support. He will have 2 tables reserved. Wayne mentioned that if we show our Shag Club membership cards that we will get a discount at the door.

Mike shared a flyer that he received in the mail requesting donations to help support the Junior Shaggers in their contest participation. A motion was made, seconded and passed to donate $250.00 to the Junior Shaggers Dance Team.

The 25th Anniversary CD’s are available at $20.00 each. The DJ’s have earmarked that money to donate to the Hall of Fame or the Junior Shaggers.

Alan Vick with 1070 am Beach Boogie and Blues Radio Station was present at the meeting and stated our contract for advertising will end on June 22nd. A motion was made, seconded and passed to renew our contract for 48 spots @ $30.00/week for a total of $720.00 for June 29th to January 7, 2011. A check will be presented to him tonight.


1)  8-14-10 Wayne Pittman will be participating in “Dancing with the Pros” at TJ’s in Raleigh NC.

2)  Josh, the manager of the Bistro, has stated we are no longer allowed to bring in outside food, including birthday cakes. He also stated that we are not to put powder or corn starch on the dance floor.

A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted

Brenda Brooks
