RE 5730-375

Dr. Kucan

Integrated Novel Unit Assignment

Penny Icard

Part I

Joey Pigza Loses Control, by Jack Gantos, was chosen for my Integrated Novel Unit. I teach reading in a smallrural community. Most of the students that I work with have either Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder as does Joey, the main character in the novel.Joey’s parents are divorced. In this book, Joey is spending the summer with his dad.

The majority of my fifth graders are from divorced homes. Many of them do not know from one day to the next which parent, or neighbor, they will be with for the night. Those that visit one parent or the other for weekends or vacations, tend to dislike going. Just like Joey, they have to discover how to survive with each parent. Most often the rules are different and this adds confusion to their discomfort. It is difficult for ADD or ADHD people to deal with either, much less both.

Joey’s dad is not only ADHD, but he is an alcoholic as well. Several of my students have parents with either drinking problems or with known drug abuse issues. DARE is presented to the fifth grades in Burke County Public Schools. Both the alcohol abuse and Joey’s grandmother suffering from emphysema are topics addressed in the DARE program.

As can be seen from above, my students will identify with Joey. This book will allow them to see they are not alone in any of the problems they may share with Joey. Perhaps they will realize that, as Joey did, they too have talents they canfind and cultivate. Above all else I want them to see they have value and they do matter.

How these children view themselves is for me the most important issue that I can address with them. They need to know they are important and that they can achieve. Many of my children have had their self-esteem beaten down by adults and other children. Above all the curriculum skills that will be covered in this unit, my main desire is that my students will see their worth or they will see the worth of their classmates that have ADD/ADHD. Self-confidence and peer acceptance will help these students for a life time.

The chart that follows will address activities that will cultivate self-confidence, peer acceptance, and curriculum skills.

Concepts/ Themes / Activities
1. Research: writing skills: communication
skills: DARE: health: research skill using
books or magazines only. / Students will choose either tobacco use,
alcoholism, or Attention Deficit Disorder.
Findings will be discussed as a class
2.Main idea: important: character development / Story Mural; small groups will illustrate main
events as chapters are read.
3. Prediction: self-expression: student reaction / Students will view a spot in the video Sand Lot.
In a class discussion, students will express how they would feel being the ‘new kid’. They would then discuss if/how they would feel if they had a handicap, or was ’different’ from the other students.
4. Writing Nursery Rhymes: Character
building: making right choices: developing
writing skills: communication / After reading first three chapters, using a
computer, each student will write and
illustrate an original nursery rhyme that teaches
a lesson.
5. Drama: Self development: finding ‘own
self’: making good choices: importance of
making good choices: / Students will pair up and decide on times when
they act one way with some people and another
way with other people. The pairs will act out or
demonstrate these two events.
6. Research and report writing: research
skills: making choices, communication skills:
public speaking: internet use / Students will choose either a baseball team or
a breed of dog to research and give an oral report
with illustration
7. Writing friendly letter: letter writing skills:
character development: grammar: punctuation: capitalization: making right choices. / As Joey, each child will write a letter to his mom
telling her how his summer with his dad is going.
It is up to the student if Joey tells mom the truth or what dad wants him to say.
Concepts/Themes / Activities
8. Communication skills: discussion:
character traits: drama / In groups of 3 to 4, students will choose to be a character or the interviewer. Using the setting of a TV talk show, the characters will discuss their part or idea or different events in the story.
9. Character traits: main ideas: reading skill: forms of poetry / I Poem: student will select one character, place, object, or situation to write about.
10. Main idea of story: understanding of main
character: / Each student will draw two ‘brains’. One will show their idea of how Joey’s thoughts looked while Joey was on medicine. The second brain will show how Joey’s thoughts looked after Joey’s dad took him off his medicine.
11. Main ideas: supporting evidence for main idea: character traits: character development:
self expression: making inferences, drawing conclusions / Each student will choose a favorite character and one event in the story, tell why they liked that character the most; how the character inter-acted with the other characters; how the student thinks the character felt about the situation.
12. Author’s purpose: Student Reaction: Self-reflection / Large group discussion, likes, dislikes, how would student change story, characters, events,
etc. (Prepare before class.)

Facing the Problems

Joey Pigza Loses Control deals with three issues, alcohol, tobacco, and Attention Deficit Disorder. Choose one of these issues. Using books and/or magazines only (NO INTERNET), write a brief report on your findings using the space below. Use at least three different sources. Your findings will be shared in a class discussion.


As you read JoeyPigza Loses Control write down one event from each chapter that you think is the most important. We will use these ideas to create a Story Mural, large pictures that are attached to the wall. When we look at the Story Mural, we will “see” the story unfold.

Chapters 1-3:

Chapters 4 & 5:

Chapters 6-8:

Chapters 9 – 10:

Chapters 11 – 12:

Chapters 13 – 14:


The New Kid

In our book, Joey becomes the ‘new kid’ on a baseball team.

As we watch the video notice how the ‘new kid’ felt being the ‘new kid.’ Think about how you would feel. Write these ideas below.

Next, suppose that you had a handicap or Attention Deficit Disorder, how might that added to being the ‘new kid’ make you feel. Write these new ideas below.

Be prepared to share your ideas in class.


The Moral of the Story Is ______

Chapters 1,2, and 3

Joey had barely arrived at his dad’s when his dad took him to StorybookLand. His dad tells Joey that he did his best thinking there. The characters speak to Joey’s dad and help him figure out things.

Working in groups of four use the space below (and on the following page if needed) to write an original nursery rhyme or a fairy tale that teaches a moral or a lesson.



Chapter 4 and 5

Will the Real YOU Please Step Forward?

On page 52 Joey tells the reader that he feels like two people. He is one person with his dad and another one with his mom. Think about your life. Write down times that you know that you behave one way with one person and another way with someone else. You will be paired with another student. You will decide on one example. Together you and your partner will ‘act out’ these times. As a class you will decide if the behavior is helpful, kind, correct, or the opposite.


Who’s that doggie in the window?


Take me out to the ball game!

Joey loved his dog, Pablo. Joey enjoyed playing baseball. Which one do you like best? Using the internet (ONLY) look up either a breed of dog or a Major League baseball team. You should use at least three sources in your report. Write a one page report, telling why you chose a dog or a team. Include in your report why you chose which dog or which team. Then give interesting facts concerning your choice. Illustrations or pictures should be included with your report. You will present your reports to the class.


Chapters 6-7

Our Next Guest Please

You are on a TV talk show. You are there to discuss if Joey should or should not be using the patch.

In groups of three to four, decide who is which character. You will need one person to be the interviewer. The interviewer asks questions to keep the discussion going. It is also the interviewer’s job to keep the other guests in order.

The guests can be character in the book: mom, dad, grandma, Joey, or Leezy.

You have to decide if each character thinks Joey should take his medicine or not.

In the group plan the interview. Use the space below to plan the questions and possible reactions to the questions. Share your ideas with your group.

Each group will present the TV show to the class.


Dear Mom,



In chapter two and six Joey telephoned his mom. In chapter two, grandma tells Joey to write his mom. That is what you are going to do. Pretend that you are Joey. You write your mom a letter telling her how your summer with dad is going. What do you tell her? Will you tell her the truth about Dad, your medication, grandma, and Leezy? Or do you keep the truth from mom so you can spend more time with Dad? Using the space below, write your letter to Mom.

Dear Mom,




Joey and Pablo

Me Pablo


I Poem

We have now read chapters 1 to 10. The characters and settings are becoming a part of us. Please select one character or place to write about. You are to write this poem as if the character or setting is writing them. All or most of the lines begin with the word I as you can see below. This form of poetry does not have to rhyme. Use the form below for your poem. If you really feel creative, you can write your own “I” poem using a form that you developed. Smile, relax, and have fun.

I am ______

I wonder______

I hear ______

I see ______

I cry ______

I pretend ______

I feel ______

I touch ______

I worry ______

I am ______

I understand ______

I say ______

I dream ______

I want ______

I am ______





In the first seven chapters, we ‘got to know’ Joey while he was on his meds. In chapters 8,

9, and 10 we ‘get to know’ a little about what Joey is like without his meds.

Choose an idea Joey had or a situation that Joey faced.Go inside Joey’s brain.

Draw two pictures. One picture will show what Joey’s brain looked like as he thought of this

idea/situation while he was on medicine. The second picture will be what Joey’s brain looked

like as he thought of this same idea or situation without his medicine. Please use two separate

sheets. One sheet will be his brain while he is on medicine. The other sheet will be his brain

off medicine. 


What do you think!!

It is now your turn to speak out about Joey Pigza Loses Control. Be prepared to express your likes, dislikes, favorite parts, least favorite parts, the funniest part, the sadist part, how the book made you feel, and/or how you feel about Joey. It is also your chance to finish the book. Tell what you think will happen next in the story. Write these ideas in the space below.



Activity/Criteria / Your Points/
Possible points
Alcohol, Tobacco, or Attention Deficit Order: Book or Magazine
  • Uses three different sources.
  • Uses correct grammar, mechanics, usage, correct spelling
  • Writing is neat
  • Oral participation shows understanding of research
/ /
10 points
Story Mural
  • Ideas for events are written for each reading section assigned
  • Understanding of main idea of the selection is shown in choice of event chosen
  • Willingness to work with group
/ /
5 points
New Kid
  • Shows understanding of the feeling of being new and ’different’
/ /
3 points
Nursery Rhyme
  • Contributes ideas to the group
  • Is written neatly
  • Teaches a moral or a lesson
  • Willingness to work with group
/ /
5 points
The Real You
  • Student has an original example written in packet to share with partner
  • Example is written neatly, correct use of grammar, mechanics, and correct spelling
  • Idea of situation is clear
  • Willingness to work with partner
  • Demonstration is clearing presented
/ /
10 points


Dog or Baseball: Internet Research
  • Three sources are used in report
  • Report is typed clearly
  • Illustration is included
  • Use of the Internet is demonstrated
  • Uses correct grammar, mechanics, usage, correct spelling
/ /
10 points
Dear Mom: Letter
  • Letter shows thoughtful input
  • Shows understanding of the story
  • Written in the person of Joey
  • Uses correct letter form
  • Uses correct grammar, mechanics, usage, correct spelling
/ /
10 points
I Poem
  • Written in the person of the character or situation
  • Spelling is correct
  • Shows understanding of person or situation
/ /
10 points
Compare/Contrast:: Drawing of Joey’s Brain
  • Shows understanding of the main idea of the story
  • Shows understanding of the main character’s disorder
/ /
10 points
What do you think?
  • Ideas are written in packet
  • Ideas are expressed in the class discussion
  • Ideas show understanding of Joey Pigza Loses Control
/ /
17 points
Total Points / /
100 points

RE 5730-375

Dr. Kucan

Integrated Novel Unit Assignment

Penny Icard

Part III

Tenbooks related to Joey Pigza Loses Control:

I. Title: On Divorce

Author: Sara Bonnett Stein

Photographs by: Erika Stone

Copyright Date: 1979

Publisher: Walker and Company New York

Description: This book is for parents and children to read together. It gives the adults a view

of how and why children may fear divorce. Italso gives suggestions to the parents to help

explain divorce to children. This book can be used when the child’s parents are getting a

divorce or when a child fears his parents may divorce. Joey’s parents were divorced as are

most of my students’ parents. This book can serve as a good resource for the students and

their parents.

II. Title: Sparky’s Excellent Misadventures: My A.D.D. Journal by Me (Sparky)

Author: Phyllis Carpenter

Illustrator: Peter Horjus

Copyright Date: October 1999

Publisher: American Psychological Association

Description: Sparky’s excellent misadventures are written in a diary format. It tells of a

week-in-the-life of a funny, likeable boy with ADD. It offers comfort, humor and advice for

parents and children. It helps children better understand the medication for ADD. This book

is written more on the level of the students that are reading Joey. It will help to give them

insight into ADHD.

III. Title: Focus On Nicotine and Caffeine

Author: Robert Perry

Illustrator: David Neuhaus

Copyright Date: 1990

Publisher: Twenty-First Century Books

Description: The book is just what the title suggests. It explores the everyday drugs,

nicotine and caffeine. As Joey’s grandma suffersfrom emphysema the readers wonder why

she continues to smoke. This book not only tells of the diseases caused by nicotine, but it

explains addiction the nicotine can cause. The information in this book will go hand in hand

with our novel unit and the DARE program the students take park in while in fifth grade.

IV. Title: Drugs And Our World

Author: Gretchen Super

Illustrator: Blanche Sims

Copyright Date: 1990

Publisher: Twenty-First Century Books

Description: In an easy to read format this book covers the drug problem in general terms. It

does not go into detail about any particular drug. It does tell why drugs are harmful to

everyone concerned, the user as well as the people around them. This will help the students

to understand their world and realize that just like Joey, they are not alone in having to deal

with this problem.

V. Title: My Brother Steven is Retarded

Author: Harriet Langsam Sobol

Photographer: Patricia Agre

Copyright Date: 1997

Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Com., Inc

Description: The book is written from the sister’s point of view. It is honest in the way sister

feels. While she loves her brother, she is sometimes embarrassed by him because is acts and

looks different. The students can relate this book to Joey acting different and not having any

friends. A lot of them too have this experience because of their ADHD

VI. Title: Shelley, the Hyperactive Turtle

Author: Deborah M. Moss

Illustrator: Carol Schwarz

Copyright Date: 1990

Publisher: Woodbine House

Description: Shelly, the turtle goes to the doctor with his mom. Because of the visit to