American Indian/Alaska Native Commissioned Officers Advisory Committee (AI/ANCOAC) Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details

When: / Date: February 16, 2017 / Time: 2:00 EST; 1:00 CST; 12:00 MST
Where: / Location: Telecom / Dial-In:1-877-701-3709
Participant Passcode: 675490#
Who: / Chair:: CDR James Warner / Recorder: LCDR Janet Hayes
Why: / Meeting Purpose: AIANCOAC: General Member’s Meeting


1 / Battese, LCDR Angela / 2015 – 2017 / X / CDR Goodwin
2 / Beardslee, LCDR Amber / 2016 - 2018 / X / LT Schossow
3 / Beauvais, CDR Velliyah / 2016 - 2018 / X / CDR Tveit
4 / Davis, LT Adele / 2017 - 2019 / X / LCDR Hayes
5 / Eynon, LT Shane / 2017 – 2019 / X / LT Stearns
6 / Frank, LCDR Dodson / 2016 – 2018 / X / CDR Henson
7 / Goodwin, CDR Robin / 2017 - 2019 / X / CDR Tveit
8 / Hayes, LCDR Janet / 2016 - 2018 / X / LT Davis
9 / Henson, CDR Mike / 2016 - 2018 / X / LCDR Frank
10 / Junes-Harvey, LCDR Juliane / 2016 - 2018 / X / LT Schossow
11 / Laird, CDR David / 2015 - 2017 / X / CDR Warner
12 / Lucero, LCDR Karly / 2017 – 2019 / X / LCDR Smith
13 / Saltclah, LCDR Shannon / 2017 – 2019 / X / LCDR Battese
14 / Schossow, LT Melissa / 2016 - 2018 / X / LCDR Beardslee
15 / Smith, LCDR Samantha / 2017 - 2019 / X / LCDR Lucero
16 / Stearns, LT Kenneth / 2017 – 2019 / X / LT Eynon
17 / Tran, LCDR Andrew / 2016 – 2018 / X / LCDR Junes-Harvey
18 / Tveit, CDR Adrienne / 2015 – 2017 / X / CDR Goodwin
19 / Warner, CDR James / 2017 – 2019 / X / CDR Laird
20 / Zimprich, LCDR Erica / 2016 - 2018 / X / LCDR Beardslee
TOTALS / 14 / 2 / 4

American Indian/Alaska Native Commissioned Officers Advisory Committee (AI/ANCOAC) Meeting Minutes


1 / Bartholomew, CDR Michael / 2017 – 2019 / X
2 / Cummins, LCDR Carol / 2016 – 2018 / X
3 / Dele, LCDR Lessina / 2017 – 2019 / X
4 / Edwards, LT Melanie / 2015 – 2017 / X
5 / Freiberg, LCDR William / 2017 – 2019 / X
6 / Giroux, CDR Jennifer / 2015 – 2017 / X
7 / Nichols, CDR Cara / 2015 – 2017 / X
8 / Smith, LCDR Karsten / 2017 – 2019 / X
9 / Tagliaferri, CDR Geri / 2017 – 2019 / X
10 / Taylor, CAPT Brandon / 2016 – 2018 / X
11 / Wasson, LCDR Lynette / 2017 – 2019 / X
12 / Weise, LCDR Karla / 2017 – 2019 / X
13 / Wilkins, CAPT Craig / 2016 – 2018 / X
TOTALS / 9 / 1 / 3
I. / Welcome
Meeting began at 1302 CST by CDR James Warner
A. Roll Call – Quorum met: YES
B. Any guests present? LCDR Docia Sampson, LCDR Jen Manning, LCDR Seneca Smith
C. Agenda or Meeting changes: Updated motion of minutes and seconded info.
D. Approval of January minutes:
• Motion to approve: CDR Henson
• 2nd by: CDR Warner
• All approved. January minutes passed.
II. / Officer Reports
A. CHAIR: CDR Warner
1. Subcommittee membership is required for all voting members and advocates. If you are not a member of a current subcommittee, please email me and LCDR Janet Hayes for assistance. If you are currently a member, please email us your current subcommittee involvement.
2. Charter and Bylaws have been submitted to OSG for approval.
3. Alternates should be updated today.
1. I would like to provide a report to post on the AIANCOAC website about the current state of Native American Health. I would like to generate this article for Native American month this year. If others would like to assist with this initiative, please contact me directly.
2. The FDA Commissioned Officers Network (FCON) would like to invite AIANCOAC to participate in the 9th Annual U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Awareness Day event on Tuesday, May 2, 2017, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the FDA White Oak Campus in the Building 2 Atrium in Silver Spring, MD. The purpose of this event is to highlight and celebrate accomplishments of Commissioned Corps officers to promote visibility, cultivate interest, and display appreciation for the Commissioned Corps. This event is also an opportunity for Commissioned Corps officers, civilians, and students to network and share information. This year’s event will feature a networking breakfast, speaker presentations, and table presentations from a variety of professional organizations, advisory groups, and committees, allowing attendees to learn about professional opportunities, deployments, agency assignments, uniforms, the application process, and a host of other topics related to public health and the Commissioned Corps. Additionally, there will be an opportunity for participants to attend a continuing education event. A request to have a representative from AIANCOAC to serve as a table presenter and share information related to AIANCOAC. They are requesting a response by March 3, 2017. If you are interested, please contact me or LCDR Dodson Frank.
3. LCDR Roberto Garza and CDR Christye Brown serve as the Chairs for the Communications Committee for the 2017 USPHS Conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee. They would like to work with AIANCOAC on sharing available announcements and messages with your officers. I would like to provide them with a contact from AIANCOAC.
B. Vice Chair: LCDR Frank
Good news from silent auction for Anchor & Caduceus Dinner in Chattanooga this year, they are asking for us to donate an item. Last year half of proceeds that we donated went back to AIANCOAC. This year it’s a no go…all donations will go straight to the foundation. However we still should get a basket together or an item and submit it….for visibility for the Corps and recognition in the Frontline for AIANCOAC. If interested, send me an email and share what you want to donate.
C. Treasurer: LCDR Frank for CDR Henson
Balance currently is $1,206.48 in account. Savings account is $25.03.
D. Secretary: LCDR Hayes
Roster still needs to be updated. Only a few more areas need to be filled.
III. / Officer Spotlight
LCDR Samantha Smith
I am of the Manygoats clan. Originally from Black Mesa, AZ where they have the Peabody coalmine. I work here at Kayenta Service Unit with the Indian Health Service. I started here in 2004. I also went thru the JR CoStep and the SR CoStep. This year I’ll be with the Corps for 15 years. I like every minute of it. I enjoy it. I recommend it. I advocate for our Corps as much as possible. I’m in the category of Dietetics. I got my Bachelor degree from University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. I completed my internship in Tucson, AZ in 2004. I have two adult children. I have a grandchild. She’s 7 and keeps me on my toes. I provide medical nutrition therapy with the Kayenta Health Center, Inscription House Health Center and Dennehotso Health Center. There’s only two of us in the Nutrition department. We cover all 3 facilities. Kayenta opened their new hospital last year in August of 2016. I’m also the site coordinator and a preceptor with the Southwestern Dietetics Internship program which is housed out in Phoenix, AZ with the Phoenix Indian Medical Center. Two interns per year that we provide service to and go thru 9 mos. Internship. But here in Kayenta they do their 6 weeks’ Rural community nutrition rotation. Take their test in May and hopefully become a Registered Dietitian.
IV. / COA, SG and Corps Updates:
A. Corps Updates: CAPT Taylor
1. Electronic COER system goes off line tomorrow at midnight EST on 2/17/17.
2. Promotion documents this year due by 2/17 midnight EST.
3. General announcement. Commissioned Corps is moving away from Direct Access. Most likely it will be calendar year. Be on the look out for additional announcement and potential impact.
4. New policy released on CCMIS website on 1/11/17 on updating the awards program policy. Address several components includes Presidential Unit citation, further language to the Ebola awards, information regarding Field Medical Readiness badge (FMRB) as it pertains specifically to the new APFT.
5. IHS updated criteria in regards to the Isolated Hardship Service award. There were a few sites that were removed from the list using the new criteria as well as a few sites added. Appendix A lists all the sites that are eligible for the ISO Hardship.
6. Individual award for the first time, the Corps will provide a medal set to you. For 2nd or additional awards, the Corps will no longer be issuing additional sets. You should receive a certificate. The Corps will stop producing certificates for service awards as well as unit awards.
7. Change in leave policies regarding maternity Leave. Authorizing 12 weeks regardless in birthing method.
8. Changes in White House. New Secretary of Health & Human Services, Dr. Thomas Price. New Acting Assistant Secretary of Health, Dr. Don Rice.
B. COA Update: CAPT Wilkins
No report due to deployment for two months.
Report: LT Adele Davis
See Appendix A – Attachment (pages 8-12)
COMMENT (CDR Warner): Please save the date for the MOLC Awards Ceremony: 8 June 2017. Call for Volunteers for MOLC Awards Ceremony Subcommittee is chaired by the MOLC representatives of the Asian Pacific American Officers Committee (APAOC). The Subcommittee Chairs, CDR Johannes Hutauruk and LCDR Oliver Ou are seeking volunteers to help with the planning of the 2017 MOLC Awards Ceremony.
VI. / Subcommittee Reports:
A. Awards Chair: CDR Laird
Announcement sent out 3 weeks ago. 5 awards at present. Leadership, Annie Wauneka, Flag Officer Awards – JR Officer and SR Officer. March 7, 2017 deadline. New process and will be rated by the subcommittee – bio, history – describe why being put up for award. Plaque – presented to Officer at MOLC Awards ceremony – one award has been discussed and is going to be a group award. 5 awards are considered to be renamed – 4 to be renamed. 6 names submitted. Naming of awards might not happen this year.
COMMENT (CDR Warner): Everyone should have checked their OPF for the Special Assignment Award for last year. Request an update/educational process for the SAA sometime by May.
COMMENT (LCDR Frank): Averaging 4 awards and recognizing Officers. To burden the cost, maybe consider getting it donated for free.
B. Bylaws/Charter Chair: CDR Warner
Charter and Bylaw review was submitted to OSG for approval. The subcommittee completed compiling a question and answer review of the bylaws from last years revision. If anyone would like further clarification of the bylaws or charter please send the question to me via email or you may ask during our subcommittee reports. Most questions asked were geared towards the nomination and membership aspect of AIANCOAC. The answers will be sent to the membership subcommittee for additional clarification during the membership process later this year.
C. Communication Chair: LCDR Tran
No report at this time.
COMMENT (CDR Warner): AIANCOAC newsletter within this subcommittee. Requesting updating the website with correct leadership information, for example rank for newly promoted officers. Discuss placing biographical information and pictures on the website.
D. Cultural Chair: CDR Goodwin for LCDRTveit
1. Requesting pictures within last 1-3 years, and looking for OK COA pics from last symposiums
2. Send email of events happening in your local areas.
3. Email me or any of the leadership if you’d like to be a part of our cultural committee.
4. Working on list for tribal affiliations.
COMMENT (CDR Warner): Cultural Subcommittee wanted to assist with Native American heritage month report on health of Native Communities.
E. Fundraising, Endowment & Visibility Chair: LCDR Frank
Met today on to reach out to all AIANCOAC members to discuss online store – square. Get some Native American things. The money we have in bank will go to the plaques this year. In the long run, possibly hosting a future all Native American basketball tournament or softball tournament. It makes a lot of money. Us, Native Americans are athletic. Ask for donations from our tribe and keep some of the proceeds from the tournament and turn around and donate to Native American non-profit organizations. Also, talked about a golf scramble. If interested in this subcommittee, please let me know.
F. Membership Chair: CDR Warner for LCDR Zimprich
1. The 2018-2020Self Nomination form has been updated and sent to LCDR Tran with the Communications Committee to be posted onthe website. The deadline for submissions will be August 4, 2017 this year. The updated form shouldbe shared widely. I encourage you to share it directly with anyone you think may be interested, as well as with any groups of individuals you work with.
2. I will be reaching out to officers who are serving the final year of their term. I will let them know whether the records show that theyare eligible for a second term, or not. Once that is done, and all records are shown to be accurate, we will know how many voting member positions we will have beginning in 2018. Right now, it looks like we will have 3 officers whose terms will expire in 2017. One who has served twoterms, and two who have only served one. Admission will be highly competitive again this next year.
3. The new Standard Operating Procedure for Submission of Voting/New Member packages has been shared, and I have reviewed this. It doesn't look like there are any major changes, so we should be sitting well next fall.
4. Please reach out to me if you would like to serve on the Membership Committee this year. We get very busy in the Fall.
5. I miss you all.Take a look at the font page of the latest edition of Frontline for a peek at myself and the twins. :) There is a great articleon the new extended maternity leave.
COMMENT (CDR Warner): Follow up on spreadsheet with Secretary LCDR Janet Hayes for membership/advocate information for AI/ANCOAC.New guidelines put out by MOLC for new membership sent to LT Erica Zimiprich and LCDR Amber Beardslee.
G. Mentoring and Career Development Chair: CDR Velliyah Beauvais
Report submitted by email to LCDR Janet Hayes.
Reminder that tomorrow (02/17/17) is the last day to submit things. Double check your eOPF for missing important key documents. My ROS was missing and had to remind my supervisor to resubmit. Make sure things are in the correct spots.
H. Recruitment and Retention Chair: CDR Goodwin for LCDR Junes-Harvey
Report submitted by email to CDR Warner.
1) We have not received any pictures for the brochure and to update the powerpoint presentation that could be used at this year’s symposium. Do you have any update on these pictures?
2) Attached is the draft brochure and presentation for everybody to review and comment.Our committee can update with current pictures and information if we can get the information from AIANCOAC members. It could be a mailer or handout at events.
3) We are having trouble recruiting for Native Engineers in the Phoenix Area (this may be happening in other places, that I am not sure). Do you have any ideas on how this can be approached to obtain good Native Engineers? Has any of the group established relationships with universities that we could use as a model? Any brainstorm ideas would be great.
COMMENT (LCDR Samantha Smith): What is our connection to JR and SR CoStep? Just want to state the Southwestern Dietetic Internship Program, ours is Indian preference and 5 out of our 16 interns that have graduated from the Internship are Officers. Can I invite them to the meeting?
COMMENT (CDR Warner): Yes, anybody can join our meeting.
VII. / General Announcements
1. Discuss the meeting date for March due to spring break time for families and travel. Discuss moving to last THU of month on 23MAR17.
2. Report submitted by LCDR Angela Battese for LT Shannon Saltclah.
- A call for photos and articles for the AIANCOAC newsletter was emailed last week to AI listserv, feel free to distribute or forward email to anyone that may be interested. Received some great ideas/internship info from officers for newsletter.
- Some topics/ideas to include in the newsletter are: PHS student internships/Scholarships (IHS intern/extern, JRCOSTEP/SRCOSTEP, IHS scholarship information), Non-PHS internships (Summer programs, AI scholarships)
- Officer spotlight/Awards recognition, and Impactful events/or projects our AIANCOAC officers are performing.
- Does anyonehave topics/ideas to add to newsletter? Also seeking officers to help with newsletter, if anyone is interested they can email me.
3. LT Davis – Elizabeth Peratrovich, Tlingit nation, was an important civil rights activist; she worked on behalf of equality for Alaska Natives. In the 1940s, she was credited with advocacy that gained the passage of the territory's Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945, the first anti-discrimination law in the United States. Will work with CDR Laird on new award name.
VIII. / Action Items
1. Volunteer for Spotlight March? LCDR Dodson Frank.
2. Reminder for all subcommittee reports to be placed to LCDR Hayes.
3. The FDA Commissioned Officers Network (FCON) volunteer by March 3, 2017.
IX. / Next Meeting
March 16, 2017
Motion to adjourn meeting made by CDR Laird, Second by CDR Warner
Meeting Adjourned @ 1425 PM CST


MOLC UPDATE provided by LT Adele Davis (speaker) and LCDR Karly Lucero

Date/Time: Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 1400- 1600 EST

  • CDR Guillermo Avilés-Mendoza and LCDR Adriana Restrepo conducted the Chartered Minority Advisory Group Representative Orientation via PowerPoint slide deck to lay out the operational blueprint for 2017.

CMAG Representative Reports

  • CMAG representative to provide a written executive summary of CMAG activities the Friday preceding the monthly meeting

APAOC Report –LCDR Johannes Hutauruk

  • Sub-committees to revise SOPs this year
  • Lunar New Year Event was sponsored by APAOC on January 28-January 29, 2017.
  • LCDR Sophia Hsu and LCDR David are contacts for those interested in volunteering for opportunities for the Angel Island Project in the Bay Area.
  • Call for APAOC award nominations: Nominations due March 3, 2017

BCOAG Report –LCDR Nadra Tyus

  • Obtained approval from the Office of the Surgeon General (SG) for a new award, the Captain John C. Eason Responder of the Year award.
  • Will accept nominations during 2017 award cycle
  • Call for awards will occur at the end of January to include Lythcott, Poindexter, Retired Officers Recognition and the John C. Easton Responder of the Year
  • Several community service projects were planned in Washington, DC and Atlanta in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
  • The Hometown Mission Initiative occurring again this year and planned for:
  • Columbus, GA
  • DMV area
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Four missions conducted in 2016
  • Raleigh, NC
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Columbus, GA
  • CAPT Lau presented a challenge to involve representation from each CMAG on planning committees for Hometown Mission Initiatives
  • All CMAG’s are invited and highly encouraged to help with this mission, CAPT Lau to send more information about who to contact.

HOAC Report – CDRAvilés-Mendoza