Watson Fellowship Application 2016

Application Instructions:

1) Email to let her know that you plan to apply. She will then give you access to the Sakai site to which you will be submitting your application materials.

2) Decide on your Watson project, using the Watson website and advice from advisors and faculty members as needed.

3) Identify two or threerecommenders who would be willing to write a recommendation for you (at least one must be a faculty member). Send your recommenders the Watson recommendation form (available at and let them know that, should you be nominated, their recommendation will be due in late Octoberabout two weeks after you are nominated(so they will need to be willing to write quickly).Let them know also that they may be contacted by the Watson selection committee as part of the nomination process.PLEASE NOTE: They do not need to write a recommendation unless you are nominated.

4) Complete the form below. Please save a copy of your completed form as Lastname_Firstname_Watsonapp.

5) Review the essay guidelines on the last page of this document. Write your Personal Statement and Proposal, saving each as a file that indicates your name and the type of essay (e.g., Locke_Jennifer_Personal_Statement).

6)Upload your three files (Application, Personal Statement, and Proposal) to the Sakai dropboxby 11:59pm PST, September 23, 2016.

Application Form:


List two recommenders who have agreed to write for you should you be nominated:

Recommender 1:

Recommender 1’s Department or Organization:

Recommender 1’s Email:

Recommender 2:

Recommender 2’s Department or Organization:

Recommender 2’s Email:


Campus Mailbox #:

Phone Number:

Proposed Project Title:

Project Summary (4-5 sentences):

Postgraduate Study Plans and/or Future Career Possibilities (1-2 sentences):

List of Campus Activities:

List of Community Activities:

Leadership Positions:


Listthe countries you have lived in or traveled to, indicating how many months you have been in each in parentheses—e.g., “Spain (6 months)”:

List the languages you know, labeling your ability in each (Native Speaker, Near-Native Speaker, Very Good, Intermediate, Elementary):

List the countries in your proposed Watson project, indicating how much time (if any) you have previously spent in each country:

Essay Guidelines:

Personal Statement - The Personal Statement introduces the candidate and provides the backdrop for theentire application. (It should also introduce the project topic but save most details for the Project Proposal.)This statement should explain the personal significance—provide the personal context—for the proposedproject. The candidate should discuss why she chose her topic, how it developed out of previous interests orexperiences, and how it represents a new challenge. It should be clear from the personal statement why, of allthe topics she could have chosen, she chose this one. The personalstatement should be no more than 1500 words.

Project Proposal - The candidate should describe his plan for the 12-monthFellowship year, including a description of his project and an outline for carrying it out. The project proposalshould detail the challenges the candidate expects to face and the preparation/strategy he has to confrontthem. All proposals must indicate the efforts taken to secure contacts “on the ground” in the proposed projectcountries. A list of project-related names/institutions obtained from an internet search cannot substitutefor real communication.Please ensure that the project can be carried out in compliance with Watson guidelines (for example, thatit does not hinge on travel to countries under a U.S. travel warning or embargo).The project proposal should be no more than 1500 words.