“The Sir” ~ LAKE TAHOE BRANCH 160~





MARCH 2012

We meet the 4th Monday of the month

Next reg. meeting – our 258th ………………………..Monday March 26th …………….We meet at Tep’s Villa Roma

Officers & Chairmen………………………………….10:00am...... 3450 Lake Tahoe Blvd )Hiway50)

Social hour……………………………………………..11:00am…………………………..South Lake Tahoe, California

Luncheon……………………………………………….12:00 noon……………………….Across from the Bijou Center


Our Lake Tahoe branch #160 is looking for volunteers to step forward and accept the positions of chairman for Travel or Activities. The SIR manual has devoted over 100 pages to Travel rules and regulations. We are somewhat separated from the bulk of SIR membership up here on the mountains. The proximity of other branches down in the valley makes contact, communication and participation easier. When forming groups of participants for a cruise or flights to favorite vacation spots, these valley branches take advantage of special pricing offered to SIR members. If this kind of challenge perks your interest and talent, please attend our Branch Executive Committee meeting @ 10 AM on the 26th of March.

The branch Activities chairman is required to diversify and retain member participation. Fishing trips, dinner cruises, ice skating, hiking are a few local activities that need to be checked out. Accept this position @ the BEC meeting.

It is unfortunate that our choices depend so heavily on the weather. Our January meeting was cancelled and the February gathering was similarly affected by snowfall. Let’s all try to attend the upcoming March meeting.

A note of interest for those receiving this year’s branch roster. Please review your copy for any errors.



The year is off and running with plenty of excitement in our future. Perhaps a touch of winter is on the way; hopefully just enough to provide us with a bit of skiing and then water to use for the rest of the year.

Our July picnic date is confirmed for the 23rd of July. I am now looking for volunteers to help set up and take down items for the event. Also I’m looking for someone to organize the auction. Auction items can be brought with you to any of our meetings prior to the picnic and I’ll collect them so they will be available for the picnic. I’ll be checking with the members who have helped us to acquire food for the picnic in the past so if any of you have suggestions or can help with food supplies please let me know. Thanks in advance for your efforts to have another successful and fun event.

Our speakers this month will edify us as to the need to be aware of possible radon gas exposure. It appears that our area around Lake Tahoe and other parts of Nevada can produce radon gas at levels that need our attention. Tests to discover the gas and possible actions to deal with the situation will be discussed.

I look forward to seeing you at Tep’s on the 26th. TOM



Our beloved George passed away peacefully yesterday, March 12, 2012, in his home.

He was an incredible person. We will always remember all the love and laughter we shared together. He had a wealth of knowledge, was easy going, and never had a bad word about anyone.He was loved by everyone. He was my daughter, Karin's, drinking buddy. Every timeKarin came to our home, they had to have a glass of wine together. There are so many wonderful things I can talk about which would fill a book. He had a wonderful life reaching almost 96 years old. He loved the game of golf and was very good at it. He enjoyed bowling until he was 94. Most of all, he loved a good bowl of ice cream.

We will miss him dearly and he will always bein our memory.

God bless him, his wife, Helen, all of his family and extended family.

He is in a better place right now.

A celebration of life in George's honor is planned at a future date.

I will inform everyone.

God bless, Sig

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sir Branch 160

Board of Directors/Executive Committee Meeting

South Lake Tahoe, CA.

The scheduled meeting of Sir Branch 160 for February was held at Tep's Villa Roma Restaurant.

In attendance:

Officers: Big Sir: Dave Dugan, Little Sir: Tom Sawyer, Secretary: Tim Donley, Assist. Sec: Joe McKenna,

Treasurer: Ron Thompson, Assist. Treas. George Ramirez, Director: Dave Cotter (upon State Board approval) Director: Dom Delcenio (soon to be Hon. Director), Director: Jack Post (soon to be Hon. Director), Director: Dave Tiongco (absent), Director: Mike Vadnais (absent), Director: Wayne Logan, Director: Larry Coffman (absent)

Committee Chairmen: Attendance: Ron Rathbun (soon to be Director), Bowling: Al Akins, Membership: Otto Hefner, Travel: George Ramirez

Big Sir Dave Dugan called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM. A quorum was present of the Branch Executive Committee (BEC).

The minutes from the February 9, 2012 meeting were not presented into the record, nor were they voted on as there was no quorum at that meeting.

Honorary Director Al Bartley swore in both Tim Donley (Secretary) and George Ramirez (Assist. Treasurer) as new BEC members.

The nominating committee for future officers is: Tom Sawyer, Ron Rathbun, and George Ramirez

Treasurer’s Report:

Ron Thompson indicated that there was no activity in our checking account other than the accumulation of $.08 in interest, thus our balance is $2087.10. Ron Thompson, Treasurer; Assist. Treasurer George Ramirez; and Big Sir Dave Dugan will be signers on the SIR checking account at El Dorado Savings Bank.

Big Sir Report:

Dave Dugan will appoint a new travel chairman shortly as George Ramirez has vacated this position to accept the job of Assist. Treasurer. Mr. Dugan will also appoint a new activities chairperson shortly as Jack Post graciously declined to accept the activities chairman position.

The possibility of a dinner dance aboard the Tahoe Queen was mentioned as a future activity. Chris Burke is a possible contact for this event.

There are two vacancies of the Branch Executive Committee. Following a long discussion, Dave Cotter will accept one position should the State Board agree; however, George Ramirez felt our BEC could simply amend our constitution without state approval per a conversion he had with Bill Short. No resolution of this thought was reached. Jack Post thus offered to step down as a director and become an honorary director to allow Dave Cotter to assume the directorship. This motion was presented, seconded and passed unanimously. It was stated that in the past when a Big SIR retired, he would automatically become a director.

Dom Delcenio also volunteered to leave the board of directors to become an honorary director. Honorary directors are a fact of this BEC only, not state approved. This motion was presented, seconded and passed unanimously also.

Ron Rathbun was then presented as a new director with the motion, seconded and passed unanimously. Thus we have two new directors, Dave Cotter (pending state board approval) and Ron Rathbun. Our two new honorary directors are: Jack Post and Dom Delcenio.

Dave also mentioned that our SIR meeting scheduled for May 28, 2012 will be moved to May 21, 2012 to avoid Memorial Day holiday.

Finally, Tony Manfredi passed away recently and Dave will read a letter from his daughter, Linda, to the regular membership.

Little SIR Report:

Tom Sawyer indicated July 23, 2012 will be the annual picnic at Zephyr Cove Park and the group area has already been reserved. Please locate and secure auction items for this event. Also, helpers are needed to set up and tear down the site.

The annual Christmas party will probably be held on December 10, 2012 (Monday) as an earlier date could conflict with Thanksgiving. The party will be at Tep’s Villa Roma should this site be available.

Tom is always looking for future speakers, so please keep your eye out. Today’s speaker will be Jeff LaRoche of Tahoe Classic Yachts.

Attendance Committee:

Chairman Ron Rathbun indicated we have 109 members with 2 members dropped (Warren Shaw and Nick Nikkel). Three members (George Adams, Ken Miklosy, and Robert Dunn) are on medical leave for a variety of reasons. Ron would like a policy for SIR’s membership with respect to unknown lengths of medical leave, etc. Ron will send out letters for medical status updates to above 3 individuals. Al Atkins asked what would happen if there was no response to medical status letters and, after a long discussion, it was decided we did not want to ignore them and thus will appoint them honorary members. Ron indicates Branch 160 has 10 inactive members at the present time.

Membership Committee:

Chairman Otto Hefner has received the member application of Dan Kerr who will be accepted today. Also, beginning today, all new members will receive a framed membership certificate. Dave Dugan asked about the possibility of all members having a color photo for the branch roster booklet (at new cost of $3.75 for each member). There was no second for this motion and thus the idea was dropped. Also mentioned was the fact the branch secretary must forward to the state board a hard copy of our membership no later than March 1st. As our membership will not be finalized for a few more weeks, we obviously will be late in this requirement. It will be done however without fail, so says the secretary. Finally, our membership has 2 medical absences and 8 inactive status members. Warren Shaw is to be dropped from the membership.

Sunshine Committee:

Chairman Mike Vadnais was absent but Dave Dugan mentioned that Bob Baker’s wife was at Barton Hospital for at least 10 days following a broken hip fall.

Bowling Committee:

Chairman Al Akins will set up an April tournament at the Gold Dust West Casino and our first SIR bowling tournament will be held in September with further information to follow.

Travel Committee:

Chairman George Ramirez had no final comments other than to say the newsletter has all the itineraries available.

Rooster Sales:

Bill Chambers touted the sale of hats for $10 and there were a few vests left for $25 each. Bill will look into the availability of larger rooster crest hats for those chosen few who desire to be different.

Old Business:

Already discussed was the retention of members as a very important issue, not simply of obtaining new members. Dave Dugan felt some members were “bored” without new activities being announced, thus the reason for appointing an activities chairman in the future.

The SIR State President will be contacted by Big Sir Dave Dugan, requesting Dave Cotter – Area 19 – be retained as a director on our Branch Executive Committee.

New Business:

As was previously mentioned, Dave Dugan will appoint two new chairmen (activities and travel) shortly. Finally, a short discussion ensued whereby the idea of two future branch meetings being held in the valley below. It was felt that a large enough location with ample parking must be considered before proceeding further.

The executive board committee meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am.

Respectfully submitted:

Tim Donley, Secretary, Sir Branch 160



Roster Changes

Please post these changes to your Branch Roster

One new member J

Dan Kerr, Badge 101, 668 Tina Ct., P.O. Box 3286 Lake Tahoe, NV 89449, (775) 588-2376, Email

Drop 2 Members LL

Warren Shaw, Nick Nikkel

Attendance reminder --

We must not miss 3 consecutive meetings without notifying the Attendance Chairman and being excused.

Whether or not we have been “excused”, we still must attend at least half the meetings during the previous 12 months period.

Visit the SIR Website at sirinc.org


read "SIR HAPPENINGS" -- the SIR State Newsletter.

plus, in living color, BRANCH 160 newsletter on Website


Sons In Retirement - Lake Tahoe Branch 160


Members Dropped (2) Warren Shaw, Nick


Member added (1) Dan Kerr

Total Members this report (109)

Inactive members (8) Bill Challenger, Russ Dow, Bob Hoy, Will Twining, Al Roth, Joe Killian, Dennis Wingate, Tom Worrell

Medical Leave (2) George Adams, Robert Dunn

Total inactive members (10)

Guests-Prospective Members (2) Ralph Devan,

Scott Thomas

Visitors-Out of town friends (2) Terry Jackson,

Phil Garica

Visitor Speaker (1) Jeff LaRoch

Total Present (47)

Non-Attendance letters sent (3) George Adams, Ken Miklosy, Robert Dunn

Ron Rathbun, Attendance Chairman


4/2/12 Eagle Valley East

4/9/12 Carson Valley

4/16/12 Wolf Run – Reno

4/24/12 Empire Ranch

4/30/12 Thunder Canyon



1991 Dom Delcenico, Herb Wheeler, 1992 Bob Dunn, Bud Salvato, 1997 Franz Goepfer, 2003 Jack Post, 2005 Terry Cannon, 2008 John Lilygren, 2009 Bill Sluka, Derek Smith, 2011 Peter Harrington, Roger Maxwell

Al Akins, Al Bartley, Howard Bittner, Ed Bludau, Tom Craig, John Lilygren, Joe McKenna, Jim Sand, Wayne Thorne