Textual Lineage
CALLING ALL SIXTH GRADERS…It is time for YOU to determine your reading destiny!
You will embark on an independent reading journey this year. The opportunity to decide what you read, when you read, and the pace at which you read rests in the palms of your hands. The purpose of a textual lineage is for you to read books that are meaningful to you. Oftentimes, people choose to read books because they are interested in a topic, they can connect, they wish to explore a new topic, they want to learn and/or want a challenge, or because they want to read the latest “top sellers” (ex: Twilight series *wink *wink).
Now, you may be wondering where to begin. Well it’s quite simple. You will be required to read six books from at least three different fiction genres during your sixth grade career. Two of the six books must be a Truman Award Nominee, but of course you may read more than two. To pace yourself, you must read two books per trimester. You will start on your present reading level (Lexile), continue on to a moderately challenging level, and end on a highly challenging level, all in respect to where you started. When determining your levels, please limit yourself to a gain of 30-60 Lexile points. It is okay to still read a book if the book’s Lexile and your Lexile isn’t an exact match as long as the difference is within 25Lexile points. If the difference is more than 25 Lexile points above the Lexile range you are aiming for, you can still read that book, but save it for the highly challenging level. If the difference is more than 25 points under the Lexile range you are aiming for the book may be too easy. You may still read this book, just not for your Textual Lineage assignment. Remember:your ultimate goal is to become a better reader.
You will use the following chart to plan your books for the year:
Book Title and Author / Book Lexile / Your Lexile / Genre / Truman?YES / NO
Name: ______Date: ______Book Title: ______
Book Evaluation
Provide a detailed description of the setting. Be sure to reference the page number and use evidence from the book to support your answer.
Identify and explain one cause and effect relationship from the book. Be sure to reference the page number and use evidence from the book to support your answer.
Which point of view is the story told from? How do you know? Be sure to reference the page number(s) and use evidence from the book to support your answer.
Please provide your opinion about the book. Did you like it or dislike it, or do you have mixed feelings towards it? Despite how you feel, you must provide evidence from the book that supports your feelings. Be specific, be detailed, be precise, and be honest!