Template: Opening Remarks for Awards Event

Thank you for attending today’s awards event. I am delighted to about talk about(Insert Your Community Partner Organization Name)’s participation in When Work Works, a national initiative led by the partnership of Families and Work Institute (FWI) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Our goal is to help businesses of all sizes and types become more successful by transforming the way they view and adopt effective and flexible workplaces. Furthermore we help educate, promote and celebrate effective workplace strategies.

The When Work Works Award program recognizes exemplaryemployers for using flexibility as part of an effective workplace strategy to increase business and employee success.

Winners are identified through a rigorous selection process that involves an evaluation of employers’ flexibility programs and practices, and a confidential employee survey that also asks employees about other aspects of the workplace culture known to lead to employee engagement.

As a When Work Works community partner, we are pleased to recognize the following winners of the (Insert Year) Awards for their commendable workplace practices:

(Insert each winning worksites’ name with city, state)

Congratulations again to this year’s winners! We look forward to celebrating future accomplishments of the When Work Works initiative.

Optional for those who would like to provide more details - Insert after paragraph 2

Achieving business goals and greater effectiveness and flexibility in the workplace are some of the key challenges facing organizations in the twenty-first century as companies attempt to keep up with business and employee needs in a 24/7 technologically advanced, global economy.

Changes all around us, including economic and social factors, are forcing organizations to re-evaluate the way they do business and develop alternative approaches to work. Workplace flexibility is a key ingredient in creating effective workplaces that can yield important work-related outcomes for employers and employees. Organizations that offer workplace flexibility report an increase in their ability to attract and retain employees and an increase in employee productivity among other benefits. Additionally, employees in effective and flexible workplaces report greater engagement, greater job satisfaction, increased loyalty, and better overall health. By implementing these practices, award winning organizations have demonstrated a commitment to creating productive and healthy work environments for today’s diverse and changing workforce.