Mrs. Johnson’s 7th Grade


You will have one day for every day you were absent to make up class assignments and/or homework. This does include lab information. If you miss a lab, depending on the lab requirements, you will probably be required to get the information from one of your lab partners. You will need to work with me to set up a time to make up any tests. It is YOUR responsibility to gather your make up work when you return to school. I will not seek you out and remind you about making up and turning in missed work. It is also your responsibility to turn in work that was due on the day you missed. If it was due, then you should already have it ready on the day you return.

GRADING SCALEGrade are calculated on cumulative points. For Example:

90 – 100AAssignment 1: 25 pts. Your Score:20 pt.

80 – 89BAssignment 2: 15 pts. Your Score:15 pt.

70 – 79CAssignment 3: 30 pts. Your Score:25 pt.

60 – 69D

Below 60FTOTAL PTS: 70 pts. YOUR Pts:60 pts.

PERCENTAGE:60/70 = 85% (OR) B


You must bring all supplies to class every day. You need to bring a pencil or dark pen, something to read if time allows and your binder. Backpacks and everything in them are your responsibility.


You are expected to have your work completed WHEN IT IS DUE. Late work is accepted up to one week from its due date, with only 70% of the original score. After the allotted one week, it will be a 0%. We have a class set of science textbooks, therefore most homework will be based on the internet, handouts, skills we have covered in class, and information in your science binder. All homework assigned will be for a purpose because I do not believe in busy work. Please do all assigned work because it is important to your success in this class. If you do not have access to the internet, please let me know. I can work out a solution with you but WILL NOT do this on the day the assignment is due.

B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Devices)

You are allowed to bring electronic devices to school such as cell phones, tablets, kindles, etc. However, they are your responsibility to keep track of and use appropriately. Devices will only be used for educational purposes, meaning no music/headphones during independent assignments. If you are caught with it out in my classroom, unless when being utilized as a learning tool under my direction, you will be asked to take it to the office and at that point handbook rules will apply. There are no exceptions to this policy.


Feel free to contact me via

Leave a message at the front office405-324-2236

Teacher Website

Lost Papers and Assignments

My classes will utilize Google Classroom for access to handouts and chapter readings. If a student loses an assignment, THEY will be responsible for printing a new copy from Google Classroom. All textbook reading material will be available to view or print inside Google Classroom for any absent students or for work not completed during allotted class time.

Remind 101 is a way for me to communicate an instant update through text message or email. Please sign up to get messages about homework, etc.

Self-Advocacy Policy (A Necessary Life Skill)- 7th grade is the perfect time for your child to start learning the skills they will need in high school. One vital skills they will need is the ability to advocate for themselves. This year, I am encouraging students to take charge of their own learning. I will expect for students to approach me themselves with questions on things such as tests, their grades, why they have a zero, and class assignments/projects. Now that does not mean that I don’t love to hear from parents. If you have a concern, please absolutely feel free to contact me.

Please sign below and return for your first grade. Any comments please contact me by the above mentioned resources.