Spiritual Gifts

This is true in my life…

3 Much2 Some1 Little0 Not at all

If you struggle to answer put down your first impression.

1I easily delegate responsibility to others.

2I can clearly and easily tell the difference between truth and error/good and evil.

3I can share joyfully with others about why I am a Christian.

4I act to help friends who are backsliding to get on fire for the Lord.

5I believe God will keep His promises in spite of bad circumstances.

6I give freely and joyfully to people who need money.

7I try to provide for people when they need food or a place to stay.

8I easily discover new facts and relationships.

9I can persuade others to work toward achieving their goals.

10I happily work with people who most people ignore.

11I can communicate important truths at just the right time.

12I want to take responsibility for the spiritual growth of other Christians.

13I like working behind the scenes where I am not in the spotlight.

14I can explain and illustrate ideas so that others understand what they mean.

15I effectively apply truth in my life.

16I am good at organizing ideas, time, people, and things.

17I can recognize the motivations that drive people.

18I joyfully talk about my Christian faith at work and with friends.

19I am able to bring hope to a friend so that they try again in spite of their failure.

20I often have confidence about the future even when others are unsure.

21I am deeply moved when confronted with someone in need of money.

22I have a knack for making visitors feel welcome.

23In order to learn, I study and read a great deal.

24I often influence others toward accomplishing goals.

25I enjoy visiting people who are in hospitals or nursing homes.

26I often speak out boldly concerning issues that are important.

27I go out of my way to be available to someone needing support or comfort.

28I generally find myself cleaning up after functions and am content doing these things.

29I can communicate information and ideas to others which helps them in life.

30I have a deep understanding of the world and relationships.

31I am able to follow through on the details necessary to carry out plans made.

32I am aware of the presence of evil spirits in certain places and people.

33I continue to seek out friends who do not follow Jesus Christ.

34I can encourage those in a time of crisis, comfort those who are anxious, and guide as well as challenge.

35I trust in the reliability of God, even when everything seems to be going wrong.

36I am willing to have a low standard of living in order to give money away.

37I enjoy finding strangers in places that are familiar to me (home, church, neighborhood).

38I am able to separate out what is important information when I study and read.

39When I am in charge, I am equally concerned about the task we are doing and my relationship with everyone.

40It is important to me to be available to spend time with someone who needs a friend.

41I sometimes give messages of hope, warning, or judgment to people I know.

42Other people seek me out for encouragement and guidance.

43I enjoy it when others want me to help them.

44I enjoy training people how to accomplish a task.

45I feel God’s presence very strongly when important decisions need to be made.

Score Sheet for Spiritual Gifts Self Discovery

Name ______

Place the following value for each answer in the box that corresponds with the question number.

Much = 3Some = 2Little = 1Not at all = 0

When all have been recorded, add each row across. The highest totals indicate your highest gifts. The top three represent your “Gift Cluster.”

(Answers to Questions 1, 16, and 31have been recorded as a sample.)

SAMPLE: Value of Answer /


1 / 3 / 16 / 2 / 31 / 2 / 7 / Administration

Value of Answer





1 / 16 / 31 /
2 / 17 / 32 /
3 / 18 / 33 /
4 / 19 / 34 /
5 / 20 / 35 /
6 / 21 / 36 /
7 / 22 / 37 /
8 / 23 / 38 /
9 / 24 / 39 /
10 / 25 / 40 /
11 / 26 / 41 /
12 / 27 / 42 /
13 / 28 / 43 /
14 / 29 / 44 /
15 / 30 / 45 /


  1. ADMINISTRATION – The God-given ability to clearly understand the goals of a particular part of Christ’s body and to effectively organize, administer, and execute designed plans for the accomplishments of these goals. (I Corinthians 12:28; Acts 6:1-7)
  1. DISCERNMENT – The God-given ability to accurately judge character, recognize whether a person’s behavior arises from Godly or from evil motives, and see the difference between false teaching and divine truth in a confusing situation. (I Corinthians 12:10; I John 4:1-6)
  1. ENCOURAGEMENT/EXHORTATION – The God-given ability to encourage, exhort, counsel, comfort, and strengthen others in ways that strengthen their relationship with Christ. (Romans 12:8; Hebrews 10:25; Acts 14:22)
  1. EVANGELISM – The God-given ability to share the gospel of Christ with unbelievers in ways that encourage them to become active disciples and responsible members of His church. (Ephesians 4:11=14; II Timothy 4:5; Acts 8:5-6, 26-40; Acts 21:8)
  1. FAITH – The God-given ability to have a strong, unshakeable trust and confidence in God’s mercy, in His Word, and His promises in the face of great difficulty and need.(I Corinthians 12:9; Acts 11:22-24; Acts 27:21-25)
  1. GIVING – The God-given ability to earn and give material resources to God’s work liberally and cheerfully, is concerned for the needs of others, and seeks opportunities to share money, goods, and time. (Romans 12:8; II Corinthians 9:2-8)
  1. HOSPITALITY – The God-given ability to enjoy providing a warm welcome to those who need food and lodging, setting people at ease, and seeking ways to connect people together into meaningful relationships. (I Peter 4:9; Romans 12:13; Romans 16:23; Acts 16:14-15; Hebrews 13:1,2)
  1. KNOWLEDGE – The God-given ability to find, collect analyze, and clarify knowledge and then appropriately apply that information to problem situations in ways that promote the growth and well-being of the Church. (I Corinthians 12:8; II Corinthians 11:6)
  1. LEADERSHIP – The God-given ability to help Christians set goals congruent with God’s will and to communicate these goals with wisdom and grace, enabling others to work voluntarily and harmoniously toward their achievement. (I Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:17)
  1. MERCY – The God-given ability to feel empathy and compassion for those who suffer from mental, emotional, or physical hurts and to help them in ways that lessen their suffering. (Romans 12:8; Mark 9:41; Luke 10:33-35; Acts 11:28-30)
  1. PROPHECY – The God-given ability to reveal God’s truth and proclaim it in a timely and relevant manner for understanding, correction, repentance or edification enabling believers to grow in their relationship with Christ. (Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28; 13:2; 2 Peter 1:19-21)
  1. SHEPHERDING – The God-given ability to guide, guard, and nurture people as they grow in their relationship with Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-12)
  1. SERVING/HELPS – The God-given ability to accomplish practical and necessary tasks, which free up, support, and meet the needs of other Christians to increase the effectiveness of their particular spiritual gifts. (I Corinthians 12:28; Romans 16:1-2; Acts 9:36; Luke 8:2-3; Mark 15:40-41)
  1. TEACHING – God-given ability to understand, clearly explain, and apply the Word of God, enabling the listeners to apply God’s Word to their lives and grow in their faith walk. (Romans 12:7; 1 Corinthians 12:28-29, Acts 18:24-28)
  1. WISDOM – The God-given ability to see through uncertain or difficult times and give direction that would help an individual or group obtain a God-glorifying decision or goal. (1 Corinthians 12:8; 1 Corinthians 2:3-14; James 3:13-18)