

2nd Grade

Responsibility - Accountable for something with one’s power. Taking charge of yourself & facing the consequences of your action

Purpose: This lesson promotes responsibility for neighborhoods & communities. The activity enhances how they show responsibility.

GPS: SS 2.111, 212

Materials: Picture notecards, People in your community pictures (6)

#1 Introduction: Responsibility

  1. Ask students if they know what the word Responsibility means?
  2. Next give the students the definition of responsibility

** Accountable for something within one’s power

  1. Ask the students what are some of their responsibilities

**Sports, school, church, family – chores, siblings, etc…

Share some stories of YOUR responsibilities. You can even share a story of when you were their age & things you were responsible for…cleaning room, completing school work, being a good brother/sister, etc… Also, share some of your responsibilities that you have now.

#2 Notecards: (tree, bird, stop sign, trash can, pet, flag)

Next, Hand each person a note card. Avoid the questions about the note card by telling them to just hang onto it.

**The students will be asked to use these at the end of the lesson. They will need to “be responsible” for keeping up with them until the end of the lesson.

#3 – People in your community – Group Work

  1. Using the pictures on the notecards, split the class into 6 groups. For example, everyone that has a bird come to this side of the room, trash can that side of the room, etc…
  2. Once students are in their groups, give each group a picture of a “person in their community.” Ask them to talk about & write down things their community member is responsible for on a daily basis.
  3. Each group will need to share their group work with the rest of the class.


Have students act out their “person in the community” and see if the other students can guess their character.

*** Please walk around as the groups are working & talk with them. They may also need some hints.


#4 – Conclusion - Notecard assignment

  1. Ask students to quickly go back to their seats & hold up their picture notecard. Tell them to look around and look at how many people have been “responsible” with their card. Congratulate them J

Tell them to write on the back of their picture how they can show responsibility for their neighborhood & community. They may use the picture as a hint.

**For example….trash can (clean up their community), pet (taking care of their pets & making sure they are on a leash), bird (protecting wildlife), etc…..

  1. You may want to share ways that you show your responsibility for the community.