MAY 12, 2011

9:30 a.m.Convene in Special Session

Matters Initiated by the General Public

PARCEL MAP#2011-012, Helen and Raymond May,which was submitted to fulfill a condition of approval required by Conditional Certificate of Compliance Application #2010-055, May, recorded as Lassen County document #2011-01144 on March 8, 2011. The application proposes a single parcel of 75 acres. The subject parcel is zoned U-C (Upland Conservation District). The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to section 15305 and 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. The project is located at the west half of the northeast quarter, Section 34, T. 28 N., R. 17 E. M.D.B. & M, in Wendel, south of Connection Road (County Road 348), 2.35 miles southwest of the intersection of Moore Road (County Road 364) and Wendel Road (County Road 320). A.P.N.: 133-140-45, 46. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner

PARCEL MAP #2008-084 Amen Family Trust (applicant); Gregg and Kelly Oney; and Randy Scheffler. Proposed Subdivision Improvement Agreement and consideration of a change to the primary access for previously approved Tentative Parcel Map #2008-084. An Improvement Agreement was previously entered into and recorded with the Lassen County Recorder as document number 2009-07269. An agreement was required to allow recordation of the Final Parcel Map for application #2008-084, which was recorded at Book 42, pages 92 and 93, prior to the physical construction of the road improvements to Hunt Road that were required by the Planning Commission (through conditions 5 and 6 of Planning Commission Resolution 9-02-09) for the conditional approval of the Tentative Parcel Map. The agreement expired on December 22, 2010. The Bond to assure completion of the required road improvements required by the Planning Commission will expire on December 11, 2011. The applicant is proposing a change in the approved access to both parcels by utilizing a private drive that would connect directly to State Highway 299 at post mile 22.47 as access. The applicant proposes no additional improvements to Hunt Road to provide access to the subject parcels. The project site is located approximately 3.5 miles southwest of Adin, immediately south of Hunt Road (County Road 411). APN(s):003-060-54 and 003-060-55. Staff Contact: Gaylon Norwood, Senior Planner


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TAC Agenda 04/28/2011