Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, March 23, 2017, 8:00 am PST

8:00 a.m. (PST), Teleconference

For conference call-in: 1 (800) 356-8278; enter code 928783#

Committee Members Present

Chuck Creigh, Chair

Mark Bruce, Board Governance Chair

Holger Liepmann, Secretary

Soraya Aguirre, Treasurer

Tom Gallagher, Trustee

Roger Wittenburg, Trustee

Robert Gagosian, Acting President, DRI

Committee Members Absent

Stephanie Tyler, Vice Chair
John Worthington, Audit Chair

Mike Benjamin, Development Chair

DRI Staff Present

Ellie Oppenheim

Karen Stewart-Carrico

Iris Stewart

Debra Coleman

Call to Order

Chair Creigh presided and called the meeting to order at 8:01 a.m. He noted that a quorum was present and read the DRIF Mission Statement. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the November 10, 2016 meeting of the Executive Committee.

Motion to accept the minutes of the November 10, 2016 meeting of the DRI Foundation Executive Committee. Aguirre moved, Bruce seconded and the Committee unanimously approved.

Executive Committee Report - Chairman’s Report

Chair Creigh expressed his appreciation to Dr. Gagosian for his assistance in obtaining the 1% contribution from the endowment fund which will greatly assist with the development office growth.

President’s Report – Dr. Robert Gagosian

Bob reported that Ken Adams has left DRI and in his absence Iris Stewart will be taking over development responsibilities. Bob also reported that the Nevada Medal Committee has begun to meet regularly. Ken Ladd reported on the progress of the Nevada Medal dinner. He stated that the save the date cards and sponsorship letters will be sent out in the coming week; a tour of The Joint at the Hard Rock hotel was conducted and the group was very impressed with the facility. Holger suggested creating follow up letters for after the event to keep attendees and donors abreast of the progress of the Innovation Research Program. Chuck Creigh mentioned looking into Amazon Smile as a possible future donation tool.

Treasure’s Report - presented by Soraya Aguirre

Soraya Aguirre reported that the Treasure’s report was attached and distributed as of February 28, 2017.

Motion to accept the treasure’s report by Liepmann, Bruce seconded. All unanimously approved the Treasurer’s Report.

Discussion was held regarding keeping the past history columns in the report as opposed to removing them.

Audit Committee Report – presented by Karen Stewart-Carrico

Karen Stewart-Carrico reported for John Worthington. Stewart-Carrico reported that she will confirm if IHI will need to be reported in the audit. This year’s audit will be conducted by Sarah Cromby of Culpit, Milligan & Ogden.

Board Governance Committee Report – presented by Mark Bruce

Mark Bruce reported that a matrix is being developed for distribution to committee members to request status on memberships.

New Business

Roger Wittenburg reported on the Renown joint venture. Meetings with the team will be happening soon. Roger is scheduled to meet with Tony Slonim. and Joe Grzymski on March 27. Holger requested a meeting with Renown in June if possible.

Public Comment (Discussion): No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action may be taken.


Motion made to adjourn the meeting made by Bruce and seconded by Liepmann; all unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 a.m.

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