Minutes of a Meeting held on Wednesday 27th July 2016 at

7.00 p.m. at Barlby Library and Community Hub


Present : Councillor P Welch (Chair)

Councillor J Cusson

Councillor S Duckett

Councillor B Marshall

Councillor S Sinclair

Councillor R Guy

1. Apologies Councillor C Leng

Councillor R Speck

County Cllr M Jordan

District Cllr J Deans

2. Public Session

A Member of the Public attended to listen to the Planning Report. No other

matters raised.

3. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

Standard Planning items, otherwise as recorded.

4. Finance

Monthly Accounts circulated for payment (SD)(CL), agreed. Bank Statements and

invoices available for inspection and payment.

A total expenditure of £7,103.43 was approved


1. Hall Hire – £400.00

2. Shredding services – £52.25

3. Skipton Bond 1 – £158.75

Correspondence/other matters

1. Chairmans Allowance – the allowance was approved.

2. Autela advice notes – noted.

3. Skipton Building Society – forms for a revised Trustee Mandate were received.

Cllr C Leng to sign, then the mandate to be returned.

4. Grants/Donations/Estimates from last Meeting – none.

5. Reports

Community Police

Ringmaster Emails circulated. The present system will cease on 31st July 2016.


Barlby Woodland and Meadow – lifebuoys have been retrieved. Spares have

been distributed to Councillors. Soil heaps have been flattened and additional

wildflower enrichment is on order. Licences for the Management Plan are in hand.

Barlby Ponds – the banks require cutting back and the path from Northfield

requires clearing. Further reed clearance is planned for the Autumn. Old Railway

Walk – additional stones are required for the path. Osgodby Pond – one days

reed clearance is required. Proposed (SD)(SS) the above works be approved,

agreed. Vine encroachment and grass cutting at Barlby Crescent have been

passed to the appropriate parties.

County and District Councillors

Cllr B Marshall gave an update on the relocation of the Selby Police Station to the

Civic Centre and Police staffing. Cllr J Cusson arrived..


No matters raised.

Health and Safety

No matters raised.

6. Minutes of last Meeting (29.6.2016)

The Minutes were approved and duly signed as a correct record of the Meeting.


7. Matters Arising/Council Managers Report

1. Community safety/Community issues. No matters raised.

2. CEF – community fundraising is in hand for a defibrillator for Barlby Village,

separate bids have been submitted to the CEF by the Town Council and

Osgodby Institute. The Meeting was advised that the dog training classes at

Osgodby Institute have now finished. This could enable provision of a Youth

Club on a Wednesday supported by Bee-able. The Town Council expressed

provisional support for this venture.

3. Local and Regional Groups – no reports.

8. Barlby Library and Community Hub

For consideration and action

1. Library – proposed (RG)(SD) local interest photographs can be displayed in the

Library, no sales permitted and donation of a piano gratefully accepted, agreed.

2. Improvements/SDC funding agreement. Proposed (SS)(SD) approve signing of

the form for the outstanding CEF Grant, agreed.

3. There will be a District Councillor Surgery at Barlby Library and Community Hub

on the 2nd Tuesday in each Month from 5.00 – 6.00 p.m. To be advertised.

4. Following a suggestion from a local resident it was proposed (JC)(SS) that a

‘Meet the Councillors’ event be planned for a Saturday in October, agreed.

9.. Correspondence

For consideration and action

1. NY Youth – The Big Music Project. This offers 15 young people the opportunity

to create their own music project and take part in workshops.

2. Abbots Staithe – request for photo books. After due discussion it was proposed

(JC)(SS) to re-order 100 books and make some available to Abbots Staithe

Heritage Trust for sale, agreed.

For distribution – circulated

3. SLCC/YLCA Advice Notes

4. SLCC/YLCA Training events, one Councillor place to be booked.

5. SDC Media Releases

6. SD AVS Advice Notes

7. Community House – 1st Aid course

8. Acre – Community Halls network

9. Came and Company – advice note

10.NYCC Elections 2017

Newsletters – circulated


12.CPRE/CABE/Keep Britain Tidy

13.RAY/Rural Services/Rural Arts

14.Market Towns

15.Country Air


17.Selby Globe

10. Correspondence since agenda

For information only

1. NYCC Pathways to Health Project – circulated.

2. SDC Interactive touch screen demonstration – noted.

11. Planning

Proposed (SS)(RG) forward approved comments to SDC, agreed.


2016/0785/HPA (8/16/452B/PA) – Proposed single storey rear extension at 2

Wilfreds Grove, Barlby (Mr and Mrs Fawcett)

Comments :No objections

2016/0776/DOC (8/16/692E/PA) – Discharge of conditions, 2, 3, 4 and 9 for 2

bedroom bungalow to rear of Lynwood, Howden Road, Barlby (W Duggan)

Comments :No further comments

2016/0655/REM (8/16/719A/PA) – Reserved matters for 4 bedroom dwelling,

land at 1 Bramley Avenue, Barlby (J Wilson)

Comments :Previous comments still apply


2016/0838/TEL (TC/16/4) – Prior notification of proposed telecommunications

15m column + 3 cabinets, land at Hull Road, Osgodby ((Clarke Telecom)

Comments : No objections

2016/0834/TPO (8/16/314A/PA) – Consent for works to trees (S3 & S7) and

felling (S1, S2 & S4) TPO 5/2001 at Osgodby Hall, Osgodby (P Evans)

Comments : Refer to Tree Officer

Applications Granted


Applications Refused


Correspondence/Other Matters

1. Major development sites in the Parish. Flytipping on land off Recreation Road

has been removed. Parking/litter problems reported near the Old York Road

development site now resolved. Advice received from SDC confirms that the

site Allotments will be offered to the Town Council. Proposed (SS)(RG) make

an expression of intent, agreed.

2. SDC – Planning review. Cllr P Welch gave an update on the review. It was felt

that Town and Parish Councils should be brought into the process earlier.

3. CIL payments – confirmation received that Osgodby falls within the medium

zone and the remainder of the Parish falls within the low zone.

12. Play Areas/Amenity Open Space

For consideration and action

1. Play Area/Open Space – proposed (SD)(JC) approve re-instatement of

goalmouths at all sites and rocks at Wainhomes and arrange an extra cut at

Playing Fields if required for the School Holidays, agreed. RoSPA inspections

will be the first week in September. Bungalow Road to be checked for hazards

A fire had been lit in one of the bins, evidence to be passed to the Police.

2. Grass cutting – estimates for grounds maintenance to be sought for October.

3. Enquiry re a Tree Preservation Order at Sand Lane – no further action to be


4. Equipment leaflets – noted.

13. Street lights & Furniture, Roads & Paths

For consideration and action

1. Street Lights – the NYCC Report to be chased up and the light at Bleak House

to be added to list of repairs.

2. Highway issues – parking advice received and noted. A list of properties in the

Parish without pavement crossings has been compiled by NY Highways.

Proposed (SD)(JC) that if there are any future concerns about parking on

pavements and dropped kerbs, residents be advised to contact NYCC,

Harrogate or the Police as no more can be done by the Town Council on these


3. Highway notices/Equipment leaflets – noted.

14. Community Cohesion

1. Community Group – the Institute has a previous booking for Halloween.

15. Matters for Councillors Attention and Information

1. YLCA Advice/Strategic Plan 2016/17 – noted.

2. Emergency Plan Programme – the Plan needs a network of Flood Wardens

and utilisation of local knowledge. The Council expressed sincere thanks to

David Jones (Cawood Flood Wardens) for his assistance with the project. A

phone network needs to be established.

3. Issues raised by residents included :vegetation in the lane to the rear of

Recreation Road and concerns about a recent fire at the Bay Horse site. The

vacant posts for Councillor (Barlby Village Ward) to be advertised again in the

Magazine and the Selby Times.

4. County Councillor Budget – it was agreed that District Cllrs P Welch and

S Duckett would approach SDC Solicitor about some land ownership issues.

5. FOI requests – none.

6. Staff issues – a working group meeting to be arranged.

16. Next Meeting Wednesday 31st August 2016 at BLCH at 7.00 p.m.

17. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Requests for items for inclusion to be sent to the Chairman 7 days before the

date of the next Meeting.

18. Items of Expenditure over £500

On Notice Boards

The Meeting was closed at 9.25 p.m.

The Town Council may, by resolution, exclude the public whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the nature of the confidential business to be transacted. Extract Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960.