Sterling College Internship
Waiver Request Requirements

NOTE: This waiver process is for experiences completed prior to enrolling at Sterling College. In order for a student to waive Practicum in Environmental Stewardship, s/he first must complete the Work Search course or be enrolled and passing the course.

In order to be considered for an internship waiver, please submit the following:

  1. A formal letter (2-3 pages in length) requesting to be waived from Practicum in Environmental Stewardship addressed to the Dean of Work and the Dean of Academics. The letter will:

·  provide an overview of the experience that will be used as the basis for the internship waiver (including organization/employer, job title, dates of employment, job responsibilities, location, etc.),

·  address the environmental focus of the experience,

·  state at least three learning outcomes from the experience, and explain how these outcomes were reached,

·  share brief reflection on the experience: Were you stimulated by the content of the job? Did you like the working conditions? Was the compensation adequate and rewarding? Was the work congruent with who you are?

·  share how the experience has had an impact on your education decisions, and

·  address what kind of documentation exists from the experience and how it could be used as presentation material for the Writing and Communications course (for example: photographs, a journal, etc.).

2.  Provide documentation of work hours showing at least 400 hours within a ten-week period (or the equivalent).

3.  A letter (recommendation or evaluation) from your supervisor assessing your work and development.

Once the above documentation is received, the Dean of Work and Dean of Academics will review the waiver request and either grant a waiver for Practicum in Environmental Stewardship or decide that the student needs to complete this course. (Of course, if the internship is waived, 6 credits still need to be completed elsewhere in order to obtain the required credits for graduation.)

If Practicum in Environmental Stewardship is waived the student is expected to enroll in Writing and Communications the next semester it is offered.

~ Updated November 2014 ~