Section and Branch Annual Report

For Fiscal Year 2013 (Oct. 2012 to Sept. 2013)


Name and title of Submitter:



Region #:

Number of all assigned members:

Do you outreach to your local Student Member Groups?Yes No

Assess Your Section/Branch Level of Activity (Pick One):


Briefly explainyour assessment:

As noted in previous annual reports the Cleveland Section and Youngstown branch hosts at least one informative monthly meeting per month, many times two or three. The Cleveland section is active with the Ohio Council of Sections, collaborates, hosts, and/or participates in events with other local organizations (e.g. Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS), Cleveland Engineering Society (CES), the Akron ASCE Section, etc.), and participates in national ASCE events such as the regional leadership conference, regional meetings, legislative fly-in and other national institute events. During the year the student chapter at Cleveland State University hosted the Ohio Valley Student Conference and the Cleveland Section closely partnered with the student chapter providing judges, technical assistance as well as financial support.

List your Civil Engineer of the Year Award winners for this year.

Professor Xiangwu (David) Zeng was nominated and elected for the ASCE Cleveland Section Civil Engineer of the Year Award for 2013. Professor Zeng has a reputation as an expert on the dynamics of soils and the experimental modeling of soil structures using the centrifuge. There is an equation bearing his name in textbooks on soil dynamics and earthquake engineering.

The breadth of David’s talents as an educator, a researcher and an engineering consultant is quite broad.He has experience in the behavior of lunar soils, railway foundations for high speed trains, offshore wind generators foundations and the influence of fracking on the environment over the last 10 years. He is chairs a variety of committees for national and international organizations that have sought out his quiet and efficient leadership.

David belongs to that class of engineers in academe who, while grounded in the fundamentals that they teach, does not hesitate to think out of the box and beyond the confines of traditional civil engineering. In addition to his academic and research talents, David is a respected consultant to whom industry turns to solve problems that go beyond the routine.

How can ASCE help your Section/Branch?

The Cleveland section has relied on the staff at the HQ office to assist with providing outreach materials, guidance on policies and procedures, access to nationally recognized speakers and knowledge of current issues facing our profession. ASCE can help our unit by continuing to be a resource to our section and branch leadership volunteers to bring our members more value.

List up to 3 successful activities, events, or meetings that occurred this past year to share with other Sections/Branches.

  1. Celebrated the installation of Incoming National President Randy Over at the ASCE National Convention in Charlotte (October 2013).
  1. Support for the Ohio Valley Student Conference, April 4-6, 2013 (Cleveland State University)

What are the top 3 activities that your Section/Branch is planning for next year?

  1. 2015 100th Anniversary Event (short term horizon)
  1. Establishing an endowment fund to enhance the monetary award for the Cleveland Sections G. Brooks Earnest Student awards (long term horizon)

Send completed word document to:Due Date: Nov. 30, 2013

Nancy Berson at