
Interchange Distribution Calculator Working

Group (IDCWG)

March21, 2012| 8:00a.m.–5:00 p.m.

March22, 2012 | 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Duke Energy

400 S. Tryon

Charlotte, North Carolina


Conference: 1-866-740-1260; Passcode: 5247004

Introductions and Chair’s Remarks

NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement


1.Administrative Matters

  1. Arrangements – Larry Kezele
  2. Announcement of Quorum – Larry Kezele
  3. Parliamentary Procedures* – Larry Kezele
  4. Approve Agenda – Chair Bahbaz

Closed sessions will be conducted as required. The March 21–22, 2012 IDCWGmeeting agenda in Word format is included in the IDC Change Order zip file.

  1. Future Meetings and Conference Calls – Chair Bahbaz
  2. May16, 2012 (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT) and May17, 2012 (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.), in Atlanta,Georgia (hosted by NERC)
  3. Schedule future meetings
  1. Approval of the IDCWG Meeting Minutes* – Chair Bahbaz
  1. January31 – February 1, 2012 IDCWG Meeting Minutes
  1. NERC feedback from Operating Reliability Subcommittee (ORS) – Larry Kezele

The ORS met on February 8, 2012. Discussion topics includedthe Parallel Flow Visualization Projectand IDC CO-332 (Changes to Manitoba EAR Tag in IDC). The ORS approved MISO and the IDCWG moving forward on the development of IDC CO-332.

  1. North American Electric Reliability Corporation/North American Energy Standards Board (NERC/NAESB) coordination update
  2. Business Practices Subcommittee – Ed Skiba or Narinder Saini
  3. Review IDCWG roster* – Larry Kezele
  4. Review membership of the IDC self-directed work teams – Chair Bahbaz

Project Management / Yasser Bahbaz (Team Lead), Allan Watson, Larry Kezele, Brian Nolan
Market Flow / Raja Thappetaobula (Team Lead), LaChelle Brooks, Yasser Bahbaz, Allan Watson, David Mahlmann, Larry Kezele
Documentation / LaChelle Brooks (Team Lead), Cheryl Mendrala, Ben Taylor, Hugh Francis, Wendy Ladd, Allan Watson, Larry Kezele

2.Review of Active Interchange Distribution Calculator (IDC) Change Orders (CO)

(Secretary’s Note: The IDC Change Orders for discussion at this meeting are posted in a zip file on the IDCWG web site.)

  1. CO-283: Generator-to-Load Reporting Requirement

(Status — Accepted as implemented on November 1, 2010)


  1. Review outstanding variances and other areas of development
  2. Status of data transmittals
  1. CO-315: Circuit B3M (ONT-ITC) Phase Shifter Modeling Changes

(Status — NYISO, MISO, PJM, and IESO are reviewing CO-315)

Action: On hold.

  1. CO-317: Michigan – Ontario PAR Status Change Switch

(Status — Approved for development, contingent upon resolution of a contractual agreement regarding funding between NERC and MISO)

Action: NERC and MISO have not yet finalized a contractual agreement regarding funding.

  1. CO-322: Generation Priority Submission

(Status —Version 2 approved for evaluation)

Action: Review evaluation and approve for development.

  1. CO-326: Parallel Flow Visualization Metrics

(Status — Review draft)

Action: Approve for evaluation.

  1. CO-328: Intra-Hour Tag Curtailments

(Status — Version 2 evaluated)

Action: Review evaluation and approve for development.

  1. CO-330: Authorization of OATI Use of IDC Data for DOE Studies

(Status — Approved for development)

Action: NERC approved for development, review status of development.

  1. CO-331: IDC Interface to NAESB webRegistry

(Status — Approved for development)

Action: NERC approved for development, review status of development.

  1. CO-332: Changes to Manitoba EAR Tag in IDC

(Status — ORS approved MISO to work with IDCWG to develop CO-332)

Action: Approve for evaluation.

  1. CO-333: Include MF and NNL on TLR Event History Display

(Status — Approved for development)

Action: NERC approved for development, review status of development.

  1. CO-334:Elimination of DFTFFG List Server

(Status — Approved Version 2 for evaluation)

Action: Review evaluation and approve fordevelopment.

  1. CO-336: Changes to IDC Factor Calculation Timing

(Status — Approved for development)

Action: Review status of development.

  1. CO-338: Default Timing for TLR Level 1 and 0

(Status — Approved for development)

Action: NERC approved for development, review status of development.

  1. CO-340: Effective Date on Market Coordinated Flowgates

(Status — Approved for development)

Action: NERC approved for development, review status of development.

  1. CO-341: MISO and PJM ED6/7FN Transfer to IDC

(Status — Approved for development)

Action: NERC approved for development, review status of development.

  1. CO-344:Request for Market Flow Data Than 5% from SPP

(Status — Evaluated)

Action: Review evaluation and approve for development.

3.Review of Active webSDX (SDX) Change Orders (CO)

(Secretary’s Note: The webSDX Change Orders for discussion at this meeting are posted in a zip file on the IDCWG web site.)

  1. CO-08: Remaining GUI Changes

(Status —Revision 3 approved for development)

Action: NERC approved for development, review status of development.

  1. CO-10: Change the Filtering Options on Displays

(Status —Approved for development)

Action: NERC approved for development, review status of development.

4.Review of Active webFactor (Factor Viewer) Change Orders (CO)

(Secretary’s Note: The Factor Viewer Change Orders for discussion at this meeting are posted in a zip file on the IDCWG web site.)

There are no webFactor change orders to review at this meeting.

5.Review of Active NERC IT Services Change Orders (CO)

(Secretary’s Note: The NERC IT Services Change Orders for discussion at this meeting are posted in a zip file on the IDCWG web site.)

There are no NERC IT Services change orders to review at this meeting.

6.Review of Active Book of Flowgates Change Orders (CO)

(Secretary’s Note: The Book of Flowgates Change Orders for discussion at this meeting are posted in a zip file on the IDCWG web site.)

  1. CO-16: PSSE Version Change

(Status —Approved for evaluation)

Action: Reviewevaluation and approve for development.

7.IDCWG Calendar of Change Order Implementation and Other IDC-Related Events

  1. February 1, 2012 – IDC Winter Model Update
  2. March 1, 2012 – IDC Winter Model Update
  3. April 3, 2012 – IDC Winter Model Update
  4. May 1, 2012 – IDC Summer Model Upload
  5. June 1, 2012 – IDC Summer Model Update
  6. July 6, 2012 – IDC Summer Model Update
  7. August1, 2012 – IDC Summer Model Update
  8. September 5, 2012 – IDC Summer Model Update
  9. October 2, 2012 – IDC Summer Model Update
  10. November 1, 2012 – IDC Winter Model Upload
  11. December 4, 2012 – IDC Winter Model Update

8.IDCWG Maintenance

  1. IDC operation:

i.IDC Alarms  Raja Thappetaobula will discuss an issue related to IDC TLR not showing up, which may lead to a MISO requested IDC change order to develop a backup IDC TLR alarm.

  1. Event/incident reports – OATI
  1. Review Help Desk calls

9.New Projects, Issues, Other

  1. WebSDX Documentation
  2. The working group will review Version 1.0 of the Balancing Authority webSDX User Guide for Providing Generator Outputs andPriority and Version 2.3 of the webSDX User Administrator Registration Guide to determine if these documents require revision to support implementation of IDC CO-322.
  3. The Documentation Self-Directed Work Team developed and will request approval of Version 9 of the webSDX User’s Manual. The draft user’s manual is posted under Related Files at
  4. The Documentation Self-Directed Work Team developedand will request approval of its scope*.
  5. Timeline for IDC Model Uploads and Updates* LaChelle Brooks updated the timeline for IDC model uploads and updates for working group review and approval.
  6. Data in NERC Monthly Summary of TLR Logs versus data in the TLR Logs*Neil Shah will provide an overview of potential discrepancies between data shown in the NERC Monthly Summary of TLR Logs versus data is the TLR Logs. The monthly summaries are available at Mr. Shah provided two examples of the potential data discrepancies.


Row 219 in the Monthly Summary Report for August 2010 shows summary of a TLR Event (max level - 5B) on FG # 6002 – MHEX_S which lasted 0.2 hours. The summary also shows 192,942MWs of curtailment. The TLR Log file (please see attached) for the same event shows 1508 MWs. Similarly for a TLR Event (Row 250) on the same flowgate which lasted 0.97 hours, the summary shows 44,149.2 MWs of curtailment while the TLR log files (also attached) shows 345 MWs of curtailment.

  1. IDC Data Requests  Vice Chair Watson and Raja Thappetaobula will report on their efforts to develop a proposal that will allow IDC users increased functionality to query the IDC.
  2. Book of Flowgates Archived Base Case  Currently the Book of Flowgates allows user to download the current and prior month IDC base cases. The working group will consider expanding the existing download functionality to allow users to download the past 35 monthly IDC base cases.
  3. External Wind Farm Modeling  At its last meeting, the working group extensively discussed the IDC modeling of a wind farm located in a balancing authority within the SPP reliability coordinator reliability area that is serving firm load in the TVA balancing authority using firm transmission service. The working group discussed entity responsibilities for submission of wind farm generator outages and related information to the webSDX. SPP and TVA will provide a status report of their ongoing discussions.
  4. Reliability Coordinator Acknowledgement of TLR CurtailmentsAt its last meeting the working group discussed reliability coordinator acknowledgement of TLR curtailments. OATI was tasked to query the IDC to determine how often the reliability coordinators do not acknowledge TLR curtailments. OATI will report its findings.
  5. NERC Data Exchange WebsiteOATI hosts the NERC data exchange website at The site hosts TDF and GSF matrices and TLR event data. The site is available to the public using a single user id (NERC) and password ($z905kz$). Larry Kezele will provide an overview of the website and its history of development.
  6. Change Order Prioritization  The working group will continue its discussion of prioritizing change order development for 2012.
  7. GSF and GLDF Calculations  OATI will inform the working group of recent efforts to identify the cause of sporadic inaccuracies in the IDC’s calculation of GSF and GLDF matrices.
  8. Reference Document Review
  9. Parallel Flow Calculation Procedure Reference Document – At its August 2011 meeting, Larry Kezele recommended that the working group not expend additional resources to revise the Parallel Flow Calculation Procedure Reference Document, given that theNAESB BPS will be rewriting the TLR business practices to implement the approvedpermanent solution.
  10. Reliability Coordinator Reference Document – At its August 2011 meeting, Chair Bahbaz requested the Documentation SDWT to review the status of the Reliability Coordinator Reference Document.

* Background materials attached.

IDCWG Meeting

March 21–22, 2012