From: Michael Schaadt
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Richard Cox; Lionel Laurens; Christophoros Politis; Sundus Abass; Anna Sargsyan; Mizuho Yokoi; Farooq AlWakeel; Scotty Saunders; Rami Samain; Mohammedsiddig Mudawi; Omar Awabdeh
Cc: Peter Batchelor; Sudipto Mukerjee; Rini Reza; Vee Lee; Khaled Ehsan; Isik Oguzertem; Morgan Murray; Shigeru Handa; Natsuko Yukawa
Subject: RE: Save the date: LPAC 3 June 2013 9.30am - 12.30pm

Dear all,

Thank you to Morgan and Mizuho for confirming their endorsements of the two projects from ERPA. As we have not heard any objections from other LPAC members the two project documents are hereby considered as endorsed.

I kindly request Shigeru, as the responsible project manager, to ensure that the budgets are cleared by Anna and her team, and to complete the PRODOC clearance note (enclosed) before to submitting the PRODOCs for signature by Sudipto in his function as CD a.i.

Warmest regards and wish everyone a good weekend,


/ Michael Schaadt
United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Email: mailto:
Phone: +962 6560 8330 Ext. 329
Cell:+962 795 619 791 (Jordan)
Skype: michael.schaadt
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From: Michael Schaadt
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 4:21 PM
To: Richard Cox; Lionel Laurens; Christophoros Politis; Sundus Abass; Anna Sargsyan; Mizuho Yokoi; Farooq AlWakeel; Scotty Saunders; Rami Samain; Mohammedsiddig Mudawi; Omar Awabdeh
Cc: Peter Batchelor; Sudipto Mukerjee; Rini Reza; Vee Lee; Khaled Ehsan; Isik Oguzertem; Morgan Murray; Shigeru Handa; Natsuko Yukawa
Subject: RE: Save the date: LPAC 3 June 2013 9.30am - 12.30pm

Dear all,

Following the decisions made at last LPAC meeting, I am pleased to share the revised project documents from ERPA.

I greatly appreciate if comments can be provided within the next five working days, i.e. COB 2 July 2013 , as requested in the LPAC minutes.

Warmest regards,


/ Michael Schaadt
United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Email: mailto:
Phone: +962 6560 8330 Ext. 329
Cell:+962 795 619 791 (Jordan)
Skype: michael.schaadt
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From: Michael Schaadt
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:20 AM
To: Richard Cox; Lionel Laurens; Christophoros Politis; Sundus Abass; Anna Sargsyan; Mizuho Yokoi; Farooq AlWakeel; Scotty Saunders; Rami Samain; Mohammedsiddig Mudawi; Omar Awabdeh
Cc: Peter Batchelor; Sudipto Mukerjee; Rini Reza; Vee Lee; Khaled Ehsan; Isik Oguzertem; Morgan Murray; Shigeru Handa; Natsuko Yukawa
Subject: RE: Save the date: LPAC 3 June 2013 9.30am - 12.30pm

Dear all,

Thank you to Mohammedsiddig and Mizuho for providing their input to the LPAC minutes.

Enclosed you will the signed minutes for your information and further action. The minutes are also available on the UNDP Iraq SharePoint - UNDP-IraqIntra-OfficePMSUUNDP ProgrammingLPAC. The minutes should be keep on file by the respective programme focal points.

Warmest regards,


/ Michael Schaadt
United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Email: mailto:
Phone: +962 6560 8330 Ext. 329
Cell:+962 795 619 791 (Jordan)
Skype: michael.schaadt
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From: Michael Schaadt
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 11:13 AM
To: Richard Cox; Lionel Laurens; Christophoros Politis; Sundus Abass; Anna Sargsyan; Mizuho Yokoi; Farooq AlWakeel; Scotty Saunders; Rami Samain; Mohammedsiddig Mudawi; Omar Awabdeh
Cc: Peter Batchelor; Sudipto Mukerjee; Rini Reza; Vee Lee; Khaled Ehsan; Isik Oguzertem; Morgan Murray; Shigeru Handa; Natsuko Yukawa
Subject: RE: Save the date: LPAC 3 June 2013 9.30am - 12.30pm

Dear all,

Let me first sincerely thank the LPAC members for providing substantive and timely comments at this week’s LPAC meeting.

Enclosed you will find the draft minutes, which were jointly by Isik and Morgan.

I kindly request the LPAC members to provide their comments on the minutes within the next 5 working days (by COB Thursday 13 June 2013).In case no comments are received by then the minutes will be considered as final.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend here from Amman.

Warmest regards,


From: Michael Schaadt
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 5:25 PM
To: Richard Cox; Lionel Laurens; Christophoros Politis; Sundus Abass; Anna Sargsyan; Mizuho Yokoi; Farooq AlWakeel; Scotty Saunders; Shigeru Handa; Rami Samain; Mohammedsiddig Mudawi; Omar Awabdeh; Shigeru Handa; Natsuko Yukawa
Cc: Peter Batchelor; Sudipto Mukerjee; Rini Reza; Vee Lee; Khaled Ehsan; Isik Oguzertem; Morgan Murray; zaid amarin; Ahmed Thabit; Jiyan Fattah; Wisam Amin
Subject: Save the date: LPAC 3 June 2013 9.30am - 12.30pm
Importance: High

Dear all,

I kindly request that you block your respective calendars on 3 June 2013 from 9.30 am - 12.30 pm to attend the LPAC meeting to review four new projects. The meeting will take place in the 4th floor conference room in Amman and in Peter’s office in Baghdad - location in Erbil to be determined.

Enclosed you will find copies of the projects that will be reviewed and the LPAC ToR providing more details on the roles and responsibilities of LPAC members and presenters.

  1. Ninewa Dialogue Bridging Initiative (9.30 - 10.15)
  2. Presenter: Richard Cox
  3. Secretariat: Michael Schaadt
  4. LPAC members: Lionel Laurens, Chris Politis, Sundus Abass, Anna Sargsyan, Mizuho Yokoi, Farooq al-Wakeel, Omar Awabdeh, Scotty Saunders
  1. Support for Private Sector Development in Iraq (10.15 - 11.00)
  2. Presenter: Natsuko Yukawa
  3. Secretariat: Michael Schaadt
  4. LPAC members: Richard Cox, Rami Samain, Mizuho Yokoi, Sundus Abass, Anna Sargsyan, Farooq al-Wakeel, Scotty Saunders, Omar Awabdeh
  1. Unleashing the Potential for South-South and Triangular Cooperation by Government of Iraq (11.00 - 11.45)
  2. Presenter: Natsuko Yukawa
  3. Secretariat: Michael Schaadt
  4. LPAC members: Richard Cox, Mohammedsiddiq Mudawi, Mizuho Yokoi, Chris Politis, Sundus Abass, Farooq al-Wakeel, Anna Sargsyan, Scotty Saunders,Omar Awabdeh
  1. Cross Cutting Advisory Support to GoI (11.45 - 12.30)
  2. Presenter: TBD
  3. Secretariat: Michael Schaadt
  4. LPAC members: Richard Cox, MohammedsiddiqMudawe, Lionel Laurens, Mizuho Yokoi, Farooq al-Wakeel, Sundus Abass, Anna Sargsyan, Scotty Saunders, Omar Awabdeh

I thank you all in advance for prioritizing this important meeting.

Warm regards,


/ Michael Schaadt
United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Email: mailto:
Phone: +962 6560 8330 Ext. 329
Cell:+962 795 619 791 (Jordan)
Skype: michael.schaadt
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