Contract Number: RFP - 9-13-820-JLM-2013-01

Task Order Title:

Exercise Date:Region/State:

Exercise Coordinator: Contractor Lead Liaison:

Activity / Est. Date / StaffAssigned / Suggested Deliverableduedates
Developreadaheadmaterials,presentation products
Draft initialexercisesupport requirements. / 10 Dayspriorto theCO
InitialPlanningMeeting (IPM):Develop read-aheadmaterials,presentationproducts,track attendance,takeandproducemeetingminutes / IPMpre-meetingdeliverablescompleted 10 daysbeforemeeting; IPM post-meeting deliverables completed 10 days after meeting
Mid-Term PlanningMeeting (MPM):Develop read-aheadmaterials,presentationproducts,track attendance,takeandproducemeetingminutes. / MPMpre-meetingdeliverablescompleted 10 daysbeforemeeting;MPMpost- meetingdeliverablescompleted10days after meeting.
Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) Meeting (if exercise is operational): develop read-ahead materials, presentation products, track attendance, provide input into MSEL development due to familiarity with region; take and produce meeting minutes. / MSELM pre-meeting deliverables completed 10 days before meeting; MSELM post-meeting deliverables completed 10 days after the meeting
Assign additional exercise support staff (only if requested by the locality/governmental entity) / Due within 10 days from receipt of MSELM minutes
Final Planning Meeting (FPM): Develop read-ahead materials, presentation products, track attendance, take, produce meeting minutes, draft Executive read-ahead, and draft Comms Plan with Controller, Facilitator, Evaluator positions identified by name and exercise assignment; identify prospective evaluators. / FPM pre-meeting deliverables, which includes the Comms Plan and prospective evaluators, completed 10 days before meeting,
FPM post-meeting deliverables completed 10 days after meeting
SIMCELL training/Comm. Dry Run/ Exercise Dry Run:
Develop read-ahead, training guideline/ syllabus, and determine support staff that may be needed / All materials and needs to be identified no later than 10 days before event.
Facilitator/Evaluator/OR Controller briefing:
Develop F/E or C/E handbook, presentation and sign-in sheets / All materials completed no later than 5 days before event;
Ensure all facilitators are trained for proper evaluation write up based on HSEEP standards – “just in time” prior to event
Assist the locality/governmental entity as outlined in previous planning meetings to include tracking participation, preparing documents as required by HSEEP (Situation Manual or Exercise Plan); F/E or C/E Handbook; MSEL list; Player packet; Participant feedback forms; Participate and document Hot Wash, appropriate PowerPoint presentations with audio/video enhancements. / All materials ready for publication 15 days before exercise
Post Exercise:
Draft Quick Look (exercise summary); submit participant list, summarize Hot Wash. / Exercise summary, participant list, Hot Wash summary due 2 days after Exercise
After Action Meeting (AAM):
Develop read-ahead materials, track attendance, take and produce meeting minutes. / Assist with AAM (to be held within 25 days after exercise)
Materials due 10 days before the AAM Submit meeting minutes 5 days after AAM.
Improvement Plan Matrix Meeting (IPMM):
(may be part of AAM above)
Draft improvement plan. / If not part of the AAM, assist with this meeting held within 20 days after AAM;
Materials due 10 days before AAM
Final After Action Report (AAR):
Draft After Action Report (to include Improvement Plan) and to include the participant feedback report.
Within 90 days of the end of the exercise, the vendor shall provide an electronic copy of the After Action Report to the VDEM Office of Training and Exercises. / Electronic version of all materials due within 15 days of IPMM
Contract Management:
Address staffing, billing, and overall contract issues / Monthly; as needed
Contract Management:
Procure talent (controllers, facilitators, etc) to augment the exercise support for a specific exercise. / Project Management / Upon request
Exercise Type / Baseline included in Base RFP Price
Operations Based Exercise (Eight Hour Minimum)
• Drill
• Functional
• Full-Scale (baseline costs may be combined for a single, large venue FSE) / 5 Exercise Venues, 1 controller per venue
5 Exercise Venues, 1 Registration Staff per venue
1 Lead Controller
1 Safety Controller
1 SIMCELL Controller
A La Carte menu (over Firm/Fixed Prices) / Estimates for this Exercise
Additional Lead/Co-Facilitator
Additional Table Facilitator
Additional Table Scribe
Additional Two Minutes of Audio
Additional Four Minutes of Video
Additional Venue Controller
Additional Registration Staff (per person)
Additional Safety and/or SIMCELL Controller

Amendments to this task order should be tracked below:

Date / Scope of Amendment / Approval / Cost (if applicable)

______Contractor ______

Signature Date

______(Public Entity) ______

Signature Date

(add signature lines as needed)

FAX or email completed Task Order to VDEM Exercise Branch: 804-897-6556 Attn: Shawn Mason (VDEM) at