2009 Postdoctoral Internship at AAFC / Stage postdoctoral 2009 à AAC

2009 List of Proposals from the Department of Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada (AAFC)

(The List includes 49 proposals in total.)

Project ID
(year_location_#) / Contact
(AAFCScientist) / Project Title
(Use ‘CTRL+click’ on the ‘Project ID’ to follow the hyperlink to the proposal description) / Internship
2009_Agassiz_01 / David Ehret / Improving Nutritional Quality of Organic and Hydroponic Tomatoes / 12
2009_Agassiz_02 / Todd Kabaluk / Yield increase of corn following treatment of seed with Metarhizium anisopliae: the identification of causal factors / 12-24
2009_Fredericton_01 / David De Koeyer / Genomics-assisted potato breeding to meet global challenges / 12
2009_Guelph_01 / Rong Cao / Antioxidant properties and potential health benefits of pigmented vegetables / 12
2009_Guelph_02 / John Shi / ‘Green’ extraction process to produce functional food ingredients from agricultural material / 12
2009_Guelph_03 / Alireza Navabi / Genotype by environment interaction and mega-environment investigation in long term common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) regional variety testing in Ontario / 12
2009_Harrow_01 / Kangfu Yu / Coarse mapping of an F2 bean population BBSS x Jalo EEP558 by Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) / 24
2009_Harrow_02 / Les Shipp / Evaluation of bumble bees as vectors for microbial control agents (viruses and fungi) for arthropod pest management / 24
2009_Harrow_03 / Vaino Poysa / EcoTILLING Molecular analysis of glycinin genes in soybean (Glycine max) mutant lines. / 24
2009_Kentville_01 / Martin Kalmokoff / Manipulation of intestinal bacterial communities; an investigation into the impact of dietary fibre and prebiotics. / 12
2009_Lethbridge_01 / Benoît Bizimungu / Identification and selection of potato clones with novel starch properties for food and industrial uses / 24
2009_Lethbridge_02 / John Lu / Genetic engineering of cereal crops to produce novel starch / 12-24
2009_Lethbridge_03 / Ranjana Sharma / Assessment of molecular and genetic diversity in specific bacterial population from beef cattle - Implications for the Food safety / 12
2009_Lethbridge_04 / Wenzhu Yang / Develop alternative growth promoter in ruminant production / 12
2009_Lethbridge_05 / Xiying Hao / Hydrogen energy production through bio-fermentation of livestock manure / 12
2009_London_01 / Deena Errampalli / Management of postharvest diseases in tree fruits / 19
2009_London_02 / Aiming Wang / Developing Novel Genetic Resistance to Plum Pox Virus / 24
2009_London_03 / Frédéric Marsolais / Functional genomic analysis of seed storage protein deficiency in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): regulation of sulphur amino acid content. / 24
2009_London_04 / George Lazarovits / Development of sustainable agricultural systems through an understanding of interactions between microorganisms in the rhizosphere and corn roots / 12-24
2009_London_05 / Mark Gijzen / Plant pathogenic Phytophthora: molecular determinants of virulence / 12
2009_London_06 / Pervaiz A. Abbasi / Developing reduced-risk and biological-based strategies for management of soil-borne diseases of vegetable crops and promotion of plant growth / 24
2009_London_07 / Rima Menassa / Characterizing plant-produced human interleukin-24 / 24
2009_Ottawa_01 / Allen Xue / Biological management of fusarium head blight in wheat / 12-24
2009_Ottawa_02 / Lana M. Reid / Phytochemical Resistance Mechanisms to Corn Pests / 12
2009_Ottawa_03 / Carlos Monreal / Management and total use of agricultural residues for biofuels, bioproducts and bioenergy / 12-24
2009_Ottawa_04 / Elizabeth Pattey / Adapting micrometeorological techniques for verifying GHG emissions from agricultural fields and paddocks to desired conditions / 24
2009_Quebec_01 / Yves Castonguay / Identification of functional markers associated to superior freezing tolerance in alfalfa. / 12
2009_Quebec_02 / Eric van Bochove / Develop a particulate phosphorus (PP) component for a risk indicator of water contamination by P from Canadian agricultural land / 12
2009_Quebec_03 / Gaëtan Tremblay / Fractions protéiques et glucidiques de diverses espèces fourragères / Protein and carbohydrate fractions in different forage species / 12
2009_Quebec_04 / Marie-Josée Simard / Evaluation of invasive weed distribution and spread into crop fields / 12
2009_Saskatoon_01 / Kevin Rozwadowski / Enhancing quality and function of recombinant proteins produced in seeds / 12
2009_Saskatoon_02 / Kevin Rozwadowski / DNA recombination and repair in plants / 12
2009_Saskatoon_03 / Kevin Rozwadowski / Seed-based production of recombinant proteins / 12
2009_Saskatoon_04 / Russell K. Hynes / Formulation development for baculovirus / 12
2009_Saskatoon_05 / Yong-Bi Fu / Molecular characterization of wheat adaptation genes / 24
2009_Sherbrooke_01 / Lucie Masse / Ammonia recovery by volatilization and capture / 12
2009_Sherbrooke_02 / Luigi Faucitano / Effect of vehicle design and transport distance on stress response and carcass and meat quality of three pig lines / 12
2009_Sherbrooke_03 / Daniel Ouellet / Factors influencing variations in milk protein constituents / 12
2009_SJSR_01 / Shahrokh Khanizadeh / Use phytochemical as marker to select strawberry and raspberry lines for processing (juice & fruit wine) / 12
2009_SJSR_02 / Gaétan Bourgeois / Impact of climate change and variability on the productivity of field grown vegetable crops: A bioclimatic modelling approach / 12
2009_StHyacinthe_01 / Byong H. Lee / Overproduction of extremophilic bacterial enzymes (lactase and lipase) for the industrial applications / 12
2009_StJohns_01 / Samir C. Debnath / Bioreactor micropropagation and genetic fidelity in berry crops / 12
2009_Summerland_01 / Dan O’Gorman / Diagnostic Technologies and Management Strategies for Trunk Disease of Grapevines in British Columbia / 24
2009_Summerland_02 / Helene Sanfacon / Evaluation of the breadth and durability of engineered resistance to Plum pox virus based on the induction of RNA silencing / 24
2009_Summerland_03 / Joan Cossentine / Biological control of orchard insect pests / 24
2009_Summerland_04 / Howard Thistlewood / Landscape ecology and genetics of invasive pests in orchards / 12-24
2009_SwiftCurrent_01 / A. K. Singh / Identification of molecular markers linked to disease resistance through linakge analysis and association mapping approaches in durum wheat / 24
2009_Winnipeg_01(Morden) / Anfu Hou / Genetic diversity and breeding use of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm / 12
2009_Winnipeg_02 / Mark Jordan / Novel molecular markers for wheat improvement / 24
PROJECT ID/NO DU PROJET: 2009_Agassiz_01 / Back
PROJECT TITLE / TITRE DU PROJET :Improving Nutritional Quality of Organic and Hydroponic Tomatoes
Internship location in Canada/
Emplacement du stage / Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre,
Agassiz, British Columbia / Internship Duration/Durée du stage: 12 months/mois
Contact: (name of AAFC scientist / nom du chercheur d’AAC) David Ehret / Email/Courriel:
Phone/Téléphone: 1-604-796-1712
Name of Research Centre/Nom du Centre de Recherche: AAFC-Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre
Mailing address/Adresse postale du Centre: PO Box 1000, Agassiz, BC, Canada V0M 1A0
Website/site Web:
A – The Research Team / L’équipe de recherche
Supervisor/superviseur: (name and title/ nom et titre) Dr. David Ehret, Sustainable Production System
Other AAFC collaborators/Autre collaborateurs à AAC: Drs. W. Lin, K. Usher, M. Cliff, T. Papadopoulos and M. Dorais
University collaborators/Collaborateurs universitaires: Dr. A. Plant, Simon Fraser University, BC, Dr. E. Heuvelink, WageningenUniversity, the Netherlands
Industry partners/Partenaires industriels: Gipaanda Greenhouses Ltd., BC.
B – Project Description: rational, objectives, outcome expected /
Description du projet: rationnel, objectifs, résultats attendus
Background, Rational, Issue / Contexte, Rationnel, Problématique:
Over the last 50 years, the nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables grown in North America has been shown to have declined. Despite this, consumer demand for nutritious vegetables is continually growing. Consumption of organically-grown foods is also at an all-time high. It is well-known that fruit and vegetable quality is influenced by growing conditions. The remarkable control of environmental conditions which is possible for greenhouse crops presents opportunities to significantly improve the nutritional quality of greenhouse vegetables.
The goal of this project is to develop ways to improve the nutritional quality of greenhouse-grown tomatoes. The study will examine the effects of specific environmental growing conditions and short-term environmental stress on nutritional composition (vitamins, antioxidants and pigments), flavour, and shelf-life of hydroponic and organic greenhouse tomatoes.
Outcome expected/Résultats attendus:
Changes in fruit nutritional quality due to environmental conditions such as nutrient concentration, light, and water availability will be related to the underlying physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology. Subtle changes in whole-plant function such as growth rate and water uptake will be measured using novel automated monitoring technology and related to changes in fruit quality. Since organically-grown vegetables are an increasingly important part of the Canadian diet, organic fertilizer regimes will also being developed to promote higher nutritional quality in greenhouse-grown organic tomatoes. Finally, integrated fruit quality models will be developed to provide a better understanding of nutritional quality in relation to environmental growing conditions and the physiology of the crop.
C – Internship: Describe the internship program, qualifications of and the benefits to the expected intern /
Stage: Décrire le stage, les qualifications demandées et les avantages pour l’interne.
Dr. Ehret has experience in training and mentoring Canadian and foreign students. The program will provide the candidate with a broad experience in technologically-advanced agricultural science and organic growing methods. Depending on the specific aspect selected for study, the candidate will learn techniques and concepts in horticulture (organic and hydroponic), plant and food chemistry, plant physiology, molecular biology, crop monitoring and modeling. The candidate will be given the opportunity to write scientific papers for international science journals. Candidate qualifications include some combination of knowledge and experience in horticulture, plant physiology, phytochemistry, food chemistry, molecular biology, statistics or computer modeling.
PROJECT ID/NO DU PROJET: 2009_Agassiz_02 / Back
PROJECT TITLE / TITRE DU PROJET:Yield increase of corn following treatment of seed with Metarhizium anisopliae: the identification of causal factors
Internship location in Canada/
Emplacement du stage / Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre,
Agassiz, British Columbia / Internship Duration/Durée du stage: 12-24 months/mois
Contact: (name of AAFC scientist / nom du chercheur d’AAC) Todd Kabaluk / Email/Courriel:
Phone/Téléphone: 1-604-796-1710
Name of Research Centre/Nom du Centre de Recherche: AAFC-Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre
Mailing address/Adresse postale du Centre: PO Box 1000, Agassiz, BC, Canada V0M 1A0
Website/site Web:
A – The Research Team / L’équipe de recherche
Supervisor/superviseur: (name and title/ nom et titre) Dr. Todd Kabaluk, Biologist
Other AAFC collaborators/Autre collaborateurs à AAC: Dr. Tom Forge, Research Scientist
University collaborators/Collaborateurs universitaires:
Industry partners/Partenaires industriels: Novozymes Biologicals, Inc.
B – Project Description: rational, objectives, outcome expected /
Description du projet: rationnel, objectifs, résultats attendus
Background, Rational, Issue / Contexte, Rationnel, Problématique:
We have recently discovered that treating corn seed with conidia (spores) of the insect pathogenic fungus M. anisopliae resulted in an 11% increase in stand density and a 20% increase in area fresh weight yield based on field trials at three locations in 2006 (Kabaluk and Ericsson, 2007). The original purpose of the M. anisopliae corn seed treatments was to protect the corn plants from wireworm herbivory, as M. anisopliae is an insect fungal pathogen and has been developed in other countries for pest control. However, it is suspected that other factors are involved in causing the increase in corn yield. Based on the assessment of data to date, the following causes are considered for exploration:
-wireworm mortality and subsequent protection of corn plants from wireworm herbivory
-repellency of wireworms from M. anisopliae-coated corn seed, protecting the corn from herbivory i.e. M. anisopliae is simply by repelling them from germinating corn seedlings
-competition of M. anisopliae with seed-rotting fungi such as Pythium and Fusarium, preventing loss of stand and improved plant health.
-interaction of the M. anisopliae applications with plant pathogenic nematodes, conferring protection to the crop plant
-colonization of corn rhizosphere with M. anisopliae, conferring an uptake of soil nutrients and improved emergence and plant health
-M. anisopliae is digesting the corn seed coat, improving corn emergence and escape from wireworm herbivory
Kabaluk, J. T. and Ericsson, J. D. 2007. Metarhizium anisopliae seed treatment increases yield of field corn when applied for wireworm control. Agronomy Journal. 99: 1377-1381.
The yield-increase of corn as a result of treating seeds with M. anisopliae is a truly interesting and novel scientific phenomenon. Understanding the mode of action for the yield increase will represent a new contribution to science. Commercialization of M. anisopliae, either as a pest control or plant growth enhancement will undoubtedly take place following the research.
The objective of this research is to understand why treating corn seed with M. anisopliae results in an increase in the yield of field corn. The understanding will come from the identification of the causal factor(s) of the yield increase listed under Background/Rational/Issue (above). This understanding is essential i) to make a meaningful contribution to science; ii) so that confidence is established with the public when this technology is commercialized; iii) so the scientific information can be further exploited to enhance the yield increase phenomenon; iii) to guide the use of the technology down a regulatory pathway associated with either pest control or plant growth enhancement.
Outcome expected/Résultats attendus:
The primary deliverable of this project is scientific information relating the causality of the yield increase in corn as a result of treating seeds with M. anisopliae. The information will be derived through scientific experimentation by the PDF, under the guidance of Todd Kabaluk and Tom Forge, AAFC, and Jarrod Leland, Novozymes Biologicals. At the end of the project, the PDF will provide a summary of the work and its results to AAFC. Further research findings, as deliverables, will be assembled in the form of scientific manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
C – Internship: Describe the internship program, qualifications of and the benefits to the expected intern /
Stage: Décrire le stage, les qualifications demandées et les avantages pour l’interne.
This project is an excellent opportunity for the prospective PDF to generate new scientific information to advance his/her scientific career aspirations to make a significant contribution to science. Discovering the mode of action for increased yield will be a significant contribution to science: both the use of microbial insecticides and recent discoveries on beneficial effects of certain insect-pathogenic fungi on plant growth are areas of interest in current science. The discovery and publication of the mode of action will enable other researchers and industry to investigate and exploit the knowledge for further improvements to agriculture and industry.
The PDF will have his/her own office, laboratory space, and access to a technician and students for assistance. According to the needs of the project, equipment and apparatus will be available.
We require that the PDF have experience, interest, or ability to work in at least two of the following areas: plant physiology, microbial ecology, entomology, entomopathology, microbiology. We require the PDF to be self-motivated and to possess a strong work ethic.
PROJECT ID/NO DU PROJET: 2009_Fredericton_01 / Back
PROJECT TITLE / TITRE DU PROJET :Genomics-assisted potato breeding to meet global challenges
Internship location in Canada/
Emplacement du stage / Potato Research Centre,
Fredericton, New Brunswick / Internship Duration/Durée du stage: 12 months/mois
Contact: (name of AAFC scientist / nom du chercheur d’AAC) David De Koeyer / Email/Courriel:
Phone/Téléphone: 1-506-452-4885
Name of Research Centre/Nom du Centre de Recherche: AAFC-Potato Research Centre
Mailing address/Adresse postale du Centre: 850 Lincoln Road, Fredericton, NB, CANADA E3B 4Z7
Website/site Web:
A – The Research Team / L’équipe de recherche
Supervisor/superviseur: (name and title/ nom et titre) Dr. David De Koeyer, Research Scientist
Other AAFC collaborators/Autre collaborateurs à AAC: Agnes Murphy, Helen Tai, Benoit Bizimungu, Larry Kawchuk
University collaborators/Collaborateurs universitaires: Karen Tanino, University of Saskatchewan; Walter De Jong, Cornell University; Merideth Bonierbale, International Potato Center, Peru
Industry partners/Partenaires industriels: Andrjez Killian, Diversity Arrays Technology Pty Ltd, Australia; John Argall, BioAtlantech
B – Project Description: rational, objectives, outcome expected /
Description du projet: rationnel, objectifs, résultats attendus
Background, Rational, Issue:
The potato is a key part of the global sustainable food system - the most significant vegetable crop in Canadaand the world, producing more food energy on less land than corn, wheat or rice. More than half of total production is generated from developing countries, rendering it an important source of income to millions of farmers. Thus, the potato crop is a significant economic mechanism for the production of food to address intensifying health needs and the delivery of new bioproducts, such as bioplastics. To recognize the importance of the potato crop, the United Nations designated 2008 as the International Year of the Potato.
Potato is susceptible to many pathogens and pests that result in economically significant disease losses globally. Global warming is expected to increase the full range of abiotic stresses as well as disease losses as pathogens and vectors expand their distributions. To develop ecologically and economically sustainable agricultural practices that reduce chemical and fossil fuel inputs, we must develop varieties with more durable and generalized resistance. Emerging marker technologies and statistical methods are required to access beneficial genetic variation related to stress tolerance from improved and unadapted germplasm and integrate them into breeding programs.
To combine improved phenotypic screening methods with new transcriptome, metabolome and epigenome data for potato to identify candidate genes forabiotic and biotic stress resistance and novel bioproduct traits to contribute to marker development
To generate natural allelic diversity information for marker development through targeted genome re-sequencing of candidate genes and genome regions.
To identify and localize markers in the potato genome linked to economic and environmental traits using association genetics based on dosage-sensitive candidate gene and whole-genome marker profiling.
To initiate Genomics-Assisted Breeding using markers for improving stress resistance and utilization traits in potato.
Outcome expected/Résultats attendus:
The proposed project will develop genomics tools for potato breeding programs with improved potato varieties for new and existing markets that can be grown with reduced inputs and reduced loss from abiotic and biotic stress. The project will integrate physiology, breeding and molecular approaches and produce a comprehensive Genomics-Assisted Breeding Platform. Key outcomes from this project will include:
  • Identification of genes involved in abiotic stress resistance, disease resistance, and quality traits.
  • DNA markers tightly linked to genes influencing important traits.
  • Dosage sensitive markers for quantitative assessment of allele dosage in tetraploid potatoes.

C – Internship: Describe the internship program, qualifications of and the benefits to the expected intern /
Stage: Décrire le stage, les qualifications demandées et les avantages pour l’interne.
The postdoc will be part of a comprehensive research team that will be developing genomics tools for potato improvement. The primary responsibilities of the candidate will be to develop high-resolution DNA melting (HRM) markers for candidate genes, to genotype a germplasm panel with candidate gene markers, to integrate HRM data with DArT genotyping data; and to conduct association genetics analysis. The expectation is that the candidate will have a doctoral degree in plant sciences, genetics, agriculture, or molecular biology; have experience in a molecular laboratory; have a good understanding of statistics; and have a willingness to learn new skills. The benefits to the intern will be conducting research within an applied genomics laboratory; working with a large multi-disciplinary team; having excellent opportunities for publication of novel research; and broadening skills in biotechnology and bioinformatics.