Management Council Meeting

December 3, 2007

Alumni Center

Present: Stone, Lucas, Davis, Scheffler, Barnett, Arao, Anchor, Brisco, Perez, Ockey, Ruiz, Leisz, Reynolds, Serafimidis, Hopkins, Richardson, Takahashi, Christensen, Stout, Ramos, Lombardo, Grant, Lovering, McCoy, Chaney-Buttleman, Heartt, Harper, Larson, Curry, Hendricks, Gillum, Karle, Garcia

Reorganization – Steve Garcia

Steve Garcia provided a handout of the new ABA Organizational Structure. The organization chart shows six families under the ABA umbrella, with a few changes (see attachment). Steve explained that with Ronald Grant’s departure into retirement, the offices of Business Operations will be split among Financial Services and Administrative Services.

Steve relayed that Procurement/Contracts along with Shipping, Receiving and Property will now fall under Financial Services headed by Associate Vice President Suzanne Green. University Transportation and Parking, Reprographics & Mail Services and One Card Services/Photocopy will now fall under the newly named Business & Administrative Services headed by Associate Vice President, Abbi Stone. Steve also announced that Nancy Fox’s title will change from Director to Senior Director of University Transportation and Parking Services and Mike Christensen who formerly reported to Suzanne Green will now head the Risk Management Services family and report to Steve Garcia directly. In addition, Kem Gravenberg will assume enhanced duties and attains the new title of Executive Assistant to the Vice President.

Steve described physical changes that may occur in the near future concerning department offices located in Sacramento Hall but added that plans have not been finalized or confirmed.

Winter Luncheon and Valued Staff Professional Awards – Abbi Stone

Abbi Stone reported the ABA Winter Luncheon slated for December 18th will be at the Church of Ladder Day Saints, 1101 51st, just off J St. The luncheon will have two sittings, the first will be from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the second will be from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Awards will be presented at the 1st sitting and during the 2nd seating staff will view a slide show of ABA staff receiving their awards. Abbi informed the managers that Emanuel’s Chicken & Ribs will be catering the event. Emanuel will be serving the traditional holiday favorites.

Abbi produced a sign up sheet for managers to sign. She indicated that help would be needed in setting up, tearing down, clean up and logistics. Abbi indicated we are not being charged for the use of the facility, therefore extra manpower is needed to pull off the event. She urged all managers to sign up.

Steve relayed that notification of the Winter Luncheon among staff was limited to flyers.

Emergency Preparedness Exercise – Ken Barnett

Ken Barnett asked Management Council to come prepared to do an exercise handed out at the last meeting. Managers were told to list their top 10 priorities as though they were incident commander during an emergency. Ken described an emergency scenario that took place in 2005 concerning a nocuous smell on campus. He described the incident and asked the committee for feedback on what steps the incident commander should have taken at this scene. Once all feedback was listed, Ken reviewed the suggestions and ranked them, explaining the necessity of each. He explained that managers need to assess situations quickly and determine what is needed routinely. Ken relayed that he will be conducting similar exercises at future meetings so that managers can familiarize themselves with the process. Ken handed out Executive Training Exercise #2 to each manager, which he plans on discussing at our next meeting.

Our next meeting will be in January.