East Leesville Elementary

Primary School


Grade Level Information

School Phone (337) 239-4966

School Fax 337) 239-7082

“Together...Striving to Be the Best We Can Be!”

Mission Statement:

At East Leesville Elementary, we believe that it is the responsibility of the faculty, staff, parents, and community to challenge students to develop to their highest potential academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

School Motto: “Together...striving to be the best we can be.”

The goal of the E.L.E. Kindergarten program is to provide age appropriate activities and experiences that will facilitate your child’s development in all areas.

Vernon Parish Pupil Progression Plan


To be promoted to 1st grade, students must demonstrate proficiency in kindergarten grade skills, as defined by state content standards, by meeting the following minimum requirements:


Ø  Must demonstrate mastery of kindergarten mathematics skills by successfully completing the End Year Math Test with 70% accuracy.

Ø  Must demonstrate mastery of kindergarten reading skills by successfully completing the End Year Reading Test with 70% accuracy.

Ø  Students who fail to meet one of these requirements will be referred to the Building Level Committee.

Vernon Parish Grading Scale

S = Satisfactory

P = Progressing

N = Needs Improvement

Expectations for Beginning Kindergarten

1.  Dress oneself: buttoning, snapping, zipping, lacing, tying

2.  Separates from parent easily without crying and clinging

3.  Uses toilet facilities without assistance

4.  Eats at table without assistance, practices good table manners

5.  Can give important personal information: name, age, address, phone number and names of family members

6.  Uses good personal hygiene: washes hands spontaneously, covers mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, uses Kleenex properly

7.  Shows self-control: sharing, controlling anger, waiting one’s turn

8.  Accepts limits and rules: follow rules and accepts consequences of


9.  Accepts responsibility: puts away clothing, books, toys, etc.

10. Identifies body parts

11.  Respects property of others

12. Recognizes first name in print

13. Sits quietly and listens to a story, recalls story facts

14. Follow 2-step instructions

15. Play/work independently, play/work without disturbing others

16. Knows positional terms: in, out, on over, under, behind, beside,

between, through, etc.

17. Experience gross motor skills: climbing, jumping, throwing,

hopping, galloping, catching an object (ball or bean bag)

18. Can count to 10; recognize numbers to 10

19. Recognize letters of the alphabet

20.  Aware of likenesses and differences

21. Recognizes basic color: red, blue, green,

yellow, orange, black, purple, brown

22.  Knows basic shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle

23.  Familiar with terms: left and right

24.  Familiar with use of crayons and pencils

25.  Uses scissors correctly and safely

26.  Identifies common sounds in the environment

Kindergarten Curriculum

(Based on Common Core State Standards)

Reading Readiness:

Just as all children do not walk, talk, or cut their teeth at the same time, so are their differences in time that reading readiness appears. There are not A’s or F’s in physical maturation. If the child does not respond to the teacher’s efforts to prepare to read, that does not mean failure. The child is simply not ready to read by reason of intellectual, physical, social, or emotional immaturity. The prescription for such children is more experience, not forcing him/her to compete with children who are more mature.

Parents can help with the development of reading readiness. They can sharpen the awareness of children through questions and comments. Providing reading material and picture books, opportunities to handle and build objects, and observations of various processes of living in the home and community all contribute to maturation. Being willing to have a child participate in the responsibility of living at home can help. Proper rest and sleep, good physical habits, regular physical and dental checkups, and eating good meals can also be factors.


Each unit assessment tests the following skill areas:





Beginning Reading Concepts



The following skills will be presented for mastery throughout the school year:

ü  Color Identification

ü  Identify and Draw Shapes

ü  Patterns

ü  Number Recognition to 20

ü  Writing Numbers 0-20

ü  Measurement

ü  Geometry

ü  Graphing

ü  Probability

ü  Time


ü  Addition

ü  Subtraction

ü  Story Problems through 9

ü  One to One Correspondence

ü  Money

Readiness Skills:

The fine motor development readiness skills will be tracked for individual student progress throughout the year.

Science/Social Studies:

Science and Social Studies are integrated into the English/Language Arts and Mathematics lesson activities.

Report Cards:

Report cards will be issued 4 times during the school year. In addition, a scheduled conference will take place in the fall and spring. Parents will be contacted if there are any areas of concern. Please contact your child’s teacher anytime during the year if you have any questions or concerns.


Kindergarten students will not have homework assigned daily. We may send home suggested activities for the family to work on together. If your child is required to bring something to school it will be written in the folder. Absenteeism may require homework.

Resources: {Title I}

If your child is struggling with reading or math, please come by the Title I Room (#15/17) to see Mrs. Allison. You may check out items and/or books to help you with your child at home.

Rest Time:

Every child is expected and required to rest quietly during this time. Not every child will sleep, but they are expected to remain quiet so they will not disturb their neighbor. Be sure to discuss this rest time period with your child. If you send a blanket, it will remain in your child’s backpack. It will be your child’s responsibility to pull it out for naptime and pack it back daily.

School Hours:

School begins at 7:40 am; dismisses at 2:40 pm. Parent drop off will be held from 7:15 am to 7:35 am. Parent pick up will be held from 2:40 pm to 2:55 pm. First load buses will leave at 2:40 pm. Second load buses will leave at 3:10 pm.

Change of Bus/Plans:

It is important to your child’s feeling of security to know where he/she will be going when school is dismissed. If there is going to be a change, you need to discuss this with your children prior to their leaving for school. You MUST send a note to the teacher informing her of the change or the usual procedure will be followed!! We cannot take your child’s word about a change. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY PHONE CALLS OR FAXES CONCERNING BUS OR PARENT PICK UP CHANGES! This is for your child’s protection.

Field Trips:

When a field trip is to be taken, your child will bring home a permission form giving the destination and date. This form must be signed and returned to the teacher before your child will be allowed to go on the trip.

**ALL students will travel to field trip destination on the school sponsored bus. If a parent would like to provide transportation on the return trip, then you must sign out your own child with the teacher.

**Field trip refunds will not be made for any reason.

Responsibilities of Kindergarten Parents:


§  ATTENDANCE -- Send all doctor excuses to school.

§  Students will be marked tardy if they arrive

after 7:40 am.

§  If you know that your child will be absent for

more than one day, please notify the school.




§  Look over all newsletters and papers in your

child’s Friday folder and review skill papers.


§  A snack calendar will be sent home each month. Your child may have a different day each month because of birthdays and holidays.

§  Send snacks for 25 students. We have a refrigerator and freezer.

§  Commercially packaged snacks are



§  A conference may be requested at any time.

§  Send a note to school or call the office.

§  Any changes in the afternoon pick up

procedure MUST be written down and

SENT to the school/classroom THAT



In order to be considered for promotion, students MUST be in attendance a minimum of 160 days. The assistant principal is our attendance officer. In the case of excessive absences, parents will be required to submit written documentation to the assistant principal for approval. For a student to receive an excused absence, we must have a signed excuse from – medical personnel such as a doctor, dentist, psychologist, etc.; military personnel; a court approved excuse from judge, lawyer or court official; funeral documentation. FOR AN ABSENCE TO BE CONSIDERED AS AN EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCE, STUDENTS HAVE 5 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THEIR ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL TO TURN IN THEIR EXCUSE. ANY EXCUSE TURNED IN AFTER 5 DAYS OF THE STUDENT’S ABSENCE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. UPON RECEIVING THE EXCUSE, THE ADMISSION OFFICE WILL DATE AND FILE THE EXCUSE IN THE MAIN OFFICE.


If a child is signed in after 7:40 am, he or she will be counted tardy. A conduct mark will be given for any tardy other than an official doctor/dental excuse. Students who accumulate a total of 9 or more unexcused tardies and/or early dismissals will be assigned Saturday School from 8:00 am to noon to recover missing instructional minutes required to meet Pupil Progression requirements for promotion.

Use of Telephone:

Due to the number of students enrolled at our school, the use of the phone must be held to a minimum. Written permission to use the phone must be given by the teacher or principal.

School-wide Positive Behavior Support (PBiS) Plan:

Ellie’s Pledge

is for Respect Everyone

is for Obey Rules

is for Act Responsibly

is for Remain Safe

East Leesville Elementary School-wide Plan:

Ellie’s Pledge

Incentives may include the following:


o  Verbal and/or written praise by faculty daily and weekly

o  “ELE’s Club” held each Friday

o  “Ellie High Five” for Paw Power Button students

o  Jungle Jam activities each six weeks


If a student exhibits a minor behavior infraction {wrong choice}, the following intervention steps will be taken:

1st Infraction – Warning/Reteach Expectation

2nd Infraction – Better-Choice Chair, Student Conference

3rd Infraction – Alternate Recess or Centers

4th Infraction – Minor Infraction Report/Loss of Privileges

5th Infraction – PBS Board Conference/Office Referral

If a student exhibits a major behavior infraction, the administration will follow the VP Discipline Plan.

Daily Conduct Guide:

Blue – 0 infractions = A

Green – 1 infraction = A-

Yellow – 2 infractions = B

Purple – 3 infractions = C

Orange – 4 infractions = D (parent telephoned)

Red – 5 infractions = F

**School Policy: Visiting the office for discipline matters is an automatic “F” for conduct that week.

These behavioral interventions are used for minor behaviors such as listed below:

Teachers use a classroom behavior chart to keep track of minor infractions. Charts travel with students throughout the day to all locations and classes. If there is a compilation of minor infractions within a day, a student will be referred to the PBS Board rather than being automatically referred to the office for these behaviors. However, a fourth referral to the PBS Board or excessive minor infractions within the six-weeks will result in an official behavior referral to the office.

Major behaviors will be directed immediately to the office. These include but are not limited the following:

Daily & Weekly Conduct Grades:

A daily folder and weekly (Friday) folder will be sent home with your child. You will need to sign the folder, make any comments if you like, and return the folder to school daily. Weekly conduct grades will be an average of “Daily Conduct Grades” based on the following guide.

Blue – 0 infractions = A

Green – 1 infraction = A-

Yellow – 2 infractions = B

Purple – 3 infractions = C

Orange – 4 infractions = D

Red – 5 infractions = F

Ex. Blue, blue, green, yellow, blue = yellow (B)

**School Policy: Visiting the office for discipline matters is an automatic “F” for conduct that week.

Weekly conduct marks will be tallied Friday through Thursday. Conduct grades in the weekly folder will be posted Thursday afternoon and sent out on Fridays. Our first grade and Encore teams will host an end of year Positive Behavior Support (PBiS) celebration for students who maintain an A or B in conduct on report cards.

**School Policy: Visiting the office for discipline matters is an automatic “F” for conduct that week.

Lost and Found:

Parents need to label all jackets, sweaters, book bags, supplies, etc. with the child’s name and room number in order that they may be returned if lost. Please do not bring valuables to school.


We are not allowed to have birthday parties at E.L.E. However, birthday treats and special snacks are welcomed and will be served at snack time. Teachers will assign your child’s snack day on his/her birthday (or close to it). NO PRESENTS OR PARTY FAVORS ARE ALLOWED. Student’s private party invitations can ONLY be handed out in the classroom if every child receives an invitation.



Each child must know their first and last name for the lunchroom. Please help your child memorize their first and last name. When the children get their lunch tray they will tell the cafeteria worker their first and last name. LUNCH MONEY MUST BE PUT IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME, AMOUNT, TEACHER’S NAME, AND ROOM #. LUNCH MONEY MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE BY THE WEEK OR MONTH (NOT DAILY). Include breakfast money if your child eats breakfast at school. Monitor balance at www.myschoolbucks.com.

Teachers send money envelopes directly to the office. Your child may buy an extra milk for $.50. Do not include it with lunch money. Your child will be responsible for handling this money in the lunch line.