Press release
57th Genoa Boat Show – 21/26 September 2017
“La Piazza del Vento” The Square of the Wind
The public art and landscape design project “La Piazza del Vento” stems from Architect Renzo Piano’svision – a gift to the Genova International Boat Show – and wasbrought to life by Architects Paolo Brescia, Tommaso Principi and by OBR Studio to mark the 57° edition of the Salone Nautico di Genova (21-26 September 2017). The italianmaritimeindustryassociation UCINA Confindustria Nautica and the local public authoritieshavebeen strong supporters of the multisensoryinstallation, a gift and legacy from the International Boat Show to the Ligurian city.
In Architect Paolo Brescia’swords, “thisis an installationcreated for a temporaryeventthatbecomes a permanentlegacy;a venuewhereone can rediscover the pleasure of meeting by the seain a public ritualwhilstcelebrating the inextricable link existingbetween the Boat Show and Genoa.” The Piazza del Vento willenablevisitors and citizensalike to interact with the naturalphenomena and energy of the sea, the sun, the wind and the waves. OBR Studio hasenvisioned an area with 57masts made of redmaple and whitesteelreaching 12 meters in height and donated by the company Capoferri. The masts are linked to eachanother with textilestays on whichtriangularjibs in Dacron are hoisted and a Windexsewn with colorful spinnaker material in the shape of flameswill be installedat the top of eachmast, indicating the direction and intensity of the wind. To make the Piazza del Vento even more interactive, Architects Brescia and Principi haveenvisaged a number of swingsinstalledamong the masts, dynamic and movingseats to be used in pairs in the shadow of the sails and overlooking the sea.
Genova, 7September 2017
Press Office 57th Genoa Boat Show
Chiara Castellari
+39 010 5769812 – 338 4130156
Massimo Procopio
+39 335 8165281
Matilde Villa
+39 010 5769831