RESTRICTED – CONTRACTS (when completed)
FOR: Self Drive Vehicle Hire
TO BE RETURNED TO Andrew Taylor, MCIPS Contracts Manager.
Norfolk Police Authority,
Central Procurement Unit,
Jubilee House, Room 1.1.60,
Falconers Chase,
NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 423751
Fax: 01953 424910
BY: 12.00 hrs 22nd December 2008
If you would like to receive this document in another format
please contact Andrew Taylor, Contracts Officer, quoting Norfolk Police Authority Tender Reference SC0214
Norfolk Police Authority reminds all Companies and Individuals of our obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and advises Contractors to take their own legal advice about the Freedom of Information Act. Norfolk Police Authority shall not be held liable for any actions, claims or costs howsoever arising.
INDEXSection / Details / Page No
Part A / Instructions
Part B / Background to the Tender Requirements
Part C / Company Details
Part D / Capability Statements
Part E / Company Performance Data
Part F / Freedom of Information
Part G / Details of Supporting Documentation
Part H / Declaration
· Thank you for expressing your interest in tendering for this contract.
· This document is divided into 7 parts. Please read and complete each part carefully.
· Part C requests basic Company Details and Contact information
· Part D contains questions specifically related to the delivery of the Contract requirement.
· Part E of the questionnaire is generic and requests details of your Company as a whole.
· The questionnaire is designed to give Norfolk Police Authority, as the potential client, sufficient information to make an assessment as to the suitability of your Company to tender for this Contract. Norfolk Police Authority, in addition to ensuring that your company can demonstrate its ability to carry out the work for which you are applying to be considered, also wishes to ensure that, as an employer, your Company carries out its responsibilities in respect of health and safety and equal opportunities. Our aim, wherever possible, is to ensure that best value is secured and that our principles are also reflected in Contractors working alongside us.
· Please answer the questions specifically for your Company and not for the group if you are part of a Group of Companies. It is very important that you answer all questions applicable to your Company as fully as possible. If you need to add supporting documentation, or to expand your answer by more than the space given on this form, please do so as a separate document, clearly cross-referencing it to the main document. Your application may be precluded if relevant questions are not answered, if any documents requested are not included, or if any information is found to be inaccurate when verified.
· Please ensure that your application is returned as soon as possible, along with any supporting documents, which should be clearly identified with your company’s name. Applications not received by the closing date shown on the cover of this questionnaire may not be considered.
· Suppliers may find it beneficial to view the following web site - a joint web portal launched by the Office of Government Commerce and the Small Business Service which provides advice and guidance to small businesses bidding for Public Sector work. The publication “Tendering for Local Government Contracts” has also been updated to give more positive and helpful tips and advice to Small/Medium Enterprises (fewer than 250 employees) wishing to tender.
· Once completed and to avoid the possibility of this questionnaire being blocked by our anti-virus software, you are advised to upload its content and accompanying documentation via the e-tendering website.
· On receipt of all questionnaires, it is our intention to assess each submission firstly on Part D - the Capability Statements. Only if we are satisfied with your abilities in this regard will the evaluation continue. We will contact you again at the end of the process to advise you of the outcome
· If you have any questions regarding these documents please do not hesitate to contact the Central Procurement Unit at Norfolk Police Authority, Headquarters using the telephone number or e-mail address shown (on the cover page) and quoting the Tender Reference.
Profile of Norfolk
Norfolk Constabulary is responsible for policing the County, which comprises of an area of some 2,068 square miles, a coastline of 90 miles, 250 miles of waterways, 6,329 miles of roads and 541 parishes. There are 200 conservation areas, 10,000 listed buildings and 350 scheduled monuments.
The county is sparsely populated with a largely rural community and population that totals 810,000. Approximately 36% live in the three major built up areas of Norwich, Great Yarmouth and Kings Lynn. 18% live in market towns, 21% in parishes of under 1000 and a further 21% in parishes of less than 300.
Norfolk Constabulary’s spend on vehicle hire was circa £400,000 for the last 12 month period.
1. Introduction and Background Information
1.1 Norfolk Constabulary operate and maintain a substantial vehicle fleet the force supports a wide range of policing services within the community where there is a requirement to supplement this through short, medium and long term self-drive hire arrangements.
1.2 Predominantly the need is for cars and light to medium vans and minibuses. However, commercial vehicles up to GVM (Gross Vehicle Mass) of 7,500 kg may also be required.
1.3 The average period of hire is from one to five days but it differs from area to area according to local need. On occasion, there is a requirement to hire vehicles over longer periods of time, ranging from one week through to twelve months.
1.4 The majority of business will be conducted within the operating boundary of Norfolk. However, on occasions, the Contractor may be required to service both local and national needs by facilitating one way hire to train stations, air and sea ports.
1.5 The Authority reserves the right to source from an alternative supplier where the Contractor fails to supply or where local needs or operational requirements prove necessary. Such instances will be an ad hoc arrangement particular to the Authority.
1.6 Most Authorities have in place a driving course which all staff have to complete and pass a level of competency before being allowed to drive vehicles belonging to the Authority or any hire Company. Therefore the Contractors requirements for Employee licenses for the purposes of a hire vehicle will not be necessary and Authority will not be expected to provide vehicle licenses with each hire.
The Contractor shall:
General Requirements
1.7 Provide a single named account manager for the Authority.
1.8 Ensure all travel plans and arrangements are held confidential and that these are not passed on to any other unrelated third party.
1.9 Attend the Authorities premises to discuss travel plans and vehicle provision in support of major operations.
1.10 Provide advice and guidance to the Authority regarding proposed travel arrangements:
a) Ensuring the most economic and efficient use of the Authorities resources and funds
b) Demonstrate where savings may be made by adjusting on / off hire times collection and delivery times, periods of hire and the group of vehicle hired.
Booking Arrangements
1.11 Provide the Authority with a central point of contact for all bookings and enquiries.
1.12 Provide a core booking service (0830 hours to 1700 hours) on all working weekdays (Monday to Friday) and emergency arrangements for the remainder of each weekday, weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and all Bank/Public Holidays.
1.13 Provide a single telephone number for use during both normal office hours and out of hours with sufficient lines to meet demand. This number is to be available from within the United Kingdom and also from abroad.
1.14 Provide a sufficient number of suitably equipped and trained call handlers to enable bookings and enquiries to be dealt with promptly and effectively within three rings. Alternatively, provide an on line booking service.
1.15 Be pro-active in offering the most appropriate value for money solution and ensure compliance with the Authorities relevant travel policy.
1.16 Confirm availability of a suitable vehicle and acceptance of the booking at the initial call, providing the caller with a unique booking reference.
1.17 When for reasons of vehicle non-availability acceptance is not possible call the Authority back within 30 minutes having made arrangements for supply through an acceptable partner arrangement at the agreed prices and at no additional costs to the Authority.
1.18 Within one hour of the original booking being made, confirmation should be e-mailed to the Authority . The Contractor shall provide the following booking information as a minimum requirement:
a) Callers Name, rank and designation
b) Time and date of call
c) Booking reference number
d) The Authority purchase order number
e) Group of vehicle ordered
f) Vehicle to be supplied: (If available)
i. Group
ii. Charge rate
iii. Make/model
iv. Colour
v. Registration number
vi. Engine Size
vii. Fuel Type
viii. Transmission
g) On-hire time and date
h) Delivery address, contact name and telephone number
i) Off-hire time and date
j) Collection address, contact name, time and telephone number
k) Details of special delivery and/or collection arrangements
1.19 Be pro-active in providing other methods, which may be used to communicate bookings and information (e.g. e-mail, on-line) or compatible with e-procurement developments of the Authority.
Notice of Requirements
1.20 The Authority will endeavour to provide the Contractor with at least 24 hours notice for pre-planned requirements.
1.21 The Contractor will also need to service ad-hoc requirements at short notice and understand that notice of requirements will vary.
1.22 The Contractor must provide suitable arrangements to make vehicles available within a minimum notice period of one hour.
On-Hire and Delivery
1.23 The period of hire will commence at the time and date stated on the Authorities purchase order.
1.24 Whilst the period of hire will normally commence between 0830 and 1700 hours Monday to Friday inclusive of Bank and Public Holidays there will be occasions when hire periods are required to commence outside of these times. No surcharge will be levied on the Authority for deliveries outside of core hours.
1.25 Delivery of the vehicle must be at an appropriate time to allow use to commence at the time and date stated on the Authorities purchase order. Early deliveries are subject to the Authorities agreement at the time of booking. Where the Contractor opts to deliver the vehicle early there will be no surcharge levied on the Authority.
1.26 In most instances the Authority will require delivery of the vehicle to a location which is convenient to the subsequent deployment and use of the vehicle.
1.27 Delivery locations will include but are not exclusive to:
a) Police stations and premises
b) Hotels, conference and training centres
c) Ports, airports and railway stations
d) Business premises
e) Private addresses
1.28 Delivery times will vary according to the circumstances and with each delivery location, however, delivery will be required on occasions within one hour to any nominated location.
1.29 Arrangements for the delivery of vehicles will be made at the time of booking and detailed on the booking confirmation.
Off-Hire and Collection
The period of hire will cease automatically on the time and date stated on the Authorities purchase order.
Should the vehicle not be made available for collection at the end of the hire period then the Contractor must make contact with the officer responsible to establish the status of the hire. Where an extension is authorised this will be subject to a revision of the Authorities original purchase order which will be issued to the Contractor by way of confirmation.
No additional charges will be accepted by the Authority without the required prior authorisation.
1.30 Where a booking is made on a “to be advised” basis in relation to the arrangements for off-hire the Authority will specify a review date upon which the Contractor is required to make contact with the officer concerned to establish the continuing status of the hire. This will be repeated throughout the period of hire at intervals established by the Authority.
1.31 The Contractor is required to collect the vehicle promptly upon completion of the hire period and in any event within 2 working hours from 0830 hours the following morning where completion takes place Monday to Thursday.
1.32 The times during which collection can be normally carried out will vary according to the requirement and with the location.
1.33 Arrangements for the collection of vehicles will be made at the time of booking and detailed on the booking confirmation.
1.34 Where collection is required from an unmanned location, a mutually acceptable arrangement will be put in place.
Changes and Cancellations
1.35 The Authority will endeavour to minimise the changes to bookings once confirmed. However, operational needs and the nature of the Authorities business may frequently dictate otherwise. Changes may be advised at short notice.
1.36 The Contractor must act appropriately and promptly in respect of any changes to bookings.
1.37 The hire charges will apply to the resultant hire and will be charged at the prevailing rate for the complete hire period.
1.38 Where it becomes necessary to either reduce or increase the hire period from that originally requested then a surcharge will not be levied for doing so.
1.39 All such changes and cancellations will be authorised by Fleet Management staff and will be subject to a revision of the Authorities original purchase order which will be issued to the Contractor by way of confirmation.
1.40 Where the vehicle supplied does not meet requested hire and the Authority is dissatisfied with the level of service or vehicle provided e.g.: delivery of automatic transmission MPV, when requested vehicle is a compact manual transmission vehicle albeit delivered vehicle is higher group than the requested vehicle. An alternative must be supplied immediately that is fit for purpose or a service credit depending on request of the Authority.