2015-2016 FISCAL YEAR


(including General, Mechanical, Electrical & Roofing)


The pre-qualification application process is the method by which licensed contractors can be pre-qualified to bid on construction projects that are tendered by the University of Manitoba (hereinafter referred to as “University”).

Upon receipt of a complete and accurate application form, the University shall undertake a process of due diligence to confirm the accuracy of the information submitted, and evaluate each contractor’s past performance (both with the University and with other clients), to determine if the applicant should be added to the University’s list of pre-qualified contractors.

For the duration of the pre-qualification term, only contractors that have successfully completed the pre-qualification process shall be eligible to submit tenders for any University construction projects.

For projects with an estimated total cost of more than $1,000,000, the University may require contractors to complete a project-specific pre-qualification, if it is deemed to be in the University’s best interest to do so.

Contractors will only be permitted to participate in the tendering process for those categories of work – and project values – for which they have been pre-qualified.

In the event that subcontractors are required on a specific project, and that category of work is one for which the University carries out a pre-qualification process, the primary contractor may only use subcontractors which are on the University’s pre-qualified contractor list.

The University maintains a public listing of all pre-qualified contractors on its website:


1)  NEW APPLICATION for Pre-qualification Status

Completed application forms must be submitted – via e-mail only – to:

Mr Olusegun Daodu
Purchasing Consultant, Construction

NOTE: Any application that is incomplete may be rejected at the University’s discretion.

A.  Categories of Work & Project Value

Indicate the category (or categories) of work, and the range of project value(s) within each selected category, for which the applicant wishes to be considered for pre-qualification.

Check all disciplines and project value ranges that apply.

Estimated Total Project Cost
Less than
$60,000 / $60,000 –
$250,000 / $250,000 –
$500,000 / $500,000 –
$1,000,000 / Over
General Contractor
Mechanical Contractor
Electrical Contractor
AMP Certified
Electrical Contractor
Roofing Contractor

NOTE: projects valued at more than $60,000 may require bid bonding.

B.  General Information

Corporate Information

Full Legal Company Name
Operating Name (if different from above)
Street Address
Mailing Address (including postal code)
GST Registration Number
Number of Years in Business
Type of Business / Sole Proprietorship Partnership
Corporation Other:

Primary Contact Person

Phone Number
E-Mail Address

Identify if the applicant has operated under another name in the past. If it has, provide any and all past names, as well as time periods when each name was used.

Describe the ownership structure of the applicant with respect to any parent and/or subsidiary companies.

Identify if the applicant is party to any pending litigation, or was party to any litigation within the past five years.



If the response is ‘Yes’, applicant must provide detail of all such litigation below.

Has a delay claim been filed on your behalf on any project you have been the Prime Contractor or subcontractor.



Company Owners / Officers / Partners / Principals

Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 1 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 2 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 3 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 4 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 5 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 6 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 7 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 8 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 9 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 10 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 11 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 12 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 13 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 14 / Name:
Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal 15 / Name:

Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Company Staff Compliment

Identify the current number of Project Managers and Site Supervisors on staff that could be assigned to a University of Manitoba project (it is understood that this number may change during the course of the year). Any changes during time of tender may require additional information and pre-qualification for alternate personnel.

The University reserves the right to request curriculum vitae on any or all of the individuals listed.

This information will be used in the assessment of the Contractor’s capability to perform the work at the dollar level requested for pre-qualification.

Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:
Project Manager / Site Supervisor / Name:
Years of Experience: Years with Company:

Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Declaration of Potential Conflict of Interest

Applicants must identify if any owners, officers, partners, or principals of the company are related to a University employee. This information is collected to identify potential conflict of interest situations, but will not preclude the applicant’s participation in a University tendering process.

NOTE: Failure to declare any potential conflict of interest may result in the applicant being removed from the list of pre-qualified contractors.

Declaration 1 / Name of Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal:
Name of related University employee:
Declaration 2 / Name of Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal:
Name of related University employee:
Declaration 3 / Name of Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal:
Name of related University employee:
Declaration 4 / Name of Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal:
Name of related University employee:
Declaration 5 / Name of Owner / Officer / Partner / Principal:
Name of related University employee:

Attach additional sheets if necessary.

C.  Subcontracting

Identify and describe all categories of work for which the applicant usually retains the services of a subcontractor.

Type of Work / Description/Notes

Attach additional sheets if necessary.

D.  Experience

Identify the number of years of related construction experience of the principals and other key individuals within the company.

Name / Current Title / Years of Experience

Applicants are required to attach current statements of experience for each individual listed above.

E.  Recent Major Construction Projects

Provide the following information regarding major construction projects other than at the University of Manitoba – within the past five years – for which the applicant acted as the prime contractor or as a subcontractor.

Project values, and types of work, should be in line with the project values, and categories, selected in Section A.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
Owner / Contact Person:
Phone Number:
(i.e. architect, engineer) / Consultant Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
Owner / Contact Person:
Phone Number:
(i.e. architect, engineer) / Consultant Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
Owner / Contact Person:
Phone Number:
(i.e. architect, engineer) / Consultant Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
Owner / Contact Person:
Phone Number:
(i.e. architect, engineer) / Consultant Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
Owner / Contact Person:
Phone Number:
(i.e. architect, engineer) / Consultant Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
Owner / Contact Person:
Phone Number:
(i.e. architect, engineer) / Consultant Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

Recent University of Manitoba Projects (If applicable)

Provide information for projects completed specifically at the University of Manitoba within the last 5 years – for which the applicant acted as the prime contractor or as a subcontractor.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
University Project Coordinator / Project Coordinator:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
University Project Coordinator / Project Coordinator:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

Project Name
Total Project Value
Value of Applicant’s Work*
Date Completed
University Project Coordinator / Project Coordinator:

* if applicant acted as a subcontractor on the project.

F.  References

Provide a minimum of three relevant client references. The clients listed should be able to provide references that are appropriate for the project values and categories identified in Section A.

NOTE: do not include any references that are within the University.

Project Name
Client Company Name
Client Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:
Project Name
Client Company Name
Client Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:
Project Name
Client Company Name
Client Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:
Project Name
Client Company Name
Client Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:

G.  Bonding

Provide the following information regarding the applicant’s bonding status.

Name of Bonding Company
Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:
Total Bonding Capacity / $

Identify any and all instances of the bonding company completing the work of the applicant. Provide a description of the project and associated circumstances.

H.  COR Certification

The University requires that all pre-qualified contractors maintain COR Certification (as administered by the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba) throughout the term of the pre-qualification period.

If the applicant’s COR Certification expires during the term of the pre-qualification period, it is the applicant’s responsibility to provide the University with updated proof of re-certification before the expiry date. Failure to provide such proof may result in the applicant being removed from the list of pre-qualified contractors.

Provide the following information regarding the applicant’s COR Certification status.

COR Certification Number
Certification Expiry Date

NOTE: The applicant must provide the University with a copy of its current COR certificate.

I.  Financial Information

Provide the following information for financial institutions that can furnish the University with credit information about the applicant.

Name of Financial Institution
Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:
Name of Financial Institution
Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:
Name of Financial Institution
Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:
Name of Financial Institution
Contact Person / Name:
Phone Number:

Indicate if the University may contact any of the above financial institutions to obtain relevant credit information.



If the response is ‘No’, applicant must provide an explanation as to why the University cannot make such contact.

J.  Billing Rates

Applicants must provide the rates that will be charged to the University during the term of this pre-qualification period. Each applicant must provide charge out rates for all positions listed below that it regularly charges out to its clients.

The charge out rates identified below shall be the basis for calculating the actual charges related to a change order during the course of any construction project. Applicants may request adjustment of the base salary rates during the term of this pre-qualification, in the event of industry-wide changes to base labour rates.

The University may, at its discretion, use the charge out rates below as a criterion for evaluation of applicants who participate in a “best value” tender during the term of this pre-qualification.

Position / Base Salary Rate / Charge Out Rate / Notes
Project Manager / $ per hour / $ per hour
Site Supervisor / $ per hour / $ per hour
Journeyman / $ per hour / $ per hour
Apprentice / $ per hour / $ per hour
General Labourer / $ per hour / $ per hour
Other: / $ per hour / $ per hour
Other: / $ per hour / $ per hour
Other: / $ per hour / $ per hour
Other: / $ per hour / $ per hour

In order to provide the University with a better understanding of the charge out rates identified above, applicants must provide a listing of all internal costs (i.e. CPP, insurance, etc.) that are covered by the mark-up of the base salary rates identified, as per the example below.

Description / Percentage mark-up on Base Salary Rate / Notes
Canada Pension Plan / 4.95% / Includes admin costs

K.  Confidentiality

The University is subject to the rules and regulations of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any information provided by the applicant pursuant to this application is collected solely for the purpose of pre-qualifying contractors who wish to do business with the University.