The rubrics were first developed as one of the SACSA network funded projects, to try and make the assessment of the development of Essential Learnings clearer for teachers. We wanted to break down each area of Essential Learnings so that we could try and show where our students were placed along a continuum of development.
The four areas of each Learning were taken directly from the SACSA Frameworks website. Then we tried to describe some observable descriptors that would cover the development of these learnings for Early Years students.
We realise that the descriptors are nowhere near the entirety of each learning strand. They were merely an attempt to describe what a child might be doing at that stage of development. Every teacher will need to adapt and expand these indicators to suit their students and their activities.
We hope the rubrics help teachers to come to terms with assessing the development of the Essential Learnings so that they can better assist their students to develop these vital life skills.
We would welcome any feedback from teachers about these rubrics so that we can continue to develop them.
Cathy Cameron ()
June Cowin ()
Cathy Rowe
Vanessa Stone
TARGETS / EARLY / DEVELOPING / PRACTIsING / ADVANCEDUnderstanding complexity of language and data / Listen and respond to a range of texts in a variety of ways / Adapt language to suit emotions/social situations
Express meaning in a range of modes – print, oral, visual, graphic / Adapt written/spoken language to target audience / Use data to produce persuasive arguments
Understand that texts include information intentionally selected by author
Understanding how communication works / Appropriate play with toy ICTs
Watch others use ICTs curiously / Can explain use of common ICTs
Understand meaning from others’ messages / Follow agreed process for use of ICTs
Choose suitable text type to relay desired messages / Present work using a variety of digital media
Making effective use of communication tools / Can name common ICT tools e. g. microphones, computer, digital camera
Confidently joins group discussions / Can use ICT tools with some help
Understand that texts relay meaning / Independently boot computer and log into network
Use positional language and maps to represent familiar places / Read and interpret a variety of texts
Produce a variety of verbal, visual and other texts
Using communication in a range of modes to achieve outcomes / Effectively ask others for help
Willing to listen to others / Develop active listening
Select and sequence information for specific purpose / Experiment with new ideas of communication
Can resolve simple disputes reasonably / Gather and organise data to make decisions about planned activities
Confident interpersonal style
TARGETS / EARLY / DEVELOPING / PRACTIsING / ADVANCEDUnderstanding patterns and connections within systems / Begin to spot elements in systems
Can identify similar concepts in different contexts / Recognises patterns and connections
Can relate own similar experiences to learning experiences / Transfers earlier knowledge and understandings to new situations / Chooses to use planned problem solving
Makes models of systems
Understanding world views when analysing future challenges / Recognises multicultural experiences come from other parts of the world / Questions existence of different world view
Building scenarios of preferred futures / Participates in wide range of cultural activities / Can differentiate between past, present and future events / Uses events to formulate future action
Can imagine future scenarios / Uses divergent thinking about the future
Developing life long learning / Actively explores the environment
Enjoys new learning experiences / Can formulate questions from learning experiences
Undertakes play activities to answer own questions / Plan activities to answer own questions
Take variety of roles in teams / Negotiates own learning experiences
Can undertake effective self assessment
TARGETS / EARLY / DEVELOPING / PRACTIsING / ADVANCEDUnderstanding self group and others / Develops attachments to significant others
Can say own name in full
Reacts confidently in new social settings / Be appropriately assertive in social context
Empathise with emotional needs of others / Describes simple similarities and differences between members of social groups / Developing positive self concept
Shows respect for different identities than their own
Understanding the social construction of identities / Can name members of own family
Recognises differences between boys and girls / Can name relationship levels within families
Explains the personal significance of cultural events / Can differentiate between different cultural/age groups
Role play different identities / Can identify cases of injustice in their own social environment
Can identify realistic/unrealistic experiences
Relating effectively to others regardless of their identities / Begin to recognise, name, manage own emotions
Can express personal needs / Can describe the hierarchy of power at school / Learn basic conflict resolution skills
Adapts own behaviour to have effective interaction with others from different groups / Able to influence the opinions of others in a constructive manner
Uses information from others to make own changes
TARGETS / EARLY / DEVELOPING / PRACTIsING / ADVANCEDUnderstanding cultural and global connections, patterns and evolutions / Can name groups they belong to
Knows that they live in Australia / Participates in local events to improve community
New cultural experiences are accepted and respected / Identifies basic world issues
Identify that certain practices come from different cultures
Understanding what is needed for sustainable social and physical environments / Explores local physical environment / Identify living/non living things / Can describe life cycles
Identify humans’ impact on the local environment / Can explain interdependence of living things
Work with others to achieve collaborative goals
Acting cooperatively to achieve agreed outcomes / Play alongside others
Shares equipment
Adapts own physical environment without upsetting others / Interact positively with others in play
Uses active listening skills / Recognises the needs of others in the class
Identifies paid/unpaid work in the community / Participates in class meetings
Works effectively as a member of a team
Taking civic action to benefit the community / Follows routines to keep centre safe and clean
Shows interest in new learning / Voluntarily tidies up the school
Participates in school beautification projects / Participates in SRC
Cooperates with others to achieve shared goals / Accesses community resources for learning
Contributes to learning culture of school
TARGETS / EARLY / DEVELOPING / PRACTIsING / ADVANCEDUses a wide range of thinking modes / Listen and respond to simple messages
Asks why and what if questions / Recognises patterns
Spends ‘thinking’ time on a problem / Asks relevant questions
Uses creative thinking processes / Recognises own preferred learning style
Give reasons for own point of view
Draws on thinking from a wide range of times and cultures / Can draw on information from local history sources
Demonstrates enterprising attributes / Contributes ideas for changes to centre environment / Explores new possibilities for common situations
Accepts more than one answer for problems / Uses open ended thinking for problems
Identifies class practices needing change / Demonstrates key competencies for problem solving
Initiating enterprising and creative solutions for contemporary issues / Experiment with familiar materials in creative ways
Initiates play situations / Takes risks with problem solving
Presents new ideas for group consideration / Constructs connections between ideas
Gathers evidence to back up solutions / Applies creative thinking to generate ideas and solutions
Generates new ideas when working in groups