Information Guide
Hollywood Public School 360 Hollywood Avenue, North York, Ontario M2N 3L4 Tel: (416) 395-2560 Fax: (416)395-4485
School Message
On behalf of all the staff, welcome to Hollywood Public School for the year 2015-2016. I hope that this information will be useful to you. The first few pages outline the school expectations, rules and routines. A brief description of our programs and school highlights are included. As you read on, you will find many excellent study and organizational tips. I hope you take advantage of this guide to help you learn the important life skills of time management and organization.
Your years at Hollywood Public School will offer many new experiences, new challenges and a variety of activities for you. I hope you have a great year!
T. Jovanovich
Hollywood School Council
The Hollywood School Council is made up of parent volunteers, staff representatives and members of the community, representing the interests of parents and students of Hollywood Public School. The Council’s roles include advising on school policy, raising and allocating funds towards improving the school and enriching our children’s school experiences. All parents are invited to join the School Council to help with the decisions that affect the education of our children. Parents can keep in touch with the School Council by attending the meetings in person, by checking the bulletin board set up in the main entrance lobby of the school or by dropping comments or suggestions in “Hollywood School Council Communication Box” located on the Council bulletin board. The Hollywood School Council meets monthly during the school year to discuss school business, review committee reports and plan special events. Check your monthly school calendar for dates and times of all the meetings. Email address:
Our School Motto is:
“Learning is Forever!”
TDSB Mission Statement
Our mission is to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society.
We value:
- Each and every student
- A strong public education system
- A partnership of students, schools, family and community
- The uniqueness and diversity of our students and our community
- The commitment and skills of our staff
- Equity, innovation, accountability and accessibility
- Learning environments that are safe, nurturing, positive and respectful
Hollywood PS Mission Statement
At Hollywood P.S. our goal is to support the education of the whole child. We aim to strengthen our community through our key values of respect, tolerance, and inclusion. This is best achieved within a secure, fun, and friendly environment where student learning is encouraged through inquiry and exploration.
We strive for excellence in life-long learning through:
- Successful student acquisition of strong literacy and numeracy skills
- Supporting teachers in the use of best instructional practices and resources
- Modeling and teaching positive and effective social and conflict resolution skills
- Encouraging active, healthy living
- Promoting global citizenship including responsibility and care for the environment
Telephone Numbers
School Office416-395-2560
Fax Number416-395-4485
Safe Arrival/Attendance Verification Program416-395-2567
All Stars Child Care416-221-7827
TDSB Call Centre (for emergencies relating to the building outside of school hours)416-395-4620
School Hours
8:40amMorning classes begin
11:25amLunch break
12:30pmAfternoon classes begin
3:15pmDismissal for the day
Supervision begins in the schoolyard for Grades 1-6 students at 8:25 am. We request that parent(s)/ guardian(s) ensure that their child(ren) do not arrive at school before 8:25 a.m. Playscape supervision is provided from 3:15-3:30 p.m. Unless supervised by parent(s) or caregiver(s), students are not to remain in the schoolyard after 3:30 p.m.
School Access and Visitor Requirements/Identification
For security and safety reasons, all doors will be locked. Please make an appointment to enter the building or buzz in for an emergency. All visitors must sign-in at the office and wear a visitor tag during their stay.Our doors are locked during the day, and for added security the only access is through our video recorded front door. To assist us with the number of times our doorbell security system is activated, we asking that lunchesare sent with your child in the morning whenever possible. This alleviates added responses from our office staff in answering the security system.
Video, Digital or Closed-circuit Camera Systems
This building is equipped with a video/digital/closed-circuit camera system to provide protection for the well being and security of individuals, and as a deterrent to vandalism, criminal acts or other illegal activities. All information obtained by the camera system is confidential and will only be transmitted to police authorities when criminal or other illegal acts are suspected. All tapes or digital images will be destroyed within 30 days of being recorded unless they are used as part of an investigation.
All information is managed in accordance with the Toronto District School Board’s procedure PR.694: Video Surveillance and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Vulnerable Sector Screening - Police Reference Check Program
We value the tremendous contributions of our parent, guardian, and community volunteers who give so much of their time and effort to make our school a better place. All volunteers will require a Vulnerable Sector Screening by the Toronto Police Reference Check Program. You can pick up a form in the office.
First Day - Entry
On Tuesday at 8:25 a.m., students will be greeted outside by staff. Signs with grades of classes will be outside in rows. Teachers will call their students to their respective classes. Teachers will have class lists to inform students of class placement. Rotary teachers will be outside to facilitate the process. Kindergarten students will meet in the primary playground. In the event of rain, students will come inside.
Our school newsletter is published regularly and posted on the school website. It contains children’s work, achievements, upcoming events and reports on happenings around the school and is sent home electronically close to the end of the month.
A monthly calendar is published with the dates of upcoming events, clubs, sports etc. This is also posted on the school website and sent home electronically close to the end of the month.
Letters and flyers are sent home to inform parents of happenings in the school.
In September each year, a number of forms are sent home that require your attention. Please return them as quickly as possible.
Safe Arrival Program
The safety of our students is a priority at Hollywood PS. Parent(s)/ guardian(s) telephone the Attendance Line at (416) 395-2567 before 8:40 am to report the absence of their child. Messages can be left 24 hours a day. The list of reported absentees is checked against the teacher’s attendance record. Any discrepancies are investigated by phoning the parent / guardian and emergency contacts. We expect parents to keep the school office informed regarding all contact phone numbers and emergency contact people in the event that a parent cannot be reached at the numbers supplied to us.
Student Withdrawals for Holidays
Parents should be aware in the case of student withdrawals for early or extended holidays; missed schoolwork is difficult to be made up. Due to the nature of the curriculum and the required instruction and evaluation strategies, work related to new instruction taking place during the absence cannot be easily provided outside of classroom delivery. It is often not possible to replicate the missed learning on their return.
Early Closures
In the event of snowstorms and early school closures, all decisions are made by the school board and are announced through the media. In the event of a weather induced closure, students will not be dismissed from elementary schools without parent/guardian knowledge and permission to leave. The decision to close schools is made by the Director.
Hollywood Lunch Program
Parent(s) / guardian(s) must register students in the lunch program by completing the registration form. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for playing outdoors according to the weather. Children must follow the directions of the supervisors, remain seated while eating and remain outdoors as scheduled. Children are responsible for cleaning their eating area and taking back their waste. Students and parent(s)/ guardian(s) are required to review and sign the Hollywood Lunch Code of Conduct. As an ECO school, we encourage a ‘litterless’ lunch.
Computer Technology
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) provides computers and connections for the use of students and staff for educational purposes. All of the rules of the TDSB apply when using its computers and connections. The Code of On-line Conduct applies specifically to the use of computers and connections provided by the TDSB. The TDSB has the right to monitor the use of all of its computers and connections.
Homework Policy
Homework is an out-of-classroom learning experience assigned by a teacher to enhance student learning. The purpose of homework is to ensure it is both effective in promoting high quality student learning and achievement and it nurtures a desire for students to keep learning, and includes assigned work to be completed.
Grades 1 to 6- Homework will often take the form of reading, playing a variety of games, having discussions and interactive activities such as building and cooking with family. In late primary and junior grades, homework may begin to take the form of independent work.
Parent Concern Protocol
Objective: To outline the procedures for addressing educational concerns brought to staff and trustees by parents. Appropriate flexibility will be exercised in implementing these procedures to suit individual circumstances…
Guidelines for Parents
In bringing concerns to staff or trustees, parents will strive to:
(a) Present their concerns to staff or trustees in a respectful manner which allows the opportunity for due consideration of the concern;
(b) Allow for a reasonable timeline for addressing and resolving the concern;
(c) Address the concern first to the staff person(s) responsible for the area to which the concern directly relates, unless circumstances warrant raising the concern with staff at a higher level;
(d) Direct the concern to the school council where the concern relates to a school policy or program matter which can be more appropriately addressed by the council;
(e) Direct the concern about a Board policy or program matter to the appropriate Superintendent of education, central staff, or trustee where the concern should be addressed at those levels;
(f) Maintain an openness to receiving the information and advice that may be offered by staff or trustees as possible resolutions to the concern;
(g) Ensure that confidentiality is maintained concerning personal or private matters addressed by all parties.
Good Citizen Agreement
We know that children learn best when they are focused on their learning in a safe and comfortable learning environment. We have a Code of Conduct and School Rules to guide children in choosing appropriate behaviour.
Please review the Code of Conduct and the School Rules found in this planner with your child. Every student must understand these expectations. The students have reviewed these in class and should be able to explain them to you as you discuss them.
If there are any problems concerning your child we will discuss the incident with the child and identify appropriate behaviour. If problems continue or if a serious incident occurs, a parent/ guardian will be contacted. Consequences can range from a discussion with the teacher to loss of privileges to suspension.
Both you and your child should sign the form below to indicate that your child understands the expectations and agrees to follow them. If you have questions or concerns at any time, please contact your child’s teacher.
Bus Safety Rules
The following rules apply when travelling to and from school and on class trips.
PickupWait in a safe, designated spot away from the street for the bus. Wait for the bus to come to a full stop before boarding.
Entry/ExitEnter and exit the bus in a safe, orderly manner. As you exit the bus, check traffic to ensure your safety.
Remain SeatedAlways remain seated while on the bus.
TalkAlways talk in an inside voice.
DriverFollow the driver’s directions quickly and quietly.
Not Taking BusStudent(s) should be picked up at loading zone and staff on duty need to be informed.
In the event of unsafe or uncooperative behaviour, the following procedures will be initiated:
- When the bus driver issues a conduct slip, a student will be counseled about expectations of safe behaviour. Parents will be notified.
Any further incident can result in suspension from riding the bus for up to four weeks or removal of bus transportation for the child.
We encourage parent and guardian cooperation to ensure the safety of our students is maintained with regards to dropping off and picking up students. Please review the pick-up, drop-off and parking requests.
To reduce congestion in the parking lot during peak times, the gate can be closed for about 30 minutes around entry and 30 minutes around afternoon exit times. The peak times are at 8:40 am and 3:15 pm. In and out traffic cannot be facilitated at this time.
- Supervise your children at all time. Children can run quickly behind or between cars or directly out onto the street in seconds.
- Car drop off in the loop can occur throughout the day. Use the loop for pick-up and drop-off. Do not park in the loop.
- Parent(s)and guardian(s) are welcome to use the parking lot when a spot is available outside of peak times.
- The parking lot is not designed for a drive through drop-off, and it creates congestion when this occurs.
- Parents are asked to use on-street parking and pick-up their child in the schoolyard at the “meet and greet” area during school hours.
- Shut the engines off to prevent idling.
Vehicles parked on TDSB property are there at the owner’s own risk, the Board is not liable for damages caused by other parties as a result of vandalism or from any form of damage. Vehicle owners who experience damages should contact their own insurer.
Hollywood Public SchoolCode of Conduct
Our Commitment:
Hollywood is committed to providing a healthy learning and working environment by promoting respect, civility, safety, responsible citizenship and academic excellence. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, includedand accepted. Equity, inclusion and respect are critical components embedded in the learning environment.
The Code of Conduct is developed in accordance with the Education Act, the Provincial Code of Conduct, the Toronto District School Board’s (TDSB) Code of Conduct and all other TDSB operational procedures. The Code of Conduct also reflects the values and expectations of the community.
The standards of behaviour outlined in the Code of Conduct shall apply to all members of the school community, including students, parents, guardians, Board staff, permit holders volunteers and visitors:
- on school property;
- while traveling on a school bus that is owed by the Board or that is under contract to the Board;
- in-school sports activities;
- in off-site school-sponsored activities; or
- in circumstances where engaging in an activity will have an impact on the school climate
Standards of Behaviour:
All members of the school community are expected to:
- respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws;
- demonstrate honesty and integrity;
- respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions;
- treat one and other with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is a disagreement;
- respect and treat others fairly and promote a positive school climate that is inclusive and accepting of all pupils, including of any race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability;
- respect the rights of others;
- show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others;
- take appropriate measures to help those in need;
- respect persons who are in a position of authority;
- respect the need of others to work in an environment of learning and teaching.
The Code of Conduct and School Rules are based on the following:
Every student has the responsibility to:
- Show respect and courtesy to self, others and the environment
- Have a positive attitude towards learning and always put forth one’s best effort
- Resolve conflicts peacefully
- Listen to and respect the points of view of others
- Be responsible for one’s actions and the results of those actions
- Arrive on time and be prepared for class
- Be a positive role model
- Know and follow the Hollywood Code of Conduct and School Rules
Every staff member has the responsibility to:
- Be a positive role model
- Respect the rights of everyone
- Encourage each student to develop full potential in all aspects of the curriculum
- Identify the individual needs of each student, and involve the parents, administrators, staff and support personnel as appropriate
- Encourage appropriate means of dealing with conflict and anger
- Respect the right of everyone to confidentiality
- Implement and follow the Hollywood Code of Conduct
Every parent/guardian has the responsibility to:
- Be a partner in your child’s education (read newsletters, familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures of the school by reading the agenda, communicate with teachers, inform yourself by attending School Council meetings, volunteer)
- Be a positive role-model
- Be aware of and monitor the influence of the media on your child
- Provide a home environment that encourages learning
- Listen to and talk to, and read with your child every day
- Recognize and praise the achievements of your child
- Help your child resolve conflicts peacefully and accept responsibility for their actions
- Make sure your child arrives at school on time and call the school if they are going to be late or absent (416-395-2567)
- Be aware of and follow the TDSB Parent Concern Protocol
- Follow (and teach your child to follow) the Hollywood School Code of Conduct