2010-05-30 IEEE 802.16m-10/0017

Project / IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <http://ieee802.org/16
Title / IEEE 802.16 TGm Minutes of Session #67, Bangalore, India
Date Submitted / 2010-05-30
Source(s) / Hokyu Choi, TGm Secretary
Brian Kiernan, TGm Chair / E-mail: E-mail:
Re: / None
Abstract / IEEE 802.16 TGm Minutes of Session #67, Bangalore, India
Purpose / Approve
Notice / This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16.
Patent Policy / The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures:
http://standards.ieee.org/guides/bylaws/sect6-7.html#6> and <http://standards.ieee.org/guides/opman/sect6.html#6.3>.
Further information is located at <http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-material.html> and <http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat>.

IEEE 802.16 TGm Minutes
Session #67, Bangalore, India

Hokyu Choi

Samsung Electronics

IEEE 802.16's Task Group m (TGm) held its twentieth session during the IEEE 802.16 Interim Session #67 at the Chancery Pavilion, Bangalore, India. The session was chaired by Brian Kiernan, with Vice Chairs Phillip Barber and Jong-Kae Fwu, Secretary Hokyu Choi. Approximately 150 people attended the meeting.

1)  Monday, May 10, 2010 – Afternoon Session (TGm Common Session)

The Chair called the TGm Opening session to order at 4:30 PM.

1.  Discuss and approve Agenda

The chair introduced the officers of TGm and then presented the agenda of the session and the revised agenda, 802.16m-10/0014r2, was approved with no objection. During the agenda revision, the chair announced that there would be three parallel sessions and room assignment would be based on the preliminary plan captured in 802.16m-10/0015.

2.  Approve minutes of previous session

The minutes from Session #66, 802.16m-10/0011r1, were briefly presented by the secretary, Hokyu Choi, and approved without any objection.

3.  Introductions and admin

The chair presented the five slides included within http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt were shown.

4.  IPR slides and Statements

The patent policy information was provided to the task group and the chair provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of essential patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard; No statements were received.

5.  SDD Comment Resolution

The group resolved SDD comments captured in the Commentary database 802.16m-10/0012r1 based on the SDD 802.16m-09/0034r2. Roshni Srinivasan presented the comments and announced that the plan how to resolve the CR through the week and resolve in closing session. The final resolutions are captured in the database 802.16m-10/0012r2.

6.  Editor’s Notice

The TGm Editor, Ron Murias, noticed that the contributions with erroneous cover page should be revised and resubmitted. One example he showed was the contribution with wrong date in the cover page. The date in the contribution cover page should be the date when the contribution was submitted.

7.  Discussion on ASN.1

The group discussed how to handle ASN.1. After discussion, the group agreed that (1) the group would make ASN.1 code informative for the time being and, (2) the group would make it normative during Sponsor Ballot. It was noted that there would be risk to get many comments during the Sponsor Ballot on it.

8.  LB#31a Comment Resolution

Then the group started to resolve the MAC related comments captured in the LB#31a Commentary database, 802.16-10/0035r1, on 802.16m-09/D5. The final outcomes of the comment resolutions is captured in the final Commentary database, 802.16-10/0035r2.

9.  Recession

At 7:01PM, the TGm common session was recessed until Thursday afternoon.

2)  Monday Afternoon ~ Wednesday Evening (May 11 ~ May 13), 2010 – Breakout Sessions

[1] TGm-A Track: D5 PHY & Lower MAC CR Resolution

The session was chaired by Brian Kiernan with Ron Murias as editor, on Tuesday and Wednesday to handle the PHY related comments captured in the LB#31a Commentary database, 802.16-10/0035r1, on 802.16m-09/D5. The final outcomes of the comment resolutions is captured in the final Commentary database, 802.16-10/0035r2.

[2] TGm-B Track: D5 Upper MAC CR Resolution

The session was chaired by Scott Probasco as editor, on Tuesday and Wednesday to handle the Upper MAC related comments captured in the LB#31a Commentary database, 802.16-10/0035r1, on 802.16m-09/D5. The outcomes of the comment resolutions is captured in the final Commentary database, 802.16-10/0035r2.

[3] TGm-C Track: D5 Ad Hoc Harmonization

Comments on Multi-Carrier and MAC PDU were harmonized during the week. The outcomes of the harmonization is captured in the final Commentary database, 802.16-10/0035r2.

[TGm closing]

3)  Thursday, May 13, 2010 – Afternoon Session (TGm Common Session)

The TGm Common session was called to order by Brian Kiernan, the TGm chair, at 9:00AM.

1.  Comment Resolution

The group started from resolution of remaining LB#31a comments remanded from breakout sessions. The final decisions on the outcomes of the comment resolutions is captured in the final Commentary database, 802.16-10/0035r2.

2.  Approval of Editorial Comments

After resolving all remaining comments, the group moved to editorial motion.

Motion: To accept editorial comments contained in the following list:

Comment Numbers: B0001, B0010, B0011, B0015, B0025, B0035, B0049, B0050, B0069, B0076, B0077, B0110, B0155, B0158, B0160, B0170, B0171, B0205, B0211, B0219, B0222, B0224, B0226, B0227, B0235, B0236, B0238, B0276, B0279, B0292, B0302, B0303, B0306, B0307, B0315, B0319, B0321, B0330, B0332, B0333, B0334, B0336, B0337, B0339, B0355, B0357, B0359, B0360, B0361, B0384, B0385, B0388, B0389, B0390, B0391, B0396, B0410, B0431, B0434, B0435, B0443, B0444, B0448, B0449, B0455, B0456, B0457, B0458, B0460, B0461, B0462, B0472, B0481, B0500, B0501, B0502, B0504, B0505, B0506, B0512, B0524, B0526, B0527, B0529, B0535, B0539, B0540, B0542, B0543, B0545, B0550, B0552, B0553, B0554, B0556, B0557, B0559, B0560, B0561, B0562, B0565, B0566, B0573, B0577, B0579, B0581, B0582, B0586, B0588, B0599, B0602, B0613, B0616, B0628, B0659L, B0660L, B0661L, B0662L, B0665L, B0666L, B0667L,
and authorize the editor to implement those changes to P802.16m/D6.

Proposed: Ron Murias
Seconded: Lei Wang
Results: Passed - Unanimously

3.  Approval of P802.16m Draft Update

The group moved to approve the commentary database 802.16-10/0035r2 and to authorize the creation of a new draft P802.16m/D6.

Motion: To approve the Session #67 resolutions to comments contained in 802.16-10/0035r2, and to authorize the editor to create a new draft P802.16m/D6.

Proposed: Ron Murias
Seconded: Jong Kae (JK) Fwu
Results: Passed - Unanimously

4.  Approval of SDD Update

Then the group moved to approve the SDD Commentary database and to authorize the creation of a new SDD.

Motion: To accept the comment resolutions contained in SDD comment database 802.16m-09/0012r2 and authorize the editor to issue a new SDD, 802.16m-09/0034r3, based on those resolutions.

Proposed: Roshni Srinivasan
Seconded: Sassan Ahmadi
Results: Passed - Unanimously

5.  Work Plan

Then, the group discussed TGm work plan. The TGm Chair explained the importance of clean recirculation for successful Sponsor Ballot. The conditions that the Chair mentioned for successful Sponsor Ballot included: (1) No new disapprove comments and, (2) Draft should not be changed by any comment.

6.  Approval of Recirculation

Then, motion for recirculation was made.

Motion: To authorize TGm Chair to take the following motion to the WG:
To request the WG initiate a WG LB #31b recirculation on P802.16m/D6, based on P802.16m/D5 as modified by the comment resolutions contained in 802.16-10/0035r2, to start by May 24, 2010 and close by June 07, 2010.

Proposed: Rakesh Taori
Seconded: Roshni Srinivasan
Results: Passed (YES: 73 / NO: 0 / Abstain: 0)

7.  Plan on ASN.1 Tutorial

Scott Probasco suggested an ASN.1 tutorial by Bancroft Scott on Sunday before July San Diego session. It will be an extensive tutorial. 20 people showed interest based on straw-poll.

8.  Adjourn

Seeing no other business, a motion was entertained to adjourn the meeting.

Motion: To adjourn the session

Proposed: Lei Wang
Seconded: Roshni Srinivasan
Results: Passed-Unanimously

TGm adjourned at 3:54PM.

Appendix-A. Input and Output Documents

Input Document / Input Commentary Database / Output Commentary Database / Approved Output Documents
(SDD, SRD, Amendment Draft were authorized for generation by the editors)
Amendment / 802.16m-09/D5 / 802.16-10/0035r1 / 802.16-10/0035r2 / 802.16m-09/D6
SDD / 802.16m-09/0034r2 / 802.16-10/0012r1 / 802.16-10/0012r2 / 802.16m-09/0034r3

Appendix-B. TGm Document List (2010)

Document number
(revision is not specified) / Title / Author
IEEE 802.16m-10/0001 / TGm Opening Report (#65) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0002 / TGm Agenda (#65) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0003 / SRD Commentary Database (#65) / Mark Cudak
IEEE 802.16m-10/0004 / TGm Closing Report (#65) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0005 / TGm Meeting minutes (#65) / Hokyu Choi
IEEE 802.16m-10/0006 / TGm Opening Report (#66) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0007 / TGm Agenda (#66) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0008 / Room allocation (#66) / Jong-Kae Fwu
IEEE 802.16m-10/0009 / TGm Closing Report (#66) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0010 / Revision of IEEE 802.16m Work Plan (#66) / Roger Marks
IEEE 802.16m-10/0011 / TGm Meeting minutes (#66) / Hokyu Choi
IEEE 802.16m-10/0012 / SDD Change Request Database (#67) / Roshni Srinivasan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0013 / TGm Opening Report (#67) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0014 / TGm Agenda (#67) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0015 / Room allocation (#67) / Jong-Kae Fwu
IEEE 802.16m-10/0016 / TGm Closing Report (#67) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-10/0017 / TGm Meeting minutes (#67) / Hokyu Choi

Appendix-C. TGm Document List (2009)

Document number
(revision is not specified) / Title / Author
IEEE 802.16m-09/0001 / SRD Commentary Database / Mark Cudak
IEEE 802.16m-09/0002 / SDD Commentary Database / Shkumbin Hamiti
IEEE 802.16m-09/0003 / EMD Commentary Database / Roshni Srinivasan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0004 / AMD Commentary Database / Ron Murias
IEEE 802.16m-09/0005 / TGm Opening Report (#59) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0006 / TGm Agenda (#59) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0007 / TGm Room Assignment / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0008 / Change Control Procedure Document / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0009 / TGm Closing Report (#59) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0010 / AWD Baseline Text / Ron Murias
IEEE 802.16m-09/0011 / TGm Meeting Minutes (#59) / Hokyu Choi
IEEE 802.16m-09/0012 / AWD CFC (#60) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0013 / SDD Change Request Database (#60) / Shkumbin Hamiti
IEEE 802.16m-09/0014 / AWD Commentary Database (#60) / Ron Murias
IEEE 802.16m-09/0015 / TGm Opening Report (#60) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0016 / TGm Agenda (#60) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0017 / TGm Closing Report (#60) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0018 / TGm Meeting Minutes (#60) / Hokyu Choi
IEEE 802.16m-09/0019 / Work Plan for IEEE 802.16m Standard & IMT-Advanced Submission / Jose Puthenkulam
IEEE 802.16m-09/0020 / AWD CFC (#61) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0021 / SDD CFC (#61) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0022 / SDD Commentary Database (#61) / Shkumbin Hamiti
IEEE 802.16m-09/0023 / AWD Commentary Database (#61) / Ron Murias
IEEE 802.16m-09/0024 / TGm Opening Report (#61) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0025 / TGm Agenda (#61) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0026 / TGm Closing Report (#61) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0027 / TGm Meeting minutes (#61) / Rakesh Taori
IEEE 802.16m-09/0028 / AWD CFC (#62) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0029 / AWD 802.16m-09/0010r2 Editor’s Report / Ron Murias
IEEE 802.16m-09/0030 / SDD Commentary Database (#62) / Roshni Srinivasan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0031 / AWD Commentary Database (#62) / Ron Murias
IEEE 802.16m-09/0032 / TGm Opening Report (#62) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0033 / TGm Agenda (#62) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0034 / SDD Baseline Text / Roshni Srinivasan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0035 / TGm Closing Report (#62) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0036 / TGm Meeting minutes (#62) / Hokyu Choi
IEEE 802.16m-09/0037 / CfC on Project 802.16m Amendment Content / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0038 / TGm Agenda (#63) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0039 / TGm Agenda (#63.5) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0040 / SDD Commentary Database (#63) / Roshni Srinivasan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0041 / TGm Opening Report (#63) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0042 / TGm Closing Report (#63) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0043 / TGm Meeting minutes (#63) / Hokyu Choi
IEEE 802.16m-09/0044 / SRD Commentary Database (#63.5) / Mark Cudak
IEEE 802.16m-09/0045 / SDD Commentary Database (#63.5) / Roshni Srinivasan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0046 / TGm Opening Report (#63.5) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0047 / System Evaluation Details for IEEE 802.16 IMT-Advanced Proposal / Ron Murias
IEEE 802.16m-09/0048 / TGm Closing Report (#63.5) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0049 / TGm Meeting minutes (#63.5) / Hokyu Choi
IEEE 802.16m-09/0050 / TGm Opening Report (#64) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0051 / TGm Agenda (#64) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0052 / TGm Closing Report (#64) / Brian Kiernan
IEEE 802.16m-09/0053 / TGm Meeting minutes (#64) / Hokyu Choi