On QB Trevor Siemian’s performance thus far

“He’s doing a great job. He’s so smooth in the pocket, that’s what I noticed the most. He’s very fluid. If he needs to get out and make some plays with his legs, he’s been able to do that, too. Any time we can rest on the sideline as a defense is great for us.”

On if he expected to be 3-0 at this point in the season

“I expected nothing less. That’s why we’re here. We’re here to be undefeated if we can. That’s the goal. We’ll take one game at a time and win every week. We expect to be 4-0 at the end of next week. That’s what we’re working towards.”

On the feeling on the bench following Cincinnati’s opening drive

“We knew that they were running a play against us that we hadn’t practiced against. Once we got that fixed, we knew that we could stop the bleeding and that’s exactly what happened. Sometimes first drives, especially on the road, can be a little bit hectic. We calmed down and we fixed it.”

On the challenges Buccaneers QB Jameis Winston poses

“To be honest, I haven’t watch too much of the film yet. Just from casually watching him, he’s a competitor, for sure. He makes plays. He extends plays pretty well and he can get the ball anywhere on the field. That’s what I think he does best in his game.”

On team’s trying to find a weakness in Denver’s defense

“I hope they are. They should be trying to find something, but it’s hard to find. It’s hard to find a crack this defense. We pride ourselves on that. You can’t just say, ‘We’re going to go away from this guy or we’re going to go away from that guy.’ We have players all over the field. That’s what makes us so good. You can try to do something from last week that a team had a little success on, but we’re probably going to fix that and be ready for it the next week. You have to come up with something creative. That’s hard because even if you have a scheme, you still have to beat us one-on-one. You have to block [OLB Von Miller], you have to get open on [CB] Chris [Harris Jr.] and [CB] Aqib [Talib]. You have to get open on me. You have to stop the blitz and you have to protect. There is a lot of things. It’s tough, but that’s why we pride ourselves. We study a lot of film. We do extra. We were at Von’s house last night after the game reviewing the tape—me, Talib, Von and ‘K-Web’ [CB Kayvon Webster]. Before we even get in the meeting room, for them to tell us where we made mistakes, we already know. That’s the next level if you want to be great. Everyone has to be great, not only here, but on their own time.”

On his health

“I’m feeling pretty good, a little sore, but I’m sore after every game. I’ll be alright.”

On S Will Parks getting his first interception

“That’s a great feeling. I remember when I got my first pick, but he got that pick because he listens. When you listen and you take into account what veterans and coaches are telling you, then you should just have got out there and make plays, and he did.”

On his first interception

“My first pick was Jacksonville, I believe. My rookie year at Jacksonville. I had two actually. Two picks, one game.”

On CB Chris Harris Jr. earning the team’s Player of the Week accolade

“A lot of things go unseen to the naked eye or to the casual fan watching the game. That’s why Chris got the Player of the Game. He did some things that were un-noticeable, but it was noticeable within this organization and the coaches.”

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