Technology Enhanced, Inquiry Based GIS Lesson
Self-Introduction Using the 5 Themes of Geography

Subject: World Geography
Grade: 9th
Have you heard about the 5 Themes of Geography? Geographers use the five themes of Geography to study the Earth. The five themes of geography can be used to help understand our planet. When studying the Earth’s geography the five themes can be used to categorize information about different areas and issues on earth. You can apply these themes to EVERYTHING in geography. How do the 5 themes apply to your life? Let’s get started!
Essential Questions:

1.  What are the themes used in Geography?

2.  How are these themes used in Geography?

3.  What are some real life examples of each of the Geography themes?

4.  How can you compare the geography of your life to the five themes?

Students will create a map using ArcGIS to both tell a story of their own life’s geography AND to help explain the five themes of geography.


Part one:

Students will use the following web sites to identify and define the five themes of Geography:
Students will use the acronym MR HeLP to remember the five themes of Geography.

The Five Themes of Geography:

1.  Movement and Communication

2.  Region

3.  Human Environmental Interaction

4.  Location

5.  Place

Part two:
The students will use the following form as a guideline to gather information from the web sites that helps to summarize what is meant by each of the five themes of geography. Students will provide an example of how each theme relates to events, issues, and ideas within their own life in terms of the places that they have lived and their understanding of the themes. Students will use the information gathered to insert into their student created map using ArcGIS.

Five Themes of Geography:

Movement and Communication / Definition / Example / How this relates to the geography of my life
Region / Definition / Example / How this relates to the geography of my life
Human Environmental Interaction / Definition / Example / How this relates to the geography of my life
Location / Definition / Example / How this relates to the geography of my life
Place / Definition / Example / How this relates to the geography of my life

Part three:
The students will create an ArcGIS map that illustrates the 5 Themes of Geography in a manner that also helps to describe something about themselves. For example, if a student were to describe the theme of movement and communication by explaining how and why they moved from one place to another they could place two markers on the map illustrating that movement and explaining why that move took place while also inserting visual pictures to accompany the pins and description on the map. Directions on how to use ArcGIS to accomplish this goal are provided below.

Joining Mrs. Keilman’s Class on ArcGIS

1.  Go to

2.  Create a Free Public Account. Be sure to use your school official first and last name so that your name can easily be found in ArcGIS and you can be added to the class roster.

3.  Once everyone is signed up an email will go out inviting everyone to join Mrs. Keilman’s World Geography ArcGIS course (World Geography with Keilman).

4.  Open your email and join the class.

Creating a Map in ArcGIS

1.  Login to your ArcGIS account.

2.  Click on “Map” at the top of the page.

3.  Click “New Map”.

4.  Click “Add” and then “Add Map Notes”.

5.  Change the “Name” to Movement and Communication and click “Create”.

6.  Select “Pushpin” after creating your map note.

7.  From there select a place on the map where you would like to place your pushpin.

8.  You can change the symbol used for the pushpin to a picture that helps to represent both the location you chose on the map and the theme it is representing.

9.  You can add an image for your symbol by selecting “Add an Image” and then choosing an image online, right-clicking, and copying the image URL into the dialogue box.

10.  You will repeat this step for each of the Five Themes of Geography.

11.  Save your map by selecting “Save As” and providing your map with a name and full description.

12.  Click “Share” to share your map URL on our WikiSpace.

13.  Copy the URL link to your map and paste it onto the class wiki space under a new page created by you and titled with your name.

14.  As an alternative you can “Publish” your map from the Share link by clicking “Make a Web Application” and selecting “Basic Viewer”. From there simply copy the URL address from the address bar and paste it into the class wiki space. Directions for using WikiSpaces are below.

Part four:

Students will then share their maps with the class by posting a link to the class wiki by creating a map URL and copying/pasting it to the class’s wiki page under their name. The student will also share their map with the class as a means of introducing themselves during the first week of school. Go to

Joining the Class Wiki

1.  Go to to create an account.

2.  Once you create an account click here to the following form to add your name, account username, password, and class period that you are in.

3.  Once every student has completed the form then the instructor will be able to send one mass email to everyone to join the class wiki.

4.  Open your email to accept the invitation.

5.  On our class’s wiki page create a separate page for yourself giving it a title with your name.

Part five:
On the class wiki page students will write a reflection about their experience using ArcGIS, learning about the themes of geography, and provide a potential example of how the class could use ArcGIS in the future either in the class or in their own lives.

Evaluation/ Rubric

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Themes used correctly / All of the themes are used correctly. Multiple examples are given for each theme. / All themes are used Correctly. Only one example is given for all or some of the themes. / Most themes are used correctly. Examples are given for some of the themes. / Most themes are not used correctly. Examples are not given for some themes.
Graphics/Pictures / All themes have graphics or pictures. All pictures and graphics accurately illustrate the themes.The created map URL is posted on the class wiki. / All themes have graphics or pictures. All pictures and graphics accurately illustrate the themes.The created map URL is posted on the class wiki. / All themes have graphics or pictures. All pictures and graphics accurately illustrate the themes.The created map URL is not or is incorrectly posted on the class wiki. / Most themes do not have pictures or graphics.The map URL is not posted to the class wiki.
ArcGIS Knowledge Gained / ArcGIS map is complete with all 5 Themes of Geography labeled by example from own geography of life and marked by a point on the map. / ArcGIS map is complete with all 5 Themes of Geography labeled by example from own geography of life and marked by a point on the map. / ArcGIS map is complete with all 5 Themes of Geography labeled by example from own geography of life and marked by a point on the map. / ArcGIS map is complete with all 5 Themes of Geography labeled by example from own geography of life and marked by a point on the map.


1.  Students will have an understanding of the 5 Themes of Geography.

2.  Students will have introduced themselves to the class through the use of their ArcGIS map.

3.  Students will have the ability to apply the 5 Themes of Geography to their own experiences in their life’s geography.

4.  Students will use web resources to explore each of the themes.

5.  Students will be able to apply the themes of geography to other areas of the world.

6.  Students will post the URL for their created ArcGIS map to the class wiki.

7.  Students will share their ArcGIS map with the class and on the wiki.

8.  Students will write a reflection on how they could potentially use ArcGIS in the class in the future.

Additional Activities:
Brain Pop can be used for extra review and assessment. The video under Geography entitled “themes of Geography”along with the quiz can be used for re-teaching or extended lessons.

Credits & References:








Georgia World Geography 9th Grade Performance Standards:
SSWG1 The student will explain the physical aspects of geography.
a. Describe the concept of place by explaining how physical characteristics such as landforms, bodies of water, climate, soils, natural vegetation, and animal life are used to describe a place.
b. Explain how human characteristics, such as population settlement patterns, and human activities, such as agriculture and industry, can describe a place.
c. Analyze the interrelationship between physical and human characteristics of a place.

SSWG2 The student will explain the cultural aspects of geography.
a. Describe the concept of place by explaining how the culture of a region is a product of the region’s physical characteristics.
b. Explain how cultural characteristics of a place can be used to describe a place.
c. Analyze how physical factors such as mountains, climate, and bodies of water interact with the people of a region to produce a distinctive culture.

Joining the Class Wiki

6.  Go to to create an account.

7.  Once you create an account click here to the following form to add your name, account username, password, and class period that you are in.

8.  Once every student has completed the form then the instructor will be able to send one mass email to everyone to join the class wiki.

9.  Open your email to accept the invitation.

10.  On our class’s wiki page create a separate page for yourself giving it a title with your name.

Joining Mrs. Keilman’s Class on ArcGIS

5.  Go to

6.  Create a Free Public Account. Be sure to use your school official first and last name so that your name can easily be found in ArcGIS and you can be added to the class roster.

7.  Once everyone is signed up an email will go out inviting everyone to join Mrs. Keilman’s World Geography ArcGIS course.

8.  Open your email and join the class.
