Tara Gardner’s Lesson Plans Week of 12/1-12/5
Hawley Elementary First Grade
Journal Time / Phonics/Language / PE/Music/Computer / Target Math / Lunch / Math8:00-8:10 / 8:10-9:10 / 9:10-10:10 / 10:10-10:30 / 10:30-
11:00 / 11:00-12:00
Monday / Phonics 9:10-10:10
Review sight words
Spelling List 11
Pre-test (those exempt get a menu option)
Lesson 58
Alphabet warm up-alphabetize
Phonemic practice-final sound
Spelling Review-Mix and Mingle
New syllables-tle, gle,
Letter Card
Board Work
WS-spelling and coding
New Spelling words-write and put in folder / PE, Music, Computers / Target math / Math 11:00-12:00
Review 7.1 Count backwards
Module 7.2 Think Addition to Subtract
-Start with Addition Facts
-Digital Math
-Share and Show; partners
-Problem Solve=whole table
-problem #9
-Independent work
HW and Centers
Exit Ticket 8+4…find a way to subtract
Tuesday / Review sight words
Write spelling words rainbow write-have a model for students to look at.
Write sentence on back 2 times a piece.
Word search for spelling words when done.
If finished early they can read a book at their desk. / PE, Music, Computers / Target Math / Module 7.3 Think Addition to subtract
-Digital Math
-Model and Draw
-Share and Show=partners
-Problem Solving and everyone write
-# 13
-Independent work
Exit Ticket: 8-5=
Wednesday / Lesson 59
Review Sight Words
Alphabet warm up-accented syllables
Phonemic practice-initial sound
New syllable-cle, kle, sle, zle
Board work
WS 59-Letter Review, Spelling, coding
Spelling with shaving cream. / PE, Music, Computers / Target Math / Module 7.4 Use 10 to Subtract
-Making Connections Opener
-Model and Draw
Share and Show-Together
Problem Solving-Partners
-# 5 video
-Independent work
Exit ticket: 11-8
Thursday / Science in morning done in the morning due to i-pads in the afternoon. / PE, Music, Computers / Target Math / Module 7.5 Break Apart to Subtract
Lesson opener-what happens when we subtract?
-Digital Opener
-Model and Draw
-Share and Show 2 & 3
Exit ticket: 11-2
Friday / Spell at desk
Spelling test 11
Sight word games / PE, Music, Computers / Weekly Reader / Module 7.5
-Review share and show
-Independent pg
-Differentiate WS Enrich 40, RTI 41
-Centers and reteach those not getting it.
Exit ticket: show me how you solve 12-5
Tara Gardner’s Lesson Plans Week of
Hawley Elementary First Grade
Reading / Centers / Science/Social Studies / Recess / DEAR(Drop Everything and Read) / Dismiss
12:30-1:30 / 1:30-2:30 / 2:30-3:30 / 3:00-3:10 / 3:10-3:15
Monday / Reading: Lesson 12
Intro to vocabulary words (act them out)
Writing to inform-proj 12.1 (T123)
Review sequence of events
(first, next, last) use to inform / Centers-
Vocabulary reader-Spots
Scratch, Chomp-Journeys pg 27-33
Sentence stem for ch
Seguence of event practice
WW-Sight word-building
Writing-winter theme sequence of events “how tos”
Math-Subtracting strategies / Science
-review on energy and sources
- Read text book -Pg.123-131
-complete sum it up and word play
Exit ticket: Draw a source of heat/sound/light on post it / Recess / Reading and AR time / Clean up and color folder
Tuesday / Group Read
-Comprehension pg 51 SB
(T131); Read pg 51 to them and discuss
-Look at the Title and Author and discuss text features
-Read 52-68 as a popcorn read
And ask comprehension questions
-Go over 69 as a class
-Retell story by using retelling cards / Lesson 2: Unit 4
Push and Pull
-Have students stand up and push chair in, explain; have students pull chair to sit back down, explain
-distribute items on table and have students decide if they can push or pull (pens, glue sticks, and hair clips)
-create T-chart
-Explore pictures and but it in a venn diagram.
-Exit ticket: draw and item that you pull/ item you push / Recess / Reading and AR time / Clean up and color folder
Wednesday / Lesson 12
Proper noun review-place
SB 82-83 (T-175)
Sequence of Events-Proj 12.7 (T156)
PB 157 together / Centers
Champs SB 70-77 (T-152)
Ch words
Write the room / Lesson 2: Unit 4
Push and Pull with magnets
-Review push and pull
-What is a magnet?
-What do you use a magnet for?
-explore magnets at table (use bag to keep objects to a minimum)
-have students face magnets towards each other to see that they do not attract
-discuss magnetic poles on pg 7
-do magnet and non magnet activity sheet together
Exit ticket: draw an item that can be pushed or pulled by an object. / Recess / Reading and AR time / Clean up and color folder
Thursday / Lesson 12
Homophones-anchor chart
Homophone activity
(post its on backs)
Informational Text-SB pg 80-81
Practice review
AR-test / Lesson 2: Unit 4
-Go Digital on magnetism
-text book pg 135-141
-sum it up 142 / Recess / Reading and AR time / Clean up and color folder
Friday / Lesson 12
Vocabulary review
HF-Vocab test
Leveled readers
-ch practice / Lesson 2: Unit 4
Review vocabulary words
Review magnets and push and pull
-Display a menu on the PB and give students options of a magnet activity. / Recess / Reading and AR time / Clean up and color folder