Transportation AND LAND USE Subcommittee of the

Climate Change Advisory Committee


Conference Call Minutes

Date: June 4, 2009, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Members: Peter Alyanakian Vivian Loftness Ron Ramsey

Rep. Vitali Jim Volanski Nathan Willcox

Attendees: Nathan Willcox, Chair Vivian Loftness

Chris Trostle (DEP Subcmte. Lead) Jim Wilson (E. H. Pechan)

Jackson Schreiber (E. H. Pechan) Danielle Spila (PennDOT)

Bob Kaiser (Michael Baker Jr.) Karen Green (TCRPC)

Leah Rowand (TCRPC) Bob Fleck (PA Realtors)

Colleen Turner (Michael Baker Jr.) Atwood Davis (Apex Companies)

Meeting Minutes Compiled by Michael Baker Jr., Inc. through PennDOT Sponsorship

The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. by Nathan Willcox.

I.  Introductions and review of May 20, 2009 Conference Call Minutes:

§  Mr. Willcox led introductions.

§  The May 20, 2009 conference call minutes were approved by the subcommittee.

II.  Review Quantification of T-2, T-6, and T-8 Work Plans (WP)

§  Mr. Willcox informed the group that the most recent version of the WPs can be found in the document entitled, 06-4-09 TLU SC Master Workplan with Summary.doc.

T-2 Biofuel Development and In-State Production Incentive

§  Mr. Jackson Schreiber described the quantification methodologies and assumptions for this WP.

§  Based on discussion with the subcommittee, Mr. Schreiber indicated that Pechan will:

o  Clarify the impacts of the Federal Renewable Fuel Standard and the additional impacts of PA Act 78.

o  Follow-up with Mike Rader at the Department of Agriculture in order to finalize which of the biodiesel thresholds have been officially met and when, and to determine if there are any time estimates for meeting future thresholds. The subcommittee suggested reviewing the following assumptions past Mr. Rader:

ú  The B2 threshold has been met and will be required in 2010.

ú  The B5 threshold is close to being met if it hasn’t been already.

ú  The B20 threshold should be met by 2020.

o  Follow-up with Mr. Rader, Mr. Joe Sherrick at DEP, and Ms. Vivian Loftness, the RCI subcommittee chair, in order to determine the sector breakdown of biofuels distribution in the Commonwealth. Currently, this WP assumes that all of the biofuels produced are being used in the transportation sector.

o  Clearly reference the data sources used for the cost estimates in table 2-5

T-6 Utilize Existing Public Transportation Systems

§  Mr. Bob Kaiser described the quantification methodologies and assumptions for this WP and asked for the subcommittee’s input regarding two key assumptions:

o  Strategic service expansion investment of $3 billion for initial capitalization; and

o  20% increase in transit service level (see Table 6-1 of WP).

§  The subcommittee agreed that these assumptions were valid and approved their use in the analysis.

§  Based on discussion with the subcommittee, Mr. Kaiser indicated that Baker will:

o  Insert a text box in the WP in order to highlight the importance and cost of fully funding the existing public transportation infrastructure as well as the disbenefits of failing to do so.

o  Insert a text box clarifying the seemingly high $/ MMTCO2e for this WP. Specifically, Baker will address, qualitatively, the cost differential between investing in public transportation infrastructure and the alternative (expanding highway infrastructure).

T-8 Cutting Emissions from Freight Transportation

§  Mr. Jim Wilson described the quantification methodologies and assumptions for this WP and informed the subcommittee that the analysis is still in progress, with the freight truck analysis largely complete and the rail and marine analyses to follow.

§  At the request of the subcommittee, Mr. Wilson will provide more information and better reference the figures in Table 8-2, regarding the number of heavy-duty trucks registered in PA.

§  Mr. Wilson informed the group that Pechan is close to completing the rail freight analysis and will be assuming, based on information from EPA, that 7.5% of rail fuel is used in switch yard locomotives while the remainder is used in long haul locomotives. Mr. Wilson encouraged the group to forward any suggestions regarding this portion of the WP to him.

§  Mr. Wilson indicated that the marine freight analysis will utilize information from California and other sources in order to compile a best practice toolkit. Mr. Wilson believes that the cost side of the marine freight analysis will be more uncertain than other freight components.

III.  Approach for Remaining Work Plans

§  Mr. Willcox requested that Pechan and Baker provide the subcommittee with updates on the analysis progress for WPs T-7, T-9, T-10 and T-11

T-9 Increasing Federal Support for Efficient Transit and Freight Transportation in PA

§  Mr. Kaiser will coordinate with Mr. Wilson regarding CMAQ information, which was compiled by Baker for analysis use under this WP.

T-10 Enhanced Support for Existing Smart Growth / Transit and Land Use Policies &

T-11 Transit Oriented Design & Smart Growth Communities & Land Use Solutions

§  Mr. Kaiser informed the subcommittee that, due to a lack of information, the T-10 and T-11 WPs have been combined for analytic purposes. The subcommittee agreed to this approach.

§  The subcommittee agreed with the Mr. Kaiser’s following suggestions:

o  A 2-3% statewide reduction in VMT over time is a reachable base; and

o  The subcommittee should suggest an extended research effort for data collection, as the last one completed by the Brookings Institute was beneficial at the time, but is now outdated.

§  Ms. Vivian Loftness suggested that an upper boundary between 10 and 20% be considered and rather than considered just urban and rural land uses, the analysis consider urban, older suburban, towns and rural/exurban. She offered to send example studies.

§  Mr. Kaiser confirmed that Baker will supply effectiveness ranges with the resulting benefits so the subcommittee can make a determination. The subcommittee agreed with this approach.

§  Mr. Kaiser requested that the subcommittee review the T-10 and T-11 WPs and supporting information (emailed to Mr. Wilcox for forwarding to the Subcommittee) and provide any further comments to him.

IV.  Public Comments

§  Mr. Willcox opened the call up for public comments

§  No public comments were made.

V.  Wrap-up / next steps

§  Next call was rescheduled and will be held on Thursday, June 11th at 2:00 p.m.

§  Mr. Schrieber will call in at the previously scheduled call time of 9:00 a.m. in order to inform any public participants of the time change.

The conference call was adjourned by Mr. Willcox at approximately 11:31 a.m.

6/4/2009 Draft 1