SEMESTER: B.PHARM. 1st Sem, SESSION: JULY-DEC., 2014 Name of the Teacher: Dr. Sukhbir Lal
Subject: Pharm. Inorganic chemistry (B.P.H. 1.1.2)
S. No. / Topic to be covered / No. of Lectures / Year/Month/week1. / An outline of the tests for purity and identity, including the limit test for iron, lead, heavy metals, chloride, sulphate and special tests if any, of the of inorganic pharmaceuticals included in Indian Pharmacopoeia monograph
1. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis”, ELBS/ Longman, London.
2. J. H. Block, E. Roche, T. O. Soine and C. O. Wilson, “Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemsitry”, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia PA
3. “Pharmacopoeia of India”, Govt. of India, Ministry of Health / 04 / 2014/ July/ 4TH-5TH
2. / Acids and bases: acid base theories, specification of acidity and basicity, official inorganic acids (boric acid, phosphoric acid), official inorganic bases (strong ammonia solution, calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide).Buffers: theory and mechanism, pharmaceutical and physiological buffers; Water for pharmaceutical applications
1. Roger’s Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
2. S.N.Pandeya: A Textbook of Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry, S.G.Publishers, Varanasi. / 12 / 2014/ August/1st,2nd,3rd
3. / Dental products: anti-caries agent, desensitizing agents; oral antiseptics and astringents
1. Roger’s Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
2. S.N.Pandeya: A Textbook of Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry, S.G.Publishers, Varanasi. / 04 / 2014, August/4th
4. / Gastrointestinal agents: acidifying agents; antacids combination antacid preparations; protectives and adsorbents
1. G.R.Chatwal, Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
2. S.N.Pandeya: A Textbook of Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry, S.G.Publishers, Varanasi. / 08 / 2014/Sept./ 1st , 2nd
5. / Inorganic radiopharmaceuticals: radioactive emission, types of radioactivity, units and its measurement, therapeutic and diagnostic applications of radioisotopes.
Antioxidants and preservatives: theory and selection criteria of antioxidants, official antioxidants (hypophosphorous acid, sodium bisulphate, sodium thiosulphate, sodium nitirite, nitrogen).
1. G.R.Chatwal, Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
2. S.N.Pandeya: A Textbook of Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry, S.G.Publishers, Varanasi. / 12 / 2014/Sept./3rd, 4th, 5th
6. / Topical agents: oxidative anti-microbial agents - iodine and its compounds), protein precipitant anti-microbial agents, astringents; antiperspirants.
1. G.R.Chatwal, Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
2. S.N.Pandeya: A Textbook of Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry, S.G.Publishers, Varanasi. / 08 / 2014/Oct./2nd, 4th
7. / Miscellaneous pharmaceutical agents: respiratory stimulants, sclerosing agents, expectorants; sedatives and anti-convulsants; anti-neoplastic; antidepressants; anti-rheumatics; anti-hypertensive. Inorganic toxicology: sources of toxic inorganics, individual metal toxicities; antidotes. complexing and chelating agents
Electrolytes: introduction, functions of electrolytes, disturbances and their regulation, electrolyte replenishers- acid base regulators
1. G.R.Chatwal, Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
2. S.N.Pandeya: A Textbook of Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry, S.G.Publishers, Varanasi. / 12 / 2014/Nov./1st, 2nd,3rd