Survey of Trade - Identifying the Priority Needs for Incomplete and Provisional Clearance
COMPANY NAME: <insert your company name here>
CLIENT TYPE (Importer /Exporter / Clearing Agent): <insert your client type here>
  1. Sec.39B (3) (Customs & Excise Act) provides for permissible procedures - Home Use, Removal in Bond, Entry into Warehouse or Export.
  2. As an Importer, Exporter, Clearing Agent, please indicate which of the following procedures you are most likely to use by inserting an“L” (Likely), or“N”(Not Likely) in column D.
  3. In column E indicate “Provisional” (full information but provisional) or “Incomplete” (less information)
  4. Once done, please forward the completed survey document to e forward the complete)111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Michael no later than c.o.b. Tuesday, 13 March 2018.

  1. CPC
  1. IMP/EXP
  1. Description
  1. Priority of Use [“L” or “N”]
  1. If you have indicated “L” (Column D), which type of clearance [“Provisional” or “Incomplete”] would you be most likely to use?

A10-00 (DP) / IMP / Home Use (Ordinary Levy)
A11-00 (DP) / IMP / Home Use
A12-00 (IM4 BLNS) / IMP / Home Use (BLNS)
A13-00(DP) / IMP / Home Use
A14-00(GR) / IMP / Home Use
B20-00(RIB) / IMP / Removal in Bond
B20-75(RIB) / IMP / Removal in Bond
B20-90 (RIB) / IMP / Removal in Bond
D35-00 (GR) / IMP / Temporary Admission
D36-35(EIG) / EXP / Re-export of Temporary Admission goods
D37-00 (IM5 BLNS) / IMP / Temporary Admission (BLNS)
D38-37(EX3 BLNS) / EXP / Re-export of Temporary Admission goods (BLNS)
E40-00(WH) / IMP / Warehousing
E42-00 (WE) / IMP / Warehousing
H60-00 (EIG/ELG) / EXP / Export (Outright)
H61-00(EX1 BLNS) / EXP / Export (BLNS)
H67-40, 41, 42, 44, 48(XE) / EXP / Export (ex Warehouse Imported goods))
H68-00(ZE) / EXP / Export (ex warehouse Excise goods)
H68-46(ZE) / EXP / Export (ex warehouse Excise goods)
H68-47(ZE) / EXP / Export (ex warehouse Excise goods)
I77-60(GR) / IMP / Re-importation after Temporary Export
I77-68(GR) / IMP / Re-importation after Temporary Export
I75-00 (EIG/ELG) / EXP / Temporary Export
I77-75(GR) / IMP / Re-importation after Temporary Export
I76-00(EX2 BLNS) / EXP / Temporary Export (BLNS)
I78-76(IM6 BLNS) / IMP / Re-importation after Temporary Export (BLNS)
J80-00(GR) / IMP / Inward processing
J83-80(EIG) / EXP / Inward processing
K85-00(IR) / IMP / Home Use Processing
L90-00(ELG) / EXP / Outright Export
L91-90(GR) / IMP / Re-importation after Outward Processing

General Comments – Please provide any additional comments you wish to make, in the space below:

<insert your comments here>

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