CSD 306: Introduction to Phonetics

M/W 9:30-10:45

Bryan 212

Fall 2017

Instructor: Terri H. Ramsey, M.Ed., CCC-SLP

GA: Lindsay Jennings

Office: 323 Ferguson

Office Hours: By appointment. Sign up on office door.

For additional times, pleasecontact instructor.


Description: Recording of speech using the International Phonetic Alphabet in broad transcription. General American Dialects and Translations

**Simple narrow transcription will be introduced.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: Must be taken with CSD 307, CSD 308,

CSD 309 or by permission of instructor

Required Text:

Harbers, H. (2013). A Phonetics Workbook For Students, Boston, MA: Pearson.

Student Learning Outcomes:(ASHA Standard III-B)

Upon completion of this course the student will

  1. analyze words into their component parts.
  2. combine isolated sounds into sequences to form words.
  3. listen carefully to speech sounds and establish a strong and immediate association between a sound and its phonetic symbol.
  4. scan a production transcribed phonetically and blend the phonemes together to orally produce the target.
  5. use the IPA and appropriate diacritic markings to record standard, non-standard, and disordered speech sounds accurately.
  6. transcribe a client’s production of words in short connected speech samples

Course Requirements:

  1. Class Attendance and Participation. Students are expected to attend all classes, contribute to class discussions, and participate in all class activities. This includes regularly volunteering to come to the board and transcribe productions during the later portion of the semester.
  1. Quizzes. Quizzes will be given each week beginning the week of

Aug. 28, except for the week of the midterm, unless otherwise

announced.Lowest quiz grade will be dropped. These short quizzes will

be given at the beginning of class and will take on a variety of forms

depending on the nature of the material being covered.

Quizzes might include defining terminology or transcription.


other than serious illness with a note from a doctor provided

or family emergency, which will requiredocumentation

from the Dean ofStudents. Please do not ask to make up

quizzes for other reasons. This is why one is dropped. We all

have to miss a day, or have a bad day, now and then…

  1. Transcription Practice. Exercises will be assigned throughout the semester and will be due on Mondays unless otherwise announced. Each set will be worth 10 points. These will not be graded for complete accuracy, rather for effort at completing all items. Absolutely no partial credit will be given. Students will either earn a score of a 10, for fully completed sets of questions, or a score of 0 if any part is incomplete. No exceptions.Please pay careful attention to the particular exercises and numbers required for each set. Lindsay will be handling checking for completion. Please do not make this difficult for her. She does not want to issue anyone a zero because you forgot to do one or two questions. IF you are unsure about a question, make note or something to that nature in the question space. That way, she knows you have looked at it and not just skipped it.
  1. Transcription Assignments. Each studentwill phonetically transcribe a short speech sample made available to the class through CANVAS. Further details and firm due date will be announced in class as the semester progresses.
  1. Midterm and Final Examinations.


Quizzes (SLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)25%

Transcription Practice (SLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 10%

Transcription Assignment (SLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)10%

Midterm Examination (SLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)25%

Final Examination (SLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)30%


98-100 A+










Below 60 F

Honor Code and Class Attendance

Students must abide by the UNCG Academic Honor Policy at all times. All assignments and examinations must be pledged in order to receive credit.

A complete description of this policy may be found in the UNCG Policies for Students. The instructor will promptly investigate any suspicion of an infraction, and College procedures will be followed.

Class attendance is expected. Absences will be excused only with a doctor’s excuse or letter from the Dean explaining the reason. If 10% of classes are missed, the student’s final grade will be lowered one letter.

Disability Statement

Instructor will make all recommended accommodations for all students’ documented learning disabilities. Students must bring documentation, complete with all recommendations, from the Learning Assistance Center on UNCG’s campus to instructor during the first week of class.

Tentative Class Schedule

DateTopic Readings/Exercises

Aug. 16Orientation; Introduction

Aug.21“My Fair Lady”

Aug. 23Introduction. What is Phonetics?Chpts. 1,2

Aug. 28, 30Overview and Linguistic PhoneticsChpts. 3,4


Sept.11, 13Systems of Speech Production

Sept.18, 20Vowels System Chpts. 5,6,7,8,9,10,,11,12

Sept.25, 27ConsonantsChpts.13,14,5,16,17,18,19,20

Oct 2, 4**We may begin simple transcription**


Oct. 11Continue consonants and simple transcription

Oct. 16TEST 1

Oct. 18Discuss projects; continue transcription

Oct.23, 25Clinical Transcription including diacritics and stress

30, including diacritics and stressChpt. 21-22

Nov. 1,6,8,13,15,20

Nov. 22-26Thanksgiving Holiday

Nov. 27Wrapping it up!

Nov. 29Test 2 possible...

Dec. 412 pmTEST2(if not on the 29th )