Position Description – Create, Modify, Approve in the Rutgers Recruitment, Onboarding and Classification System (ROCs)
Below is a visual diagram for the creation and approval workflow of Staff Position Descriptions in the ROCs:
In a stepped process, the flow is as follows:
1. An Initiator may create or modify a Position Description by creating/viewing a new position description or cloning an existing position. Once complete, the Position Description will be forwarded to the Authorizer 1 for approval.
2. Authorizer 1 (as well as University Human Resources) may create, edit and approve a Position Description by creating/viewing a new position description or cloning an existing position. Once complete, the Position Description will be forwarded to Budget.
3. Budget may edit and approve the Position Description and review/edit funding information. Once approved, the Position Description will move to Authorizer 2.
4. Authorizer 2 may edit and approve the Position Description and, when approved, will move forward to UHR for final approval.
5. UHR has the capability to create, edit, approve and monitor all activities for Position Descriptions. UHR will be the final approver to activate the Position Description. The approved new/modified position is then made available to be used for setting up a new Job Posting.
To Access the Position Management Module:
Navigate to the Position Management module by clicking on the Position Management module from the module drop down box located at the top right of the Home Page. When loaded, the Position Management Home Page color scheme will turn to “orange”.
If you are an Initiator, Authorizer 1 or UHR, you may create a new Position Request. Choose and refresh your role from the role drop down box at the top right of ROCs Home Page. Note that if you have any other role activated, you will not be permitted to create a new Position Description.
To Create a New Position Description:
From the Main Menu, choose Position Descriptions, then Staff.
The following screen and list of Position Descriptions will display:
To view a Position Description, click on the Position Description Title from the body of the screen.
To create a Position Description, click on the Create New Position Description button at the top right of the screen.
Click on the New Position Description link to start the process.
You may create a Position Description from scratch or clone (copy) an already existing and approved Position.
By Step:
1. To create a new Position Description from scratch, enter the Position Title
2. Select the Executive, School/Division and the Department. (Drop down select tables are pre-populated with valid locations and filter based on the previous field’s selection.)
3. Click on the Start Position Request button to initiate the Position Description form(s).
1. To create a new Position Description by copying a previously approved Position Description, enter the Position Title.
2. Select the Executive, School/Division and the Department. (Drop down select tables are pre-populated with valid locations and filter based on the previous field’s selection.)
3. Choose the Position Description you would like to copy by selecting the radio box to the left of the title. You may view the Position Description first by selecting the Position Description Title from the Position Description list.
4. Click on the Start Position Request button to initiate the Position Description form(s).
Where fields show a pronounced red box around them and/or are highlighted with an *, these fields are required and must be completed before the Position Description Request may be submitted for approval.
5. Once started, the following screen will display:
To craft a new Position Description, you will first select the position’s Classification. This will apply a category and some basic information for the position. Choose a Classification by selecting the radio box next to the Classification Title. Then select Next at the top right of the screen.
For cloned Position Descriptions, Classifications fields will automatically be populated and are non-editable.
6. The menu at the top left directs the information you will supply to complete the Position Description. For Staff Position Descriptions, you and other permitted editors and approvers will supply the following information:
a. Position Details
b. Position Budget Information
c. Position Documents
7. Position Details – Enter information about the position:
- Position Details to include the Title, Salary, Shift, Assigned Initiator and other pertinent information
- Banner Data (if the Banner HRIS will keep this employee’s employment data)
- Key Duties and Responsibilities and percentage of time performing them
- Qualifications that are essential, required and preferred and are physically demanding
e. Level of Decision Making
- Scope and Impact of the position
- Management/Supervisory Responsibilities
- Competencies (if a competency-based position)
Click the Next Button to move on to the next category of information.
8. Position Budget Information – Enter the funding for this Position
- Position Budget Information to include Accounts, Funding and Percentages, etc.
- Banner Position Number – Where applicable
9. Position Documents – Upload the:
- Organizational Chart (Required)
b. Justification Cover Letter
- Other Documents where relevant
Click the Next Button to move on to the Position Request Summary.
Position Request Summary and Taking Action on Position Description:
The Position Request Summary allows you to see the summary of all information included in the created Position Description. The Position Request may not be submitted for approval until all required fields are completed. To edit the Position Description, click on the Edit link located below the Position Description Title.
There are 4 main areas to the New Position Description Summary. These are:
1. Summary – A summary for the newly created position description. You may edit any of the parts of the position description by clicking on the Edit link, located below the Position Title
2. History – provides a full audit trail for all transactions related to the position description. History provides the summary of the transaction, who performed the action, date and time stamp
3. Settings – a quick snapshot for position’s structure, i.e., where the position reports, executive, etc.
4. Take Action on Position Request – moves the Position Request through the workflow approval process
The Position Request workflow approval process is as follows:
Take Action on Position Request
Authorizer 1 and Authorizer 2, Budget and UHR are all Approvers. The Initiator and Authorizers may move the Position Request to the next Approver. Approvers may approve and move the Position Request forward to the next Approver or back to the previous Approver or Initiator if additional information or modification is needed.
When complete, the Position Request will move to the “Approved” status and is available for Posting.
Working with Position Requests
If you are an Approver and a Position Request has been sent to you for your approval, you will receive an email notification alert. The Position Request will be viewed in your Inbox.
Navigate to the Position Management module by clicking on the Position Management module from the module drop down box located at the top right of the Home Page. When loaded, the Position Management Home Page color scheme will turn to “orange”.
Choose and refresh your role from the role drop down box at the top right of ROCs Home Page. Note that if you have any other role activated, you will not be permitted to create or approve a new Position Description.
If a New or Modified Position Request has been made and has been forwarded to you for approval, you will find the New Position Request in your Inbox.
To access a Position Description Request:
· Go to the Inbox and select Position Requests
· Then click on the Title for the Position
You may also view all (or those based on your permissions) Position Requests and their statuses by choosing Position Descriptions from the menu at the top, and then selecting Staff Position Requests.
Choose a Position that is listed in your Inbox or Staff Position Request list that has been assigned to you for approval. Click the Title to open the Position. You may also access the Position Request by clicking on the Actions link to the right of the Title and selecting View.
Position Request Summary and Taking Action on Position Description:
The Position Request Summary allows you to see the summary of all information included in the created Position Description. The Position Request may not be submitted for approval until all required fields are completed. To edit the Position Description, click on the Edit link located below the Position Description Title.
There are 4 main areas to the New Position Description Summary. These are:
1. Summary – A summary for the newly created position description. You may edit any of the parts of the position description by clicking on the Edit link, located below the Position Title
2. History – provides a full audit trail for all transactions related to the position description. History provides the summary of the transaction, who performed the action, date and time stamp
3. Settings – a quick snapshot for position’s structure, i.e., where the position reports, executive, etc.
4. Take Action on Position Request – moves the Position Request through the workflow approval process
The Position Request workflow approval process is as follows:
Take Action on Position Request
Authorizer 1 and Authorizer 2, Budget and UHR are all Approvers. The Initiator and Authorizers may move the Position Request to the next Approver. Approvers may approve and move the Position Request forward to the next Approver or back to the previous Approver or Initiator if additional information or modification is needed.
When complete, the Position Request will move to the “Approved” status and is available for Posting.
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