MRC Proximity to Discovery (P2D): Round 3
This scheme aims to support a wide variety of activities to engage and support early stage interactions with industry and external partners in the biomedical/life sciences area in line with the MRC strategy. Such activities may include, but are not limited to,
secondments for early career researchers/ post-doctoral research assistants (PDRA) or professional support staff into external organisations, to work on projects with external partners and/or allow incoming staff from external organisations to work in the University of Sheffield
training events covering various aspects of translational research including experimental design, regulatory requirements, clinical needs, commercialisation routes to market
support to bring in consultants to advise on translational projects within the MRC remit.
1. Background
1.1. MRC Proximity to Discovery (P2D) is a new industry engagement initiative under the Biomedical Catalyst theme. An identified bottleneck in the establishment of new collaborations is the limited ability to support early interactions and knowledge exchange between external partners and academic researchers.
1.2. The MRC P2D scheme is supporting a small number of research organisations in the UK to use creative approaches to building relationships with industry partners. ( ). The aim of this funding is to facilitate and/or support new industry interactions or initiate new projects with existing partners in key MRC strategic areas (
1.3. This is in alignment with The University of Sheffield mission, defined as “the goal of changing the world for better through the power and application of ideas and knowledge”. This process involves partnerships with people and organisations beyond our walls; these partnerships are not one-way, and the insights that we gain from our partners stimulate and enrich the research we do, fuelling innovation and keeping our researchers in touch with the real questions and challenges faced by modern society. Knowledge Exchange (KE) is more than a funding mechanism. It is a key priority and strategic need for our University, and we place it at the heart of our activities.
1.4. The University’s Innovation, Impact and Knowledge Exchange (IIKE) strategy has four key objectives to:
- create and maintain deeper partnerships with external organizations
- make the most of our intellectual property
- engage with our city region
- embed IIKE within our organization.
1.5. External partners may include industry, business, public sector/government or other non-profit sector organisations. External academic establishments are not supported by this scheme.
1.6. MRC P2D projects are an excellent opportunityto encourage and enablea wide variety of activities to support early stage interactions with industry and external partners in the biomedical/life sciences area in line with the MRC strategy. Such activities may include, but are not limited to the following:
1.6.1. Early career researchers/ PDRAs and professional staff at the University of Sheffield may access MRC P2D funding to develop new skills, new relationships and/or develop new projects. Projects are designed to catalyse closer working between partners, allow the development of deeper mutual understanding, lower the barriers to continued collaboration and facilitate the development of ideas and innovation.
1.6.2. MRC P2D funding will also accommodate the movement of staff from external organisations into the University to be involved in a specific project and/or learn about specific techniques.
1.6.3. Professional support staff (both Faculty and Professional Services based) can also be seconded into an external partner to learn about processes and/or how academia could better work with external partners. Examples could include, but are not limited to, business development, academic engagement teams or open innovation teams in companies to learn how best to engage with such groups and/or opportunities.
1.6.4. Training events covering various aspects of translational research including experimental design, regulatory requirements, clinical needs and commercialisation routes to market.
1.6.5. Support to bring in consultants to advise on progressing translational projects is within the MRC remit.
1.7. There is potential for MRC P2D projects to be classified as research if new knowledge is created (for a standard definition of research activity see However, the significant value of non-research based projects, which strengthen partnerships with the potential to generate future research income, is recognised. The applicant should record on the application form if their project can be classed as research.
1.8. The scheme is designed to change the value perception associated with staff exchanges and champion a view that staff movement is valued at all levels and is an integral part of a successful research career.
1.9. Forsecondment opportunities, the period of the secondment may be up to three months, and either full-time or part- time, i.e. may be continuous or split into specific periods but must be complete by 31 July 2018. It is critical that the secondment does not impact on the delivery of the early career researcher’s/ PDRA’s or professional support staff existing commitments. Where relevant, this should be managed with the current sponsor, e.g. via project extension. For early career researchers/ PDRAs on a fellowship, it should be investigated whether the funding can be extended for a period of time to account for the secondment.
1.10. For incoming projects, applicants must discuss secondment preparations with their departmental HR team to ensure correct arrangements and agreements are put in place prior to the start of the project, e.g. access to buildings/systems necessary to carry out project.
2. Eligibility criteria
2.1. ApplicationsforMRCP2Dmustmeetthefollowingcriteria:
Eligibility criteria / CommentsNature of the collaborations
/ •Collaborations may be with new partners or new projects with a well-established partner.
•There must be a clear case for further development of the relationship via either internal or external funding opportunities.
Applicants suitable to undertake the projects / •Applicants should ideally be either early career researchers/ PDRAs or professional support staff employed by the University of Sheffield.
•Note there is scope for more senior academics to undertake the work in exceptional circumstances
External partners /
•Secondments outside the UK are eligible. Ideally all external partners should have a presence in the UK and the activity should be able to deliver benefit to the UK. Projects with external partners with no UK presence are eligible providing that the project can demonstrate clear potential for delivery of a net benefit to the UK. For example, Innovate UK grants are open to EU based companies as long as some of work is carried out with a UK partner and there is a net benefit to the UK.
•Secondments to and from University of Sheffield start-up companies will not be supported.
•The external partner must be committed to supporting the applicant with the expertise/personnel/infrastructure necessary to develop the project. This commitment should be articulated in a letter of support which should be submitted with the application.
•The secondment is dependent on the partner signing an appropriate secondment agreement with the University of Sheffield.
Training /
- Training should enable academics and professional staff in the early stages of identifying and setting up collaborations/further work with external partners, identifying next stages in translational research and/or commercialisation. This may be for specific projects or training as a group.
3. Eligible costs
3.1. The award covers the direct costs associated with the project /training/ consultancy adviceincluding, in the case of secondments, suitable cover arrangements (University only), consumables, and reasonable travel and subsistence. The maximum award is anticipated to be around £15k. (See application form for more costing detail.)
3.2. Applicants should provide a budget with their proposal, which must be costed in the University Costing Tool. Successful projects will have an account set up for these costs.
4. Application process
4.1. This is a rolling call, and applications can be submitted at any time and where they meet the eligibility and score highly against the assessment criteria will be awarded on a first come first served basis until further notice or all funding is committed. Applicants will be informed of the decision approximately one month from the closing date.
4.2. Applications will be assessed roughly every three months.
4.3. 2017/2018 scheduled dates. Depending on demand, we may be able to accommodate applications on an ad hoc basis – please speak to Sue Smith or Neil Harris.
4.4. Application forms are available on the University of Sheffield’s IIKE webpage:
4.5. All applicants must discuss their project with a Business Development Manager (BDM) prior to submission. The BDM will be able to offer advice and guidance for completion of the application form. This may include:
•developing the project plan
•preparing and costing a proposal for the client (if this is required)
•putting in place an appropriate agreement with the partner (if required-via liaison with the R&IS Contracts Team)
•liaising with the R&IS Research Partnerships and Engagement team who areadministering the MRC P2D funding.
4.6. The application is in the form of a cover sheet and a two page application statement. Please be aware that the panel may not be technical experts in your field. Successful applications will demonstrate a convincing case for their research or project in a non-technical manner as well as highlighting the credentials of the early career researcher/ PDRA/ professional staff member.
4.7. To submit an application, please email an original unsigned Word doc and an signed electronic copy of the completed application form to , cc’ing also the business manager advisor on your application, or post to Cat Hartley, 3rdFloor, New Spring House, 231 Glossop Road, S10 2GW.
4.8. All successful applications will have the appropriate contract drawn up prior to account set up.
4.9. Applicants must have the support of his/her line manager or PI, and all applications for a secondmentmust be submitted with a letter of support from the external partner that demonstrates enthusiasm to engage the early career researchers/ PDRA/ professional staff member and a clear understanding of the planned program of work and expected benefit that the secondment will bring them.
4.10 Applicants should provide the following information:
•Fully signed application form.
•Project costing using the University Costing Tool (please see eligible costs section above). When costing your project please enter Christine Hill as an Investigator at 0%. Select MRC as the Primary Sponsor, Proximity to Discovery (P2D) as the Programme Name and Organisation Name as Collaborator (as applicable).
•Please note: Applicants are not required to enter impact costs on their Costing Tool entry for this scheme.
•For secondments, a signed letter of support from the external partner: The letter of support should indicate the potential benefits the partner sees from the interaction. Any additional in-kind support, while not essential, is a reflection of partner commitment to the interaction and should be detailed. The external partner should also indicate that they agree with the terms of a draft collaboration agreement they have been sent.
•For secondments an application statement from the early career researchers/ PDRA/ professional staff member; CV of the incoming staff member from the external organisation.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be judged and prioritised against the following assessment criteria:
Assessment criteria / Comments /Weighting
Project proposal / •Does this project fit with the remit of the MRC and broad objectives of the University’s IIKE strategy?
•Is this a clear knowledge exchange project and/or one that will help build partnerships and/or understanding?
• / 15
External partner (where applicable) / •Is there a letter of support showing clear commitment to this MRC P2D secondment (see section 4.8)?
•Does this demonstrate a shared understanding of the planned programme of work/deliverables and its potential outcomes? /
Project plan / • Are there clear and SMART objectives for the project? (SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound). /
Potential benefit / •Is there a clear understanding of the potential benefits of participation for both partners (in the case of secondments)
•Is there a clear understanding of the benefit of the training event/consultancy (or similar activity)??
•Is the benefit identified both realistic and likely to be delivered by the activities described? / 10
Potential impact / •Could this MRC P2D secondment result in personal development of the secondee and potentially generate impact that can deliver significant economic, environmental and/or societal benefits for UK citizens or reach a large number of beneficiaries, or both?
•Will the event/consultancy result in significant impact for the participants?
•Are there appropriate plans in place to maximise this?
•For non-UK partners, is their realistic potential for net benefits to the UK? / 15
Resources / •Are the resources applied for appropriate and justified?
•Does this represent good value for money? /
Added value/leverage / • If either an early career researchers/ PDRA/ professional staff secondment, how could this secondment benefit TUoS? / 10
Follow-on plans / •Is there potential for the project to lead to the development of a longer-term partnership?
•Is there potential for the event/consultancy to lead to development of further opportunities such as grant applications or enhanced commercial pathways?
•Is there a plan for this collaboration/relationship to continue (in any form) after the duration of this MRC P2D secondment? /
Funding and conditions
6.1. Successfulapplicantsagreetosubmitafinalreportoncompletionoftheproject.
6.2. By accepting the award, the applicants agree to engage with the appropriate teams in R&IS to monitor project progress both during the life of the project and post project to allow the reporting of outcomes and capture of (potential) impact. This will include making non-confidential aspects available to assist with the development of case studies.
6.3. In collating outputs for ResearchFish in relation to this MRC P2D award to the University of Sheffield, R&IS will contact the PI, line-manager or secondee 10-11 months, 20-22 and 30-33 months
after the project has finished to find out how the project has progressed and any new/additional outcomes that have been realised.
.6.4. An appropriate secondment agreement must be in place between collaborating partners before the project commences and funding is released. The BDM and R&IS will assist with advising on, facilitating and negotiating this agreement (see section 4.9).
.6.5. We reserve the right to recover funds where there is evidence that a project is failing to adhere to the agreed application. Similarly, funds may be recovered where these have not been spent in accordance with the application, unless a change has been agreed in writing.
.6.6. Applicants agree to comply with the University’s financial regulations
7. Contacts
Business Development Managers:Faculty of Engineering / Stephen Pyke /
/ T: 0114 22 22163
Faculty of Science / Andy Hogben
/ T: 0114 22 29775
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health / Sue Smith /
/ T: 0114 22 28723
Faculty of Social Science /
Natalie Day /
T: 0114 22 28392
Faculty of Arts & Humanities / Jane Hodson
/ T: 0114 22 28389
General enquiries / Rachel Dwyer, R&IS /
/ T: 0114 22 21437
Neil Harris, R&IS /
T: 0114 22 27439
Note: For all enquiries from applicants who are not attached to one of the faculties listed above, or are proposing cross-faculty projects, please contact Neil Harris or Rachel Dwyer for advice.
MRC P2D Round 3 Guidance (August 2017) 1