Developmental Theorist Assignment

For this project, your group will study and learn about one cognitive/moral development theorist. In assigned groups, you will be assigned to research one human growth and development theorist and then demonstrate a thorough understanding of that particular theory/theorists major argument(s).

Your analysis should include:

•Outline key elements/foundations of his/her theory (include brief personal information for context)

•Apply theory to ‘real life’ human development (provide relevant, real life applications where the theory was applied or where it is useful/helpful)

•Contributions and criticisms of this theory (ie strengths and weaknesses of theory)

  • Find a secondary source that can help explain the theory. This could be a journal article, a movie clip(s), a song, images or something else creative


Your group must provide a 1 page handout(as a group) that summarizes your theorist’s developmental position (as outlined above). Each group member will be responsible for one part of the analysis.

In addition, each group member will provide a reflection about whether you agree/disagree with the theory you studied. Your analysis should include your viewpoint about the theory you have learned, and what you would change with the theory, and why.

You must also be prepared to do a short presentation to the class (5-8 minutes) to inform them about the theorist and theory that you studied. You should provide an overview of their theory (especially in relation to COGNITION, INTELLIGENCE and/or LANGUAGE, explain the ‘real life’ applications of this theory, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this theory).

Theorists to study: Lev Vygotsky, Maria Montessori, Robert J. Sternberg, Lawrence Kohlberg, Carol Gilligan, Moshe Blatt, James Rest, Noam Chomsky

You will be marked individually on this assignment but must work as a team to ensure a complete picture of your theorist is presented to the class. Please ensure your summary is in YOUR OWN WORDS (provide sources for your work if direct quotes are used).

Due Date/Presentation Date: ______

(B1. Theoretical Perspectives:demonstrate an understanding of a variety of theoretical perspectives on human development; A2. Investigating:create research plans, and locate and select information relevant to their chosen topics, using appropriate social science research and inquiry methods, A3. Processing Information: assess, record, analyse, and synthesize information gathered through research and inquiry, A4. Communicating and Reflecting: communicate the results of their research and inquiry clearly and effectively, and reflect on and evaluate their research, inquiry, and communication skill