March 29th 2017

Todd Ulve called the meeting to order at 7:00pm on at the City Arena. Members in attendance were Brian Ball, Kelly Goskeson, Troy Prescher, Brad Loch, Chad Severtson, Matt Hoelscher, Alex Johnston, Travis Quam, Aaron Ladlie, Tanya Fjelsta, Paul Kenis, Robin Witham, Tanya Fjelsta, Matt Tubbs

MEMBERS ABSENT: Matt Erickson, Matt Stay, Troy Neist,

SECRETARY’S REPORT: A motion was made by Brad Hoelscher to accept the February 2017 Secretary’s Report, seconded by Troy Prescher.

TREASURER’S REPORT: A motion was made by Troy Prescher to accept the March 2017 Treasurer’s Report seconded by Matt Hoelscher.

ARENA: dryland area is done, scoreboard is up. Working on A/C in Nystrom Arena. Bid has gone out for new dasher boards. Wi-fi and new sound system this Summer.

CHARITABLE GAMBLING: A motion was made by Matt Hoelscher to accept the Estimated and Actual Expenses for February 2017, seconded by Kelly Goskeson. A motion was made by Brad Loch to accept the Estimated Expense report for April 2017, seconded by Chad Severtson. Motion by Aaron Ladlie for a lawful purpose expense for ice bill up to $12,000.00, seconded by Matt Hoelscher.


ACE/Coach: N/A

Scheduling: N/A

Recruitment & Retention: Matt Hoelscher – U10 girls skate- 30 girls showed up, 17 were new to hockey. Matt got their contact info and would like to try it again

Sponsorship: N/A

Fundraising: working on the golf tournament

Equipment: new goalie gloves and blockers. Goalie coaching cards can be checked out by coaches.

Tournaments: N/A

Concessions: issues with the slushie machine, will try to get it repaired

MN District 9: N/A

Girl Coordinator: N/A

Hockey Advisory Committee: N/A


Albert Lea Tiger Wall of Fame: ongoing

Off-Ice Training Area: ongoing

Webpage: Chad is updating new site

Special Tournament boys 2017-2018: N/A

Hockey Day Albert Lea: January 27, 2018 will be next year’s Hockey Day with skills on Friday night. Good feedback from members in favor of Friday night skills


Off ice area: Done

City of AL Advertising Contract: Todd emailed updated contract to board for review

Peter Puck Johnson Donation: Don Savelkoul is working on it

Board Member Terms: Terms up for Matt Erickson, Kelly Goskeson, Tanya Fjelsta, Brad Loch and Troy Neist. Troy Neist will not be returning.


Coaches recap: A&B Bantams, B Peewee, A Squirt coaches recaps. Remaining coaches will be at next meeting

Updated Policy Manual: Brad emailed updates for Policy manual. Look through and discuss at next meeting. Fair vs. Equal playing time wording.

New Board member: Will need to replace Troy Neist on the board

Roy Nystrom: Discussion started at meeting if Board will do anything to recognize Roy

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held Wednesday April 26th 2017 at The City Arena at 7pm.

A motion to adjourn was made by Troy Prescher, seconded by Alex Johnston.

Respectfully submitted Chad Severtson, Secretary