ENG2D Literacy Test Prep

Literacy Test Prep – News Report Writing

Task: Write a news report based on the headline and picture provided.
·  You will have to make up the information, but it must CLEARLY relate to BOTH the headline AND the photo provided.
·  Be sure to include information on Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.
Purpose: To inform the reader.
Audience: Your audience is its adult readers.
Length: Approximately 1 page written.

You will need to include the following:

·  a headline that give the topic of the story (must be short and catchy!);

·  a lead that briefly gives the most important information at the start;

·  the body,

- written in short paragraphs (2-3 sentences each),

- each one giving an additional piece of information

- incorporate quotations from someone who experienced the event;

Also keep in mind:

·  Use clear language; must be to the point!

·  A news report should be as bias-free as possible; be sure the information is presented factually.

·  A news report should contain fact, not opinion.

·  A news report should be well organized:

·  Organize the facts logically;

·  Use linking words (transition words);

·  Stay on topic.

More TIPS to Writing a News Report

1.  Use quotations to make the report more interesting, and to reveal the person’s point of view on the subject; use non-connotative dialog tags, like “said” or “says” to maintain the impression of your objectivity.

2.  Provide a caption for any photograph included with the report.

3.  News reports follow the inverted pyramid format. This means that the most important information comes first.

4.  Information tends to go from general to specific.

5.  News reports should be written in the past tense, since you are reporting something that has already happened.

6.  News reports should be written in the third person.

7.  Avoid opinions in a news report – stick to the facts. Opinions should only be stated by people being interviewed.

8.  Include direct quotes from a variety of people. Don’t put quotes in the lead.

9.  The body of the news article should give the reader more information about the 5 W’s, providing more details to help the reader understand the story.

10.  Always state the full name of any person mentioned or interviewed in your news report. After stating their full name once, you can refer to them by their last name only.

News Report CHECKLIST for self and peer assessment

Go through the following questions first by yourself, making any adjustments that your answers show are necessary.

A.  Information

§  Read the news report to make sure it makes sense.

§  Does the report answer these questions? (listed below)

Yes No


§  Who is the report about?

§  Are the names accurate and spelled correctly?

§  Is this information complete?


§  What is the topic of the story?

§  What is the story about?

§  Have you made the most important topic or point

clear for the reader?

§  Have you made sure that irrelevant information is gone?


§  When did the event take place?

§  Are the dates accurate?


§  Where did the event take place?

§  Is this information accurate and specific?


§  Why did the event take place?

§  Is this information accurate and specific?


§  How did this event take place?

§  Is this information accurate and specific?

B.  Writing & Format

§  Did you use spell check?

§  Did you proofread carefully for spelling errors that spell

check will not catch?

§  Did you check punctuation use?

§  Does it follow the correct format (go back to the “News Report

Tips” handout; does it follow each of the tips?)