Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting October 7, 2015

Lansdowne Borough Council

Business Meeting

October 7, 2015


The Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, October 7, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at borough hall. Members present: President Schleigh, Ms. Byrne, Ms. English, Ms. James, Mr. Radich and Ms. Williams. Members absent: Councilman Aubrey. Also in attendance: Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Donegan. The Fire Company representative was absent.

Mayor Campuzano opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda: Ms. English moved to approve the agenda. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. President Schleigh mentioned that an executive session of borough council regarding a real estate issue would be held after public comment. Mr. Totaro noted that a Proclamation is being added under New Business.

Approval of Minutes: Ms. English moved to approve the minutes of the September 2, 2015 meeting of Borough Council. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Public Comment – Ms. English moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear public comment. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. There was no public comment. Ms. English moved to reinstate Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Executive Session: President Schleigh called for a motion to go into executive session to discuss a real estate issue. Ms. Williams made the motion. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Public Session: Resumed at 7:45 p.m.


Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Totaro reported that he has contacted a CPA firm regarding periodic closing of the books in preparation for the first quarter audit. More information will follow.

Solicitor’s Report – Mr. Scott had no formal report.

Manager’s Report – Mr. Totaro gave updates as follows:

·  Regional LED Street light program - a meeting will be held to discuss swapping out 40,000 lights in the region. Construction begins in May, 2016 with an expected completion time of 9-12 months after that date.

·  Zoning Hearing Notice re: former Mar-Win Grocery Store. A public hearing will be held on October 22, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers in borough hall. Step By Step Child Development Center is seeking several variances for the Change of Use of the former Mar-Win store at 62 W. Marshall Road for use as a child development/Day Care Center. This change of use is prohibited by the current zoning code.

·  Field design verification completed today regarding the Baltimore Avenue light synchronization project. Poles to be delivered around February, 2016.

Chief of Police Report – Chief Donegan reported that the 2016 overnight parking stickers are on sale. Testing for a full time police officer will take place next week at the 20th Century Club.

The Chief mentioned that background clearance checks are required for all borough crossing guards. The cost is $50 per guard and the borough employs 14 guards. There was a brief discussion regarding who should pay this fee. Other townships make it a condition of employment that the employee bears the cost. Some concern was expressed about the hardship this might impose on lower income employees. Chief Donegan indicated he wanted to ask the School District to pay for half.

MOTION: Ms. English moved to have the borough pay for the background clearance checks for borough crossing guards with Chief Donegan asking the William Penn School District to pay for one-half of the cost. Ms. Williams seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Chief Donegan mentioned that he would like to recognize the significant contributors to the recent National Night Out event at the next general meeting.

Fire Company Representative Report – No report was given.

Mayor’s report – Mayor Campuzano reported on a variety of topics:

·  The Fire Company will be holding an Open House tomorrow from 7-9 p.m. in honor of Fire Prevention Week.

·  The recent shredding event was a success with about 2,000 lbs. collected. The Mayor would like to hold this event each fall and indicated that Yeadon Borough was interested in participating as well. The Mayor questioned holding an electronics recycling event as had been done in the past but Pennsylvania has stopped the practice. The Mayor will ask the Environment Committee to look into the issue after the state budget is passed.

·  The Mayor recently met with State Senator Tom McGarrigle and Mayors Rohan Hepkins and John Dukes regarding resolution of the state budget impasse. The Senator expressed concern with the budget not being passed but there were issues with the Governor's proposal, mostly in the pension and funding reform. The Senator was in favor of the shale tax and non-state liquor sale privatization.

·  Christmas lights in borough - the Mayor has been approached by some individuals regarding Christmas lights in the downtown business district. The Lansdowne Economic Development Committee is proposing stringing lights between the trees rather than through them. The added cost for lights would be $600-$1200, with the higher cost representing LED lights. The Mayor would like to further look into this issue without added expense to the borough. Mr. Totaro indicated that logistically the proposal would be a difficult endeavor.

·  The Mayor will present a proclamation later in the meeting regarding National Teen Driver Safety week.

·  The Helms Award will be presented to former mayor Jayne Young at the December general meeting.

·  Todaro's Music will be the featured borough business at the next general meeting.

·  The Mayor reminded residents that the Aldi's store is now open for business.

President’s Report – President Schleigh mentioned he had received a communication from Delaware County Council regarding its 13th annual Thanksgiving Food Drive and request for donations of food. Individuals who want to make donations or families who want information about the food centers can call 610-566-7540 or 610-713-2365. The donations will be delivered on October 30th to the food bank at True Vine in Chester, PA and on November 20th at the First United Methodist church in Media, PA.

President Schleigh and Councilwoman Byrne recently met with Senator Anthony Williams to discuss the Walk Shed project and economic development issues in the borough. Senator Williams is quite interested in the Lansdowne Theater project and would like to have an additional meeting after the state budget is passed to see what grants might be available. In addition, Senator Williams wants to reach out to all leaders of the municipalities in his district in Southeast Delaware County to have a regional economic development summit.


1. 2016 Budget - Mr. Totaro presented a slightly revised version of the budget. The current deficit is $213,000 with a 2.5% tax increase.

Current projections in the General Fund reflect a 2.5% real estate tax increase with an unchanged assessment. The fire truck purchase price is $580,000. The old fire truck is being sold to Darby Fire Co. for $150,000, leaving a 2016 loan balance of $13,890. Mr. Totaro indicated the borough needs to pay off one year of debt service. The borough will net from that sale about $120,000 and this additional amount could increase the new loan amount. This new loan amount would help offset any capital expenses that arise during the coming year. Mr. Totaro also indicated the debt service would increase by six years if getting $500,000 for the truck loan but the overall costs for next year would be in the black.

MOTION: Mr. Radich moved to borrow the full amount of the purchase price for the new fire truck. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous. Discussion: Mr. Radich indicated financing would be 1.5% for six years. Mr. Totaro mentioned that borrowing this amount allows for capital borrowing that can go into the Capital Reserves Fund that could finance the Walk Shed project and web site improvements.

The projected Sewer Fund increase is 2%.


1. Rate Stabilization Fund 10/15/15 - Mr. Totaro reported that the borough's health insurance plan includes a program that allows for measuring the amount of premiums and claims. Typically, the borough's premiums are more than enough to cover claims and this produces a rebate of about $30,000-$40,000 a year. Currently $60,000 is banked and the current budget reflects drawing it all down.

MOTION: Mr. Radich moved to draw down all the rate stabilization funds. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

3. Teen Driver Safety Proclamation - Mayor Campuzano read the proclamation in its entirety, proclaiming that October 18 through 24, 2015 is National Teen Driver Safety Week. State Farm Insurance Co. is sponsoring participation in a "Celebrate My Drive" promotion through which they are offering 22 grants of $100,000 to high schools that promote safe driving habits among their students.

Action Items:

1.  Mr. Radich moved to authorize payment of bills for period. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

2.  Ms. Williams moved to approve the 2015 paving program. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.

3.  Ms. James moved to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for windows at 58 North Lansdowne Avenue. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.

4.  Ms. James moved to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for signage at 85 North Lansdowne Avenue. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.

5.  Ms. James moved to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for signage/awnings at 9 East Baltimore Avenue. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Executive Session - Mr. Radich moved to adjourn to executive session. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:28 p.m.

Public Session – No motions were made upon reconvening to public session.

Adjourn – Mr. Radich moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ann Henry

Borough Secretary

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