Latin 1 – What Fun! Nōmen

Dr. McGay Ch. 5 Worksheet on (1) sum, esse (2) The Ablative Case

I.  Review of endings. Fill in the box!

Declension / 1st Declension Endings / 2nd Declension
Endings / 3rd Declension
Gender(s) of Decl. / mostly feminine / mostly masculine / Masculine/Feminine
Nominative[1] Singular / / / varies
Accusative1 Singular / -e
Ablative Singular / -em
Nominative1 plural / -ēs
Accusative1 plural / -ās / -ōs / -ēs
Ablative Plural / -ibus

II.  Translate the following sentences, most of which involve the verb sum, esse:

1.  We are in the garden.

2.  We are sitting in the garden.

3.  The boys are friends.

4.  The girls are not friends.

5.  There is a farmer in the field.

6.  There are many girls in school.

7.  Are you (singular/feminine) happy?

8.  Are you (plural/feminine) happy?

9.  I am angry. (masculine) I am angry. (feminine)

10.  I am telling a story.

III.  The Latin preposition “in” + accusative vs. ablative[2] case…

You may have noticed that the Latin preposition in can be followed by either the accusative or ablative case. For example: (1) in hortum; in hortō (2) in vīllam; in vīllā

è  So, what is the difference in meaning?... in + accusative always means “into, onto” while in + the ablative always means “in, on.” Translate these phrases:

(1) in hortum (7) in aquam

(2) in hortō (8) in aquā

(3) in vīllam (9) ex aquā

(4) in vīllā (10) in culinam

(5) in silvā (11) in culinā

(6) in silvam (12) in viam

(6a) ex hortō (13) ē viā

IIII. In recreating the box on page 116…

1.  DRAW in the middle of the page a casa instead of a box.

2.  Draw a figure moving towards the casa, and another going into the casa.

3.  Draw a figure moving out of the casa & another going away from the casa.

4.  Draw a figure sitting or standing in the casa.

5.  Label both accusative and ablative uses.

[1] Nominative is the ending for subjects and complements; Accusative is for direct objects & objects of motion towards

[2] Ablative is used, among other things, for objects of Place Where, and objects of Motion Away From.