Greek Mythology Monster Project

For your first project you will have to create your own monster. You have now read about many monsters including Cerberus, Medusa, the Minotaur, and more. Draw ideas from these monsters and create your own terrifying beast.

The project is divided into two parts, an artistic representation and a written description. The artistic representation can include a hand drawn picture, a model etc. Just make sure you are the one creating it and that it is neat, colorful, and full of detail.

The written description should include at least 3 paragraphs, each type of writing we have gone over should correspond to a paragraph. Your first paragraph should be expository and inform your readers about your monster (what does it look like? How was it created? Etc.). Your second paragraph should be narrative and should tell a story about your monster (Did it fight a warrior? Did it lose its love? Etc.) The third paragraph should be persuasive and should persuade the reader to believe that the monster you created is the most amazing monster ever, strongest, etc.

Work hard to show off the artistic and creative skills you have. This will be a test grade in this class. Your overall goal is to WOW us with your knowledge and creativity. You have plenty of time to work on your project, make sure you use your time wisely and you will be able to create a wonderful project.

These are due at the beginning of class on Friday September 5th.

Detach the bottom portion and turn it in with your project.


Name: ______Date: ______Period : ______

Artistic Representation……………………………………………………………… ____/25 pts

-the representation is created by the student, is colorful, neat, detailed, and creative.


-the writing is grammatically correct, is neat, and easy to read. Each paragraph is at least four sentences in length and shows a variety of sentence structures

-Expository Paragraph…………………………………………………… ____/25 pts

-should inform readers (what it looks like, how it is created etc.)

-Narrative Paragraph …………………………………………………….. ____/25 pts

-should tell a story starring your monster

-Persuasive Paragraph………………………………………………… ____/25 pts

-should persuade the reader about why your monster is ______.


Total: ______/100