Unofficial links between EYFS profile points, P scale statements and Level 1 APP statements


/ Using and Applying / Shape, space and measures / Handling Data
Sequencing / Problem Solving / Estimate and represent / Reasoning / Properties of shape / Position and movement / Measures / Time (measures) / Sorting / Representing / Interpreting
Pupils show awareness of changes in shape, position or quantity,
- for example, groupingobjects that have similar key features such as shape; creating very simple sequences oflight or sound using switched equipment recalling an object that has been placed outof sight.
P4 Using and Applying / Pupils are aware of cause and effect in familiar mathematical activities,
- for example, knowing that in a role-playshop a coin can be exchanged for anitem; hitting a mathematical shape on aconcept keyboard to make it appear on the screen.
P4 Using and Applying / They anticipate, follow and join in familiar activities when given a contextual clue,
- for example, anticipating the next chorus or action in songs and rhymes; matchingcakes to plates.
P4 Using and Applying / Pupils search for objects that have gone out of sight, hearing or touch, demonstrating the beginning of object permanence,
- for example, searching for an object or soundwhen it is removed.
P4 Shape, Space and Measures / They demonstrate interest in position and the relationship between objects,
- for example, stacking or joining objects; using construction materials.
P4 Shape, Space and Measures / Pupils match big objects and small objects,
- for example, finding a big football to place in anet with other big footballs; matching a smallmodel car with a similar-sized model car.
P4 Shape, Space and Measures / Pupils sort or match objects or pictures by recognizing similarities,
- for example, matching shoes or socks by placing one next to one placed by an adult; finding matching pairs from a collection of pictures; collecting objects given one criterion, for example, blue or big.
P5 Using and Applying
They copy simple patterns or sequences,
- for example, copying a drumbeat;copying a simple pattern of repeatedmovements; copying a pattern of largeand small cups.
P6 Using and Applying / They solve simple problems practically,
- for example, selecting appropriatecontainers for itemsof different sizes; checking there is a knife for every fork.
P5 Using and Applying / They make sets that have the same small number of objects in each,
- for example, distributing sweets intocontainers so that there are one or two ineach.
P5 Using and Applying / Pupils search intentionally for objects in their usual place,
- for example, going to the mathematics shelf for the box of shapes.
P5 Shape, Space and Measures / They explore the position of objects,
- for example, placing objects in and out of containers; placing objects inside and outside a hoop; fitting as many objects as possible into a box.
P5 Shape, Space and Measures / They find big and small objects on request,
- for example, from a choice of two objects, identifying the ‘big’ and the ‘small’.
P5 Shape, Space and Measures / Sorts or matches objects and talks about sorting
EYFS profile SSM 2
Pupils talk about, recognise and copy simple repeating patterns and sequences,
- for example, recognising and describing simple repeating patterns on textiles or necklaces from different cultures; recognising and describing a pattern of socks on a line; joining in a pattern of hand claps; talking about and copying patterns such as beats in familiar music, shapes made by hands and feet in damp sand, sponge prints.
P8 Using and Applying / Pupils use their developing mathematical understanding of counting up to 10 to solve simple problems encountered in play, games or other work,
- for example, using tokens or marks to tallyevents or scoring in games; counting in the school environment; using ordinal numbersto describe positions and turns.
P8 Using and Applying / Pupils make simple estimates,
- for example, estimating the number ofcubes that will fit into a box or thenumber of strides across a room.
P8 Using and Applying / They respond appropriately to key vocabulary and questions,
- for example, ‘How many?’
P7 Using and Applying / Pupils search for objects not found in their usual place, demonstrating their understanding of object permanence,
- for example, looking for cups when they are notin their usual cupboard.
P6 Shape, Space and Measures / They show understanding of words, signs and symbols that describe positions,
- for example, responding to a request to putanobject in, on, under or inside another object.
P6 Shape, Space and Measures / They compare the overall size of one object with that of another where there is a marked difference,
- for example, they indicate which of two shoes is the bigger; they compareobjects – big boxes and small boxes.
P5 Shape, Space and Measures / Pupils sort objects and materials according to a given criterion,
- for example, sorting footballs into a netand table tennis balls into a box.
P6 Using and Applying
Talks about, recognises and recreates simple patterns
EYFS profile SSM 4 / Uses developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems
EYFS profile NLC 8
EYFS profile Calc 8
EYFS profile SSM 8 / They manipulate three-dimensional shapes,
- for example, putting shapes into a shape sorter; using3D objects to build and manipulate in role play; rolling a tube in a race with a partner.
P6 Shape, Space and Measures / Pupils respond to ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’,
- for example, moving forwards and backwards on request; recognising when a vehicle is moving forwards or backwards; moving a counter forwards or backwards on a board game.
P7 Shape, Space and Measures / They compare the overall size of one object with that of another where the difference is not great,
- for example, identifying the bigger of two Russian dolls or nesting cubes.
P6 Shape, Space and Measures / Pupils complete a range of classification activities using a given criterion,
- for example, sorting a pile of coins by size, colour or shape; sorting all the blue wellington boots; sorting all the size 6 shoes.
P7 Using and Applying
Recognise and use a simple pattern or relationship, e.g. with support
- copy and continue a simple pattern of objects, shapes or numbers
Level 1 Using and Applying mathematics / Use mathematics as an integral part of classroom activities, e.g. with support
- engage with practical mathematical activities involving sorting, counting and measuring by direct comparison
- begin to understand the relevance of mathematical ideas to everyday situations by using them in role-play
Level 1 Using and Applying mathematics / Represent their work with objects or pictures
Level 1 Using and Applying mathematics / Discuss their work, e.g. with support
- respond to questions and ideas frompeers and adults
- refer to the materials they have used andtalk about what they have done patternsthey have noticed, etc.
Level 1 Using and Applying mathematics
Draw simple conclusions from their work, e.g. with support
- describe the different ways they have sorted objects, what is the same about objects in a set, how sets differ
- identify which set has most, which object is biggest, smallest, tallest, etc.
- explain numbers and calculations, how many altogether, how many used or hidden, how many left, how many each, etc.
Level 1 Using and Applying mathematics / Experiments with a range of objects and materials showing some mathematical awareness
EYFS profile SSM 1 / Uses everyday words to describe position
EYFS profile SSM 5 / They use familiar words in practical situations when they compare sizes and quantities,
- for example, using the words ‘heavy’ and ‘light’, ‘more’ and ‘less’, ’enough’ or ‘not enough’ to compare objects or quantities.
P7 Shape, Space and Measures / They identify when an object is different and does not belong to a given familiar category,
- for example, removing odd items fromsets; collecting items into sorting boxes or drawers.
P7 Using and Applying
They pick out described shapes from a collection,
- for example, picking out all the round shapes in theclassroom; finding shapes with straight edges; fittingshapes into matching holes.
P7 Shape, Space and Measures / Use everyday language to describe positions of 2-D and 3-D shapes
- respond to and use positional language, e.g. ‘behind’, ‘under’, ‘on top of’, ‘next to’, ‘inbetween’…
- respond to and use directional language in talkabout objects and movement, e.g. ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’, ‘turn’
Level 1 Shape, space and measures / Pupils compare objects directly, focusing on one
dimension such as length or height where the difference is marked, and can indicate ‘the long one’ or ‘the tall one’,
- for example, comparing two plants, placed side by side, and indicating the tall one; comparing two zips and indicating the long one.
P8 Shape, Space and Measures / Sort and classify objects, e.g.
- sort using one criterion or sort into disjointsets using twosimple criteria such asboy/girl or thick/thin
- sort objects again using a different criterion
- sort objects into a given large scale Vennor Carroll diagram
Level 1 Handling Data / Represent their work, e.g.
- use the objects they have sorted as arecord
- use objects/pictures to create simple blockgraphs
Level 1 Handling Data / Demonstrate the criterion they have used, e.g.
- respond to questions about how they havesorted objects and why each object belongsin a set
- talk about which set has most, for example ‘most children stayed at school for lunch’
- talk about how they have represented theirwork
Level 1 Handling Data
Describes shapes in simple models, pictures and patterns
EYFS profile SSM 3 / Uses language such as ‘greater’, ‘smaller’, ‘heavier’ or ‘lighter’ to compare quantities
EYFS profile SSM 7
They describe shapes in simple models, pictures and patterns,
- for example, stamping shapes in sand and describing them; using a set of flat shapes to make pictures or patterns; naming some of the shapes used; identifying specific shapes from pictures, simple models or patterns.
P8 Shape, Space and Measures / Measure and order objects using direct comparison
- compare lengths directly and put them in order
- respond to and use the language of comparison: longer, longest, shorter, shortest, more, less, heavier, lighter
- check which of two objects is heavier/lighter and begin to put three objects into order
- find objects that are longer/shorter than a metre, heavier/lighter than 500 grams, hold more/less than 1 litre
Level 1 Shape, space and measures / They show awareness of time, through some familiarity with names of the days of the week and significant times in their day, such as mealtimes, bedtimes,
- for example, ordering events in their day on a visual daily timetable; understanding and using names of days of the week: ‘No school onSaturday or Sunday, swimming on Wednesday’.
P8 Shape, Space and Measures
They respond to mathematical vocabulary such as ‘straight’, ‘circle’, ‘larger’ to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes,
- for example, when shopping, pupils find boxes with straight edges to pack into the carrier bag; they identify the larger circle when stacking two cans.
P8 Shape, Space and Measures / Order events
- order everyday events and describe thesequence
- use the vocabulary of time including days of theweek
- read the time on an analogue clock at the hourand begin to know the half hour
Level 1 Shape, space and measures
Uses language such as ‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes
EYFS profile SSM 6
Use everyday language to describe properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes, e.g.
- sort shapes and say how they have selected them
- use properties such as large, small, triangles, roll, stack
- begin to refer to some features of shapes such as side and corner
- begin to name the shapes they use in the context of an activity
Level 1 Shape, space and measures
Uses mathematical language to describe solid (3D) objects and flat (2D) shapes
EYFS profile SSM 9

/ Number / Calculating
Rote counting / Understanding of number and place value / Writing Numerals / Ordering numbers / Fractions / Comparing quantity / Addition / Subtraction / Addition and subtraction (problems) / Recording
Pupils show an awareness of number activities and counting,
- for example, copying some actions duringnumber rhymes, songs and number games;following a sequence of pictures or numbersas indicated by a known person duringnumber rhymes and songs.
P4 Number / They demonstrate that they are aware of contrasting quantities,
- for example, ‘one’ and ‘lots’ by making groupsof oneor lots of food items on plates.
P5 Number / They demonstrate an understanding of the concept of ‘more’,
- for example, indicating that more cups,counters, food Itemsare required.
P6 Number / Pupils demonstrate an understanding of ‘less’,
- for example, indicating which bottle has lesswater in it.
P7 Number / Responds to the vocabulary involved in addition and subtraction in rhymes and games
EYFS profile Calc 1
Pupils respond to and join in with familiar number rhymes, stories, songs and games,
- for example, using a series of actions duringthe singing of a familiar song; joining in bysaying, signing or indicating at least one of the numbers in a familiar number rhyme.
P5 Number / Pupils can indicate ‘one’ or ‘two’,
- for example, by using eye pointing, blinks,gestures or any other means to indicate ‘one’or ‘two’, as required.
P5 Number / Recognises differences in quantity when comparing sets of objects
EYFS profile Calc 2 / In practical situations they respond to ‘add one’ when working with a number of objects,
- for example, responding torequests such as ‘Add one pencil to the pencils in the pot’, ‘Addone sweet to the dish’.
P7 Number / Relates subtraction to taking away
EYFS profile Calc 5 / Finds one more or one less from a group of up to five objects
EYFS profile Calc 3
Says some number names in familiar contexts, such as nursery rhymes
EYFS profile NLC 1 / Pupils demonstrate an understanding of one-to-one correspondence in a range of contexts,
- for example, matching objects such as cupsto saucers, straws to drinkcartons.
P6 Number / Pupils recognise differences in quantity,
- for example, in comparing given sets of objects and saying which has more or less, which is thebigger or smaller group.
P8 Number / Relates addition by combining two groups
EYFS profile Calc 4 / Understand subtraction as ‘taking away’ objects from a set and finding how many are left
Level 1 Number (Calculating) / In practical activities and discussion, begins to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting
EYFS profile Calc 6
They join in with new number rhymes, songs, stories and games.
P6 Number / Counts reliably up to three everyday objects
EYFS profile NLC 2 / Understand addition as finding the total of two or more sets of objects
Level 1 Number (Calculating) / In practical situations they respond to ‘add one’ or ‘take one away’ when working with a number of objects,
- for example, adding one more to three objectsin a box and saying, signing or indicating howmany are now in the box; at a cake sale,saying,signing or indicating how many cakes are leftwhen one is sold.
P8 Number
Pupils join in rote counting up to five,
- for example, saying or signing numbernames to five in counting activities.
P6 Number / They count reliably to three, make sets of up to three objects and use numbers to three in familiar activities and games,
- for example, touching one, two, three itemsas an adult counts; counting toys or pictures;counting out sets of three, for example,knife, fork and spoon.
P6 Number / Begin to know some addition facts, e.g.
- doubles of numbers to double 5
Level 1 Number (Calculating) / Finds one more or one less than a number from 1 to 10
EYFS profile Calc 7
Says number names in order
EYFS profile NLC 4 / They can count at least five objects reliably,
- for example, candles on a cake, bricks in atower.
P7 Number / They recognize numerals from one to five and understand that each represents a constant number or amount,
- for example, putting the correctnumber ofobjects (one to five) into containers markedwith the numeral; collecting thecorrect number of items up to five.
P7 Number / Add and subtract numbers of objects to 10
- begin to add by counting on from the number ofobjects in the first set
Level 1 Number (Calculating)
Pupils join in rote counting to 10,
- for example, saying or signing numbernames to 10 incounting activities
P7 Number / Counts reliably up to six everyday objects
EYFS profile NLC 3 / Recognises numerals 1 to 9
EYFS profile NLC 5 / Uses a range of strategies for addition and subtraction, including some mental recall of number bonds
EYFS profile Calc 9
Pupils join in with rote counting to beyond 10,
- for example, they say or sign number names in counting activities.
P8 Number / Pupils estimate a small number (up to 10) and check by counting,
- for example, suggesting numbers that canbe checked by counting; guessing then counting the number of pupils in a group,adults in the room, cups needed at breaktime.
P8 Number / They recognize numerals from one to nine andrelate them to sets of objects,
- for example, labelling sets of objects with correct numerals.
P8 Number / They use ordinal numbers (first, second, third) when describing the position of objects, people or events,
- for example, indicating who is first in a queue or line, who is first, second andthirdin a race or competition.
P8 Number / Solve addition/subtraction problems involving up to 10 objects, e.g.
- given a number work out ‘how many more to make…’
- choose which of given pairs of numbers add to a given total
- solve measuring problems such as how many balance with…
- solve problems involving 1p or £1 coins
Level 1 Number (Calculating) / Record their work, e.g.
- record their work with objects, pictures or diagrams
- begin to use the symbols ‘+’ and ’=’ to recordadditions
Level 1 Number (Calculating)
They continue to rote count onwards from a given small number,
- for example, continuing the rote count onwards in a game using dice and movingcounters up to 10; continuing to say, sign orindicate the count aloud when an adultbegins counting the first two numbers.
P8 Number / Counts reliably up to 10 everyday objects
EYFS profile NLC 6 / Read, write numbers to 10
- perhaps with some reversal
Level 1 Number / Orders numbers up to 10
EYFS profile NLC 7
Count up to 10 objects, e.g.
- estimate and check a number
Level 1 Number / Order numbers to 10
- say what number comes next, is one more/less
- count back to zero
- place 1–10 into ascending order
- point to first, second, etc. in a line
- begin to count in twos
Level 1 Number / Begin to use the fraction, one-half, e.g.
- halve shapes including folding paper shapes, lengths of string
- put water in a clear container so that it isabout ‘half-full’
- halve an even number of objects
Level 1 Number
Recognises, counts, orders, writes and uses numbers up to 20
EYFS profile NLC 9

Teresa Hill (Bexley Primary Mathematics Team)