Goldstone Primary School

Laburnum Avenue

Hove BN3 7JW


Tel: 01273 294851


25th September 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are very excited to tell you that as part of the INTO FILM film festival we have got free tickets for the children to attend a showing at Cineworld on Thursday 9th November of ‘When Marnie Was There’ (2014), a film about in which a shy girl sent to the country discovers an abandoned mansion and begins to explore its mysteries with her new friend, Marnie.

The cinema trip is an annual event in Year 5 and is greatly enjoyed; in previous years we have tied the film viewing to our topics in literacy or our topic. This year the film is linked to our work in PSHE on wellbeing and mindfulness.

We will be leaving school at 9.00 so that we can be at the Marina in good time and returning to school by 12.45 (the children’s usual lunchtime). If we are held up for any reason, the children will be given time at the end of lunchtime to eat their food.

The trip will cost £6 this is for travel to the cinema and back. Whilst there we will have a small presentation about the film and the issues it tackles from a member of the INTO FILM team.

We hope that you will support the opportunity to watch the film with other schools in the area.

Kind regards,

Mrs Aplin, Miss Barton, Mrs Owen and Mrs Shephard

INTO FILM Film Festival YR5

I give permission for ______(name of child) to go to Cineworld on Thursday 9th November 2017

Class 5A/5B/5OS/5W (please delete as appropriate)

I have paid my contribution of £6 to cover the cost of the outing via ParentPay.

I enclose a contribution of £6 to cover the cost of the outing in this envelope.

I am able/unable to help on the trip to Cineworld

Signed ______

Growing Together, Achieving Together