Mrs. Downs



Have you ever had a feeling that something bad was coming? That’s how I’ve been feeling recently. It all started when there was a slight chill in the air, and the scent of pumpkin pies was wafting through the breeze. The farmer’s wife has been especially busy in the kitchen lately preparing for some feast. In fact, everyone on the farm has been busy. Not for me though. I’ve been spending my time eating 5-6 meals a day! I can’t believe how much weight I’ve gained! I’m starting to look a little plump. Wait a minute…what’s the date? Oh no! They’re trying to fatten me up for Thanksgiving!

As I come to this realization, I see the farmer looking at me with a gleam in his eye. He turns to tend to the chickens who are causing quite a ruckus. While his attention is diverted, I quickly run to the farmer’s house and look for refuge inside. There are heavy footsteps coming in my direction. I look around the kitchen and see a mop propped up against the wall. Quickly, I hide behind its white, fluffy head as the farmer’s wife comes charging into the kitchen. She doesn’t see me at first, but when I clumsily knock over the broom and bucket standing next to me, she screams! As fast as a cheetah, I run down the hallway, and into a coat closet.

I think that I’m safe for now as I hear the sounds of footsteps and turkey calls get farther away from my hiding spot. Once the voices have cleared, I take the opportunity to run out the front door. As I cross the gated front yard, I wonder how I will escape. I see a sea of green and brown outfits coming up the road. Girl Scouts! They must be selling those delicious cookies! Maybe they can help me.

As they approach, they comment about the cute animals on our farm. They see me run up to them, and think it would be fun to place a sash and vest around my body. They called me an honorary Girl Scout! They feed me some minty cookies, and I hide amongst their group until I am in the clear. Relief!

It turns out I’m much better as a Girl Scout than a turkey. I ended up becoming the pet of one of the girls. She and I made a wonderful cookie-selling team, and sold more cookies than any other scout! We won the grand prize, and are now sitting on a beach, with a cold soda in our hands (well, feathers). I don’t miss my old life at all…I wonder if the farmer had ham last Thanksgiving?!