General Bibliography Form Directions

Study Skills – Mrs. Desplat

How to set up your bibliography:

  • Center the word Bibliography at the top of the page.
  • Alphabetize all the sources by the first word of the entry, but do not number them.
  • Skip a line between each entry.
  • Use the proper format for each source you used.
  • Begin each entry at the left margin. Indent each line of the same entry that follows ten spaces. This is called “hanging paragraph” form.


Author’s last name, first name. Title. City of publication: Publisher, Date published.

Brunner, Borgna. Time Almanac 2004.Needham: Information Please division of Pearson Education, Inc., 2003.

Book with 2 or more authors:

First Author’s last name, first name and Second author’s first and last name. Title. City of

publication: Publisher, Date.

Parker, Derek and Julia Barker. Atlas of the Supernatural. New York: Prentice Hall, 1990.


Author’s last name, first name. (if given) “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Date


Internet Source

Author’s last name, first name (if given). “Title.” Date of posting (if available). Complete web

address or URL. Date accessed.

Bradshaw, Gary S. “Wilbur and Orville Wright.” October, 1996.

November 22, 2005.


Author’s last name, first name. “Title of Article.” Name of Magazine. Date: Page numbers


Satchell, Michael. “To Save the Sequoias.” Newsweek. October 7, 1996: 42 – 46.


Author’s last name, first name. “Title of article.” Name of Newspaper. Date: Pages.

Murphy, Sean. “It Floats.” New York Times. May 21, 1999: A1+B13.

Video or DVD

Title. Director or producer. Medium. Distributor, Date.

Eyewitness: Planets. Dir. Alex Hearle. Videocassette. DK Vision, 1997.


Author (if given). “Title of section.” Title of publication. CD-ROM. Edition, release, or

version. City of publication: Publisher, year.

“King, Martin Luther, Jr.” The Best Electronic Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1995 ed. New York:

Home Town Publishing, 1995.


Person interviewed. Type of interview (e.g. personal, telephone). Date.

Parsons, Mary. Telephone interview. May 30, 1998.