ACHNE Executive Board Meeting Minutes 7.13.09 Page 1 of 6


Executive Committee Minutes

July 13, 2009

Item / Report / Discussion
I. ROLL CALL / I. J. Krothe, K. Warner, C. Roush, S. Swider,
D. McNaughton, R. Chaudry (recorder); P. Levin (joined at 1:15), J. Collier & G. Davidson (joined at 2:00).
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6.10.09 12-5 P.M., 6.11.09 8-12 NOON.
A. Officers
i. Membership Committee
Kristine Warner
Solicit expertise for vetting documents for sign-on in next membership application
ii. Vice-President/ Program Committee Connie Roush
planning for 2010 meeting: call for abstracts, future joint ACHNE & ASTDN program committees
Site for 2011 meeting
Pam Levin (2009 program chair) 1:15:
a. wrap-up 2009 AI
b. attendance to represent ACHNE at July 9-10 NACNS conference
iii. Secretary
Rosemary Chaudry
Items submitted by President for Archives
iv. Treasurer/ Finance Committee
Diane McNaughton
Board members’ travel reimbursement
v. President-elect
Sue Swider
Reimbursement for President’s room at AI
Hotel comp rooms for 2010 AI: 1 comp room per 40 room nights
Midyear and annual report by secretary: compilation of Executive Committee decisions in written form every 6 months
Further action on Certification document.
B. Task Forces
Follow-up from 2009 AI meeting
i. Diversity Task Force
Maxine Nunez, Chair
ii. Innovative Teaching Strategies Task Force
Barbara Little & Joan Kub, Co-chairs
iii. Faculty Qualifications Task Force
Jill Collier & Gayle Davidson- Co-chairs
i. President
Joyce Krothe
i. Follow-up from AI – revising mission & goals (attached) & dissemination to membership for comment – time limited;
future of newsletter
ii. Public Health Nursing historical article regarding certification – P. Kulbok & J. Dieckmann
iii. Endorsement of documents
vetting process & posting to our www site
(AACN will create a www site to house all documents for the Nursing Community that may be linked to organizations’ www sites)
iv. BSN Essentials & Research Priorities documents – out to membership for comment with July 17th deadlines
i. Request for endorsement of Core Practice Doctorate Clinical Nurse Specialist Competencies – request for help by 8.31.09 sent to Board via e-mail on Tuesday 6.23.09 3:53 P.M.
ii. ACHNE representation at NACNS conference July 9-10 – Pam Levin
iii. AACN BSN Education Conference – dissemination of ACHNE BSN Essentials- Chicago meeting Nov.?
iv. Name change for ACHNE to APHNE (Phil Greiner suggestion)
v. Other / II.
agenda approved
Approval of 6/10/09 minutes deferred
Approval of 6/11/09 minutes deferred
i. Currently have 385 members. 11 members will receive from RC for half-year renewal. Get input of other MALs and then submit to Board for review.
ii. Program committee working on title and objectives for next AI, which is joint ACHNE/ASTDN meeting. Michelle Cravetz from ASTDN will be on next committee call.
2011 site – look for places where have member coverage, and coordinate with RC for input.
2009 AI: Will receive evaluation report from RC. Still some bills pending. Approximate profit $15,000.
Received evaluation report from RC; evaluations overwhelmingly positive, with some constructive comments for planning for next year. Positive comments on venue, except for AV. RC taking responsibility for AV issues. Next year’s AI hotel has on-site AV; on-site AV coverage is an issue for future contract negotiations.
No other charge from All Academic except for renewal of $1,200, which will come from next year’s budget.
For 2010 AI, will pull in language from ACHNE strategic plan and from diversity statement in 2010 objectives.
iii. Two documents submitted by president for Archiving.
iv. Ending balance for May $234.000 dollars; expect $15,000 profit from AI.
Board member travel reimbursement budgeted at $4,500 ($450 per board member) for travel to midyear meeting and AI. (President is reimbursed separately out of $2,500 president’s account.) Last year used approximately $2,100. In past have reimbursed current but not incoming board members. Could reimburse current and incoming board members, but this would reduce amount for everyone.
v. Consider incorporating into policy the procedure for reimbursing and complimentary rooms for president, current board members, and future board members for attendance at AI and mid-year meeting in policy. Motion approved to budget for rooms for RC staff, president, and Program Committee chair at AI. To have some rationale for awarding any remaining rooms, important for Board to discuss priority list for awarding any remaining comp rooms after rooms allotted to RC staff, president, Program Committee chair.
Would be helpful to have compiled list of all Executive Board approved decisions every six months at AI and mid-year meetings.
By-laws update at August meeting.
ACHNE has document addressing PHN certification issue. Need to develop strategies to further this issue, e.g., through membership survey, discussions with ATDN, etc.
i. Joyce received an email from Maxine regarding comments received by email following solicitation through listserv.
ii. Task force merged with Education Committee.
iii. Committee made changes to the document that primarily addressed certification, to reflect latest ANCC document.
Will encourage faculty to use document proactively as standard to aim for. Board approved document. Send explanation to members about why additional changes from version presented to AI. Dissemination through publication in Public Health Nursing. Other venues for dissemination are NLNAC, AACN, school deans, others. Board is responsible for considering publication and further dissemination.
i. Under new & old business below
i. Deferred to August meeting.
ii. Deferred.
iii. Deferred
iv. No comments received to date.
i. Deferred to August meeting.
ii. 2009 meeting had 20+ attendees, 8 of whom were organization representatives. Most organizational representatives form psychiatric nursing. NACNS will send electronic versions of documents for sharing.
Update on CNS doctoral competencies (ACHNE requested to sign by Aug. 31): there are some attachments that weren’t sent with paper. Glossary definition of client as CNS competency includes competency “at” community/population level, rather than “or” community/population level.
CNS Education Standards Task Force in progress.
ANCC 2008 number of certifications: 587 CPHN certified (don’t know how many in the two versions); total CNS certified is 12,043. CNS certification exam is 10% pathophysiology, pharmacology, and differential diagnosis; C/PHN exam not consistent with this.
iii. Deferred.
iv. Have had previous discussion of proposed name change. / III.
Obtain approval of 6/10/09 minutes in August meeting
Obtain approval of 6/11/09 minutes in August meeting
i. Kris will get input of other MALs and create draft of document to get info from membership application on expertise areas for vetting process; will then submit to Board for review.
ii. Call for abstracts will come out within next month.
Send Board report of budget to date with evaluation information
Send final budget when ready
Create and send summary of comments about attendance to be submitted to Archives.
iii. Submit two president’s documents to Archive in June 2010.
iv. Conference call in September to discuss provisionally what would put in budget; RC to be on call.
v. Budget for rooms for RC staff, ACHNE president, Program Committee Chair at AI.
Board to discuss priority list for awarding any remaining comp rooms after rooms allotted to RC staff, president, Program Committee chair.
Secretary to report compilation of all Executive Board decisions at 6 month intervals (midyear and AI meetings).
Update on by-laws in August meeting.
Sue will draft a call to address next steps for further discussion on PHN role delineation.
i. Discuss revisions to Task Force report in August meeting.
ii. Discuss Task Force work in August meeting.
iii. Chairs will 1) disseminate document to membership with explanation of additional changes, 2) submit document to Public Health Nursing for publication.
Board will discuss further dissemination of document.
i. Discuss mission, vision, core values statements; future of newsletter in August meeting.
ii. Discuss Public Health Nursing historical article regarding certification at August meeting (P. Kulbok & J. Dieckmann)
iii. Discuss endorsement of documents vetting process, posting to www sites, Nursing Community www site in August meeting
iv. Discuss dissemination of BSN Essentials and Research Priorities in August meeting.
i. Discuss endorsement of Core Practice Doctorate Clinical Nurse Specialist Competencies in August meeting.
iii. Discuss AACN BSN Education Conference in August meeting.
iv. No action taken.
3:00 / Next meetings: all EST time
August 11 Tuesday 1:30 – 3:30
September 28 Monday 1:30 – 3:30
October 20 Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00
November 7, 2009 Saturday 12-5 mid-year meeting at APHA in Philadelphia; room TBA