Elsinore High School

Home of the Tigers

LakeElsinore Unified School District

21800 Canyon DriveWebsite and Email:

Wildomar, CA 92595

Phone: (951) 253-7200

Geometry 2017-2018

Instructor: Mrs. Grimsby

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year. I am looking forward to working with you and your student in my Geometry class. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the procedures and expectations in my class. One of the keys to the success of our students is good communication between students, parents and teachers.

Because math builds on prior learning, it is very important that students understand previous concepts before we can move on to new material. This can be achieved by doing all of the assigned homework on time, coming to class on time everyday and asking questions of the teacher and other classmates.

Math 4 year college bound A-G Requirements:

Parents and students, if you are planning on meeting the A-G requirements for 4 Year Colleges, then you must take 3 math classes at the high school that includes Algebra 2. However, the colleges prefer that students take 4 years of math.Students must obtain C’s or higher to meet the A-G requirements and be prepared for next higher level math class the following year. If a student gets a D or lower they should repeat the class. Students who need to repeat classes may find it difficult to meet the A-G requirements by the end of their senior year. In addition, students who repeat a class with a D or higher will not receive additional high school credits. For further clarification, please speak to your assigned counselor.

Required Materials:

Everyday students are expected to bring their notebook, ruler, paper (both graph and lined) and PENCILS. Pen is acceptable for notes; having different colors may be helpful. Students will need a Scientific Calculator, a protractor, and a compass.


Attendance is extremely important to the success of the student’s acquisition of math skills. A lot of vital information will be delivered during class. Without receiving the information, the students cannot successfully complete the work. It is the student’s responsibility to make-up and hand in all work! Videos of the lessons will be posted on the website, so students can watch the videos if they are absent or need extra help. When returning to class he/she should consult the agenda calendar and absent folder to find out what work was missed during his/her absence.

Tardy: Students who are tardy more than 6 times will receive a detention and/or Saturday school if the behavior continues.

Class work/Homework:

Organization is important in this class and in life. Therefore, students are required to keep a notebook or section in a binder for Geometry. In this notebook, you must have 3 sections: notes and class work, homework, and tests and quizzes. Notebooks will be checked periodically.

Class work will be assigned everyday in class. Homework assigned during the week will be due at the beginning of class on Friday. Because many students are involved in after school sports and activities, it is the student’s responsibility to budget their time wisely. For instance, if you know you have a late sports game on Wednesday night or you do not understand a part of the lesson from Wednesday, you can ask extra questions in class on Thursday and complete the homework Thursday night.

Each week’s homework assignments should be stapled together with a title page. Homework is graded on participation only. If a student gets an A on the homework, it means that they tried all the problems; it does not mean the problems are correct. The answers to the week’s homework assignments will be posted so that students may check their answers. Therefore, students will not be given credit for not showing their work. I do not accept late assignments unless there is an excused absence. In the case of an excused absence I will accept the homework no later than the number of days you were absent after you return. For example, if you are absent Thursday and Friday, the homework you missed will be due on Wednesday of the following week.

Remember that math is very similar to a sport. YOU MUST PRACTICE TO GET BETTER!!!

Tests and Quizzes:

If you are absent on a test day you will have to take the test when you return to class or you will have ONE WEEK to come

in and take the test or you will receive a zero.

There are no make-ups for quizzes. The lowest 2 quizzes will be dropped at the end of the semester. Therefore, you can be absent for 2 quizzes before it will start affecting your grade. If you are absent for more than 2 quizzes, you will automatically get a zero. You will be excused from the quiz if and only if the third absence is excused.

Extra Credit:

I do not give extra credit assignments. I expect you to do all of the assigned work and earn your grade. I only give extra credit for review games and good behavior when there is a substitute.


Progress reports will be sent out about every five weeks so be looking for them in the mail. Grades will be issued using the following scale:

Homework/Class work 15%A: 100-90%

Tests 55%B: 80-89%

Quizzes10%C: 70-79%

Final 20%D: 60-69%

The Final is a large portion of your grade. You cannot just cram for one exam and completely forget the information. You will be required to retain the knowledge you learn and apply it in a final exam at the end of the course. Remember to study with flash cards and practice problems.

Extra Help

  • Do your homework! Practicing the problems in your homework will help you get a higher score on tests.
  • There will be homework almost every night!
  • Look over notes before tests and quizzes.
  • Ask questions in class or fill out a comment card with a question or area of difficulty.
  • Make an appointment to get help from the teacher (see beginning of syllabus for phone number or email).
  • The Website has videos to help you study.

Class guidelines:

  • Come prepared with school materials.
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Use proper language at all times.
  • Pick up litter that you have dropped on the floor.
  • Do not speak when the instructor is speaking.
  • Turn off all cell phones and I-pods. They will be confiscated if they disturb the class.
  • The school’s tardy and truancy policies will be enforced.


Mrs. Grimsby

Please Sign and Return


I have read the course syllabus. I understand and agree to the rules and expectations ofMrs. Grimsby’s Geometry class.

Print Student Name______Period______Date ______

Student Signature______Print Parent Name______

Parent Signature______