Curriculum and Guidelines: English I-5, 2012-2013


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Welcome to our class!

English I, Level 5 Course Description

As described in Bedford High School Program of Studies, “Students recommended for this course should have exceptional skills in reading and writing. English I-5 focuses on rigorous inquiry using a thematic approach to literature. Skills to be developed include applying techniques for insightful self-reflection and peer response; independently employing the writing process to produce well-developed analytic essays; reading closely, actively, and interpretively; and conducting an extensive research project. Students will participate meaningfully and pro-actively in small group work and class discussions. The overall goal of this course is to develop the higher-level thinking skills that characterize independent learners”(34).

Texts and Themes

This course is designed to develop writing and active reading skills while exploring specific themes. We will study and apply aspects of “The Hero Journey Archetype” to most of the literature we read this year, and therefore, our overarching theme for the year is the hero’s journey. In this context, we will also explore other themes, including identity, growing up, education, empathy, and prejudice. This class will provide analysis of several genres of writing, namely: drama, nonfiction, poetry, short stories and novels. Specific texts include To Kill A Mockingbird, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Night, Of Mice and Men, The House on Mango Street, The Odyssey, and Into the Wild.

Over the course of the school year we will also explore answers to the following essential questions:

·  How can the hero’s journey archetype help us to understand literature, the world, and ourselves?

·  What are the sources, symptoms, and consequences of prejudice?

·  What is empathy? What role does developing the capacity to empathize play in achieving maturity?

·  What shapes personal identity?

·  How does a broad knowledge of words, word roots, and word parts empower readers?

·  How does an understanding of formal writing structures help us to generate, organize and effectively communicate our ideas?

·  What is the research process? How can the research process be used to investigate an area of personal or course related inquiry?

·  How can the one to one initiative (access to iPads) reinforce and further our mastery of information and skills?

·  How do various reading strategies help us to read more actively and purposefully?

Homework & Other Assignments

As outlined in the Program of Studies, a level 5 course has a substantial homework requirement in amounts sufficient to support the curriculum. Homework will be assigned each class meeting. I encourage you to use your BHS planner to keep track of homework assignments.

¨  All assignments are expected to be on time and complete.

¨  Homework and long-term assignments are due at the beginning of class.

¨  Reading Checks will be given, so keep up with your reading.

¨  Late homework will be accepted one day late for half credit. It is your responsibility to see me for credit.

¨  Late long-term assignments (papers, projects, etc.) will be marked down one full grade for each day late

(e.g an A - becomes a B-, a B+ becomes a C+, etc.).

Writing Assignments and Writing Portfolios

This year you will have a variety of opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences. These assignments include literary analyses using the 3-part essay structure, original poems and short stories, reader response journal entries, personal vignette writing and a research project.

¨  You are required to keep a portfolio of your writing for this class. The portfolio will contain all of your graded writing assignments as well as a Writing Log, where you will record feedback on each assignment. The portfolio will be kept in my room, H202.

¨  Your portfolio is an extremely valuable tool for growing as a writer as it provides opportunities for self-reflection. Therefore, you will use your portfolio regularly to reflect on your growth and create goals for future writing assignments.

¨  All major writing assignments should be typed and in MLA format.

¨  “An Introduction to High School Writing” is a resource that will help you not only with you writing in this class, but in some of your other classes as well. This document can be accessed it from my website or from the English Department website.

Research Project

Conducting and presenting research requires skills you will not only use this year in many of your courses, but throughout your high school career and beyond. As a result, one requirement of this course is completion of an extensive research project. This major assignment, called an I-Search, will focus on a question you want answered or something about which you are passionate. The goals of this project are: 1) to encourage you to become comfortable using a wide variety of sources -- interviews, government reports, trade journals, electronic media, and print materials 2) to cultivate a sense of when to summarize, paraphrase, and/or directly quote pertinent information 3) to illustrate how a single unified report can draw on diverse sources, and 4) to develop an understanding of MLA documentation requirements.

iPad Expectations

·  The iPad is a powerful learning tool that can improve your learning and performance in this class, but it can also be a distraction to you and to your classmates. Only academic use of the iPad is permitted.

·  Bring your iPad, fully charged, to class every day.

·  At the start of every class, close all apps and turn your iPad to “mute” unless otherwise instructed.

·  Use your iPad during class only for work in this course and only when the iPad is part of the instruction. Otherwise, put it away, along with all other electronic devices.

·  When you are not in school, consider your iPad an extension of our classroom. You are expected to check your First Class email and our class web page daily. If you miss class, you are expected to download any class documents posted during your absence.

·  If you play games on your iPad during class or are using your iPad inappropriately, the school-wide rule will apply: the first offense is reported to the Assistant Principal; upon the second offense, all game apps will be deleted and you will lose downloading privileges.

·  If you are found to be frequently off task, on the iPad or otherwise, your participation and preparation grade will be lowered by at least one letter grade.


¨  You must have a small three-ring binder labeled for English class.

¨  You should also create an electronic binder for this class in Notebooks on your iPad. I suggest organizing this by unit (for example, “The Hero’s Journey”, “I-Search”, etc.)

¨  Maintain these binders. The will be great resources for midyear and final exams.

Behavior & Expectations

¨  Treat everyone with respect and courtesy.

¨  Participate! Contribute regularly to the learning that takes place in class.

¨  Be a good listener!

¨  Be prepared! Bring a pen or pencil, the appropriate textbook, your English binder, iPad, and any assignment that is due.

¨  Be on time for class. Please be seated and ready to begin class when the bell rings and remain seated until class ends.

Plagiarism and Cheating

Plagiarism and other forms of cheating are serious offenses and will not be tolerated. I always expect and trust that you will do YOUR best work and that you are HONEST. If you need clarification or support with an assignment, please see me. Specific consequences for plagiarism and cheating are outlined in the BHS Student Handbook.


¨  If you are absent, please make an attempt to contact me for the material and assignments you missed as soon as possible. You can see me on the day you return to school or email me sooner.

¨  Homework will be posted daily, so be sure to check my web page when you are absent.

¨  You are responsible for obtaining and making up all work that is missed due to excused absences.

¨  Missed quizzes and tests must be made up within a week.

¨  Long-term assignments are expected to be turned in on the designated due date.

Grading Policy

Your grade in this class will be based on tests, quizzes, writing assignments, projects, homework, in-class assignments, and class participation (i.e. the extent to which you contribute to the learning that takes place in class).

September 2012

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

I am very happy to welcome your son/daughter to our English class and am anticipating a very productive and enjoyable year.

Attached you will find a course overview and expectations for English I-5. The basic principles behind all of the policies are respect and responsibility. These policies were presented to students today in class, and in an effort to keep you informed, I am sending them home for your review.

Starting high school is an adjustment for many students, and I am eager to help with this transition. Please encourage your son/daughter to see me at any point if he/she is feeling overwhelmed, needs additional help, or would like additional feedback.

Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions at any point during this school year.


Kelly Sullivan

English Teacher



(Student Signature) (Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)

E-mail (home and/or work):

Phone Number and best time to call (Home/Work):

Comments? Questions? Please write a note here or email me.