Bulletin Of The







Donald P. Ames

Apr. 10, 2011

Vol. 1, No. 1

Temporarily Meeting at:


1555 E. Main St.

Greenfield, Ind. 46140

(317) 840-6778 or

(317) 894-3888



AM Worship…..…...9:30 AM

Bible Classes….....10:30 AM

AM Worship….…...11:20 AM


Bible Classes…..….7:30 PM


Royce U. DeBerry

Donald P. Ames



“You Don‘t Need God”

A group has begun placing billboards up about Indianapolis say-ing, “You don’t need God—to hope, to care, to love. to live.” Their goal is to show the world that people who don’t believe in God can be good, moral people too.

Well, it is true you can hope, care, love and live without believing in God—if you are living in America, as the bulk of society here does believe in God, and our basic laws have been written by people who believe in God. Hence, whether you like to admit it or not, you are benefitting because of others who do believe in God. Even your own moral standards are based on God’s laws—whether you like to admit it or not. Pause and consider if you’d like to live under Muslim control where women are killed because they got raped, or people are killed if they change their religious convictions. Or people are killed just because they don’t share your personal values. Do you prefer that life style? Only because people here in America do believe in the laws of God, are your rights and benefits not to, upheld! Think that through carefully.

Without such basic beliefs in society, what moral standard could possible allow you such benefits and freedom? What standard would determine your right to personal property, caring for the hand-icapped, concern about anyone else? To do what you wanted? To get what you wanted–even at the loss of someone else? To care whether someone else lived or died (unless you were affected)? Look at the former Soviet Union that tried to live without God! Take a few minutes to read the description of those who tried such in Eph. 2:1-4 and Rom. 1:18 -28. You may be able to hope, care, love and live because you live in a society that has strong godly moral standards, but do you truly want to live where those values are not upheld? Think that through carefully! Many years ago there was a city begun in Missouri based on such values—it was soon a-bandoned because the people there saw it would not work!

The billboards are simply another effort on the part of Satan to deceive people into thinking God is not an essential part of their lives. And some day they will pay an awful price if they fall for such a false doctrine (2 Thess. 1:6-8)! --DPA

The End Of The Matter

Governments may rise and fall. Cities may flourish and fail. The doctrines of men may sweep the world, and crumble into decay, but the indestructible word of the Almighty God, presented in our day in the form of the New Testament, shall never pass away. We cannot afford to ignore the existence of the eternal word or God. --Alan Piner

(Southport; Indpls., Ind. bulletin)

Eternity will be a long time to think about what you should have done. [P. 1]

10 Reasons Why You Should

Check Us Out Today!

  • We plead for the unity of all believers in Christ, in keeping with the Savior’s prayer (Jn. 17:20-21).
  • We plead for undenominational Christian-ity, claiming to be nondenominational, we are not part of any other group or denom-ination; we are the body of Christ in this local area, exalting Christ as the head (Col. 1:18).
  • We have no creed but Christ (Acts 8:37).
  • We believe in speaking where the Bible speaks, and being silent where the Bible is silent (1 Pet. 4:11).
  • We endeavor to New Testament Christ-ianity to the present age (Gal. 1:6-9).
  • We bind no other name but the scriptural name of Christian upon our members (Acts 11:26).
  • We propose to save sinners by preaching the simple gospel of Christ as preached by the apostles in the 1st century (1 Cor. 2:1-5).
  • We believe that the gospel of Christ preached in its simplicity and purity is God’s power, and power enough, to draw men to God (Rom. 1:16; John 6:44-45).
  • We strive to pattern our worship after the New Testament pattern (Jn. 4:23-24).
  • We recognize no church organization oth-er than that of the individual congregation, with its elders and deacons, under Christ as its Head (Col. 1:18; Phil. 1:1; 1 Pet. 5:1-4). (Selected)

(Robinson, Ill. bulletin )


Trust God’s authority, not man’s majority.

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I now send a lot more time thinking about the hereafter…I go somewhere for something and wonder what I’m here after.

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Most of man’s inventions have been time-savers—but then came television .

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Most smiles are started by another smile.

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No matter how great our need, the divine resources are never exhausted.

[P. 2]

Are You Dating Jesus?

A young couple recently got married. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was lovely. As the celebration drew to a close, the couple jumped in their freshly decorated getaway car and headed down the road. As they pulled a-way, the adoring new bride looked to her groom and said, “I can’t wait to spend my life with you, starting today.” The groom smiled, and said, “Me too.” However, the bride noticed that they weren’t headed toward the airport, so she asked him where they were going. “I am going home,” he replied. “But we’re not supposed to go to our house till after the honeymoon,” she replied. The groom looked at his bride and explained, “No, I mean that I am going to my parents’ house. I will drop you off at your house on the way.” He went on to explain that he wanted to be married to her, but he was just planning on seeing her on most weekends. Of course, he was sure that there would be times when he had nothing else plan-ed, or when something bad would happen, and he expected that she would show up and help. The bride begn to cry and said, “That’s not a marriage!” As she sobbed, she told him that they were supposed to be completely devoted to each other. He looked at her and said simply, “That’s not what I am looking for.”

It’s easy to read a story like this and think “what a horrible man, he just doesn’t get it!” But before you judge this man, you need to examine yourself, because this is exactly how many of us treat our relationship with Jesus. Many of us are not reciprocating the love of Jesus. Far too many of us are more interested in “dating” Jesus than getting into anything serious.

So what are we going to do about it? The word of God is clear that part time devotion is the same as no devotion at all. –Jim Canada

(Lakeside; Somerset, Ky. bulletin)

You can never tell the depth of a well by the length of the handle on the pump.

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When you can’t handle matters, let them handle themselves.

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Children are so unpredictable. You never know what inconsistency they are going to catch you in next.